He leaves me wanting more. (Continued.) [F]

J: when do you work again?
Me: it’s like you know! I work tonight.
J: I’m gonna go by.

I spend a little extra time trying to make sure I look decent before I leave the house. I use a few sprits of my favorite perfume, toss on some dusting powder, and pick out a cute but also comfortable pair of panties.

He walks in and I’m already eye fucking him. I didn’t relaize I was attracted to him so much until recently. My pussy nearly pulses at the thought of him touching me. We get to the usual bullshit, we sit on a tiny couch and talk about things. He shares pictures of girls he’s talking to, we laugh about how I didn’t fuck him the first time and we flirt like I’ve never flirted with anyone else before.

He heads to the back where another couple awaits, I’m secretly hoping he doesn’t interact with them. I hear moaning, and my heart sinks. 15 minutes pass and he comes out from the back, I mention I’d rather not know and he swears he didn’t do anything with them. I believe him.

He leaves me wanting more. [F]

Jake has come into my work before, the first time all over the place. He had randomly text me, and because we met on Tinder of all places I didn’t save his number. The conversation was sort of short, to the point, but also a little thrilling.

J: hey, what happened?
Me: uh, who is this?
J: we were supposed to meet up for some naughty fun, (mentions where he’s from)
Me to myself: who the fuck is this? Do I know this person? I deleted the whole conversation do I just keep it going? I remember the town but totally don’t remember the face or the name.
Me: hmm, I guess I must have forgotten

We talk about what we’ve missed out on since ghosting one another, I mention where I work and this instantly catches his interest.

J: when do you work? Can I stop by?
Me: I work tonight actually
J: I’ll head out when it gets dark

This isn’t very shocking, a lot of people wait until it’s dark out. Hours pass and he finally shows up, at first there’s no real interest. He’s cute, but is he cute enough?

Tales from the work place. [F]

I recently started a new job at an adult movie theater. (yes, I know what you’re thinking. They do still exist.) I landed it on a whim and I couldn’t possibly turn it down, I get to hang out, do almost nothing and get paid? Sign me up!

My first week was pretty laid back, I met the regulars, I got a feel for some people who were being sketchy you know the drill.

One night a couple walks in, he’s tall, muscular, and extremely handsome! She’s thin, mousey brown hair, smaller chest, but walks in like she owns the place with her cute dress and fishnet tights.

They pay their fee and head to the back. At this point I feel as if I can figure out the porn from the people, I hear what sounds like a few spanks and giggle as I think to myself “God, that sounded so hot!”

That’s when everything changed, I noticed what I thought could be men talking. I hear them but I can’t see anything so what’s going on back there? A few more hits that sound like a swat across the ass and I’m dying to hear more!