[MF] My(23F) barista/fwb (26M) put his special cream in my coffee

Close to my home is a coffee shop I regularly go to. The barista there is an absolute stunner and we’ve been friends with benefits since summer. Usually he’d stop by my place before or after his shift for some fun.

A few weeks ago he asked if he could come over after work, but I told him our schedules didn’t match as I had to go meet some friends about that time. He just responded “yeah, no worries, I’ll just stop by and bring you a coffee for the road anyway if you’d like”. Well of course I want that haha. So I responded back that that would be lovely.

He comes over, gives me my cup and lets me go my way. Before he leaves though he said “oh and check your snap”. So I start walking, drinking my coffee and I open my snap and there is a video of him jerking it and cumming in a cup of coffee… with my name on it… the cup I am drinking of as I watch the video.

[FM] A guy thought I (23F) was a hooker. I didn’t correct him

I was out partying with my friends but it was late and I had sorta lost track of them. I decided to go to the bar for a drink and text them to see where they are. Suddenly a guy walked up to me and said “hey, you seem like you’re looking for some company”. I thought that was sweet of him, so I invited him to join me. We talked for a minute and he suddenly jokingly said something like “wow, I can’t believe you didn’t find a guy yet, are your rates that high?”

At first I didn’t quite understand, but it hit me quite quick. he thought I was a hooker sitting at a bar, looking for customers. I mean, I was dressed sorta slutty, so I definitely see how he got that idea (black crop top, tight and short black leather skirt, fishnets and ankle boots). Instead of correcting him, I just said “haha, depends. What would seem a fair rate to you?”. It all got very real, very quick. He put his arm around me and said in my ear “how about 50 bucks for some head in my car right now?”.