[MF] I (18M) had unexpected sex on the first date with a (18F)

After finishing high school I was well and truly bored browsing tinder during my Christmas holidays, I matched with an incredibly attractive eurasian girl, we got to talking for a couple days before she asked if she could come over, told me I was different from other guys on tinder. I accepted of course and when she arrived I put on one of my favorite comedy mockumentaries at the time.

I don’t want to mince words but to put it bluntly she did not find it funny whatsoever. This was quite funny to me at the time but after the movie had finished she turned to me and said stonefaced “You wanna have sex?”.

To clarify sex had not been brought up into conversation even once on tinder (I know, unusual).

I, completely flabbergasted at this proposition considering what she had thought of the movie we watched accepted rather giddily.

I remembered this recently after seeing this subreddit in r/all and just wanted to share a more lighthearted story where the mood pointed almost anywhere but sex.