[MFF] Just Fuck Her!

In the early days of my awakening, before I got married and so on, I had a couple of years of random sexual activities. I’m not the best looking of people nor the best endowed, and yet here we are. I’ve also been called “handsome” repeatedly, but being handsome is like the “nice guy” of lovers. I hate that label.

I’d been “dating” Marisa (not her real name), and I use dating in sarcastic air quotes because Marisa wasn’t into introducing me to her friends and/or family. I knew what was going on. I was 30 and she was 21. I want to stress that I’ve never been the kind of guy who sleeps with women specifically because they are younger. Until I met my wife I was all about picking spots and finding women who were into me. I’m 100% sure there was nothing wrong with my approach.

[MF] Sexy Time with Kat

After I got my education, career, and finances in order, I started dating. A lot. Between 2001 and 2006 I had a *lot* of sex. To this day it’s astounding because I’m a pretty gawky guy and I like to keep to myself; plus I’m bookish on top of it all.

Kat (not her real name) and I had been out a few times. We’d been introduced by the matchmaking wife of a friend of mine, and between my aloofness and her recent divorce we were paired “just because”. I liked Kat, but what I’d known about her divorce was a lot to take in — in particular because I had never been engaged or married.

Our first few dates were fun and enjoyable. Kat was extremely tall (6′) and as I am extremely tall she would always wear these hot high-heeled shoes that she’d been saving up for “the tall man of her dreams”. I remain delighted by a woman in heels, and she was delighted to be able to wear them with a guy that she wouldn’t tower over.

[MF] “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

This story happened back in 2001 when I was still a bachelor / in the hunt and needed to buy a suit for a funeral.

TL;DR I decided to share this story after I just read a great story here about a guy who not only had sex with a married woman but also got her pregnant. I had a lengthy “relationship” with a married woman but did not get her pregnant. It was hot but ended strangely and abruptly.

The conversations you will read here are as I remember them.

I’ve always been a biggish guy. At some point my bachelor’s diet caught up with me and even though I worked out I was 6’6″/275 when I was 28 years old. When my mentor died suddenly in 2001, it was a shock. He’d touched the lives of so many, etc., and I won’t even get into that here. This story starts not because of my grief but because, simply, I needed something to wear and for a man of my size it’s always a challenge, in particular when I’m carrying more weight/bulk than I should be. This remains a problem even now that I’m post-middle age… and married.