There’s something about that married dad vibe that a guy gives off that really turns me on. You know the type that I mean. Of course there’s the obvious things you might notice- the dad bod, a wedding band, kids in tow. But it can also be more subtle than that. You might pick up on the vacant stare leftover from his wife’s incessant nagging. Or you might notice the way his eyes light up when he sees you smile at him in the way his wife no longer does. Maybe you get the vibe from the hungry glances he doesn’t think you’ll notice as he thinks about what he could do to you that his wife won’t let him.
This one had them all.
I love being able to bring a little excitement into those kind of guys’ lives. It must be so hard to go through every day wanting something that you simply can’t have anymore. But still they do it, dutifully, and find their releases wherever they still can. Reddit, PornHub, Instagram- it doesn’t matter. None of it substitutes for the real thing. If I can be a tiny ray of that and keep them out of trouble at the same time, then why the hell not.