The time I [F] had the best sex of my life with a real porn star [M] after my friends urged me to

A few years ago (probably 2015 or 2016), several friends and I took a girls’ trip to Las Vegas. Of the four of us, three had boyfriends and I was technically single, although I had been seeing this guy for 2-3 months. We had never established exclusivity at the time, so we were both free to do as we pleased.

We were partying at a nightclub one night and I noticed a few familiar faces at the tables, but couldn’t quite put my finger on who they were. Other people, including my friends, seemed to notice this too but I brushed it off since they clearly weren’t A list celebrities or anything like that. I was a few drinks in when I physically bumped into an extremely tall man who when I looked up, was a very good looking. My type – tall, dark, and handsome. He said sorry and as soon as I heard his smooth voice, I felt myself get a bit wet down there as a deep voice is one of my turn ons. I didn’t even notice he had his hands on my waist as he tried to brace our collision. When I did, I noticed they were very large, another turn on.

The time I [F] had the best sex of my life with a real porn star [M] after my friends urged me to

A few years ago (probably 2015 or 2016), several friends and I took a girls’ trip to Las Vegas. Of the four of us, three had boyfriends and I was technically single, although I had been seeing this guy for 2-3 months. We had never established exclusivity at the time, so we were both free to do as we pleased.
We were partying at a nightclub one night and I noticed a few familiar faces at the tables, but couldn’t quite put my finger on who they were. Other people, including my friends, seemed to notice this too but I brushed it off since they clearly weren’t A list celebrities or anything like that. I was a few drinks in when I physically bumped into an extremely tall man who when I looked up, was good looking. He said sorry and as soon as I heard his smooth voice, I felt myself get a bit wet down there as a deep voice is one of my turn ons. I didn’t even notice he had his hands on my waist as he tried to brace our collision. When I did, I noticed they were very large, another turn on.
I went back to my friends and they saw the interaction and commented on how hot he was and how they would if they were single. Because I was a few drinks in, figured why not and went to go talk to him. A bit later, he told me he was a porn star and he was in town for an awards convention in which he actually won an award. I felt myself get extremely nervous and turned on and ran back to my friends to tell them. After a bit, they convinced me this is probably a once in a lifetime chance and to go for it.
The guy and I eventually went to his room and by this time, I was so desperate and curious to see what sleeping with a pornstar would be like. I felt submissive and immediately dropped to my knees as soon as we got to his room and took out his dick. What I saw was unbelievable, and him soft was bigger than anyone I had been with an erection. I did things with him I had never done before like touching a dick I couldn’t touch my fingers on when grabbing, giving someone a blowjob with two hands, being fucked while being held in the air, and having orgasms seemingly at his will. When he was done with me, I couldn’t feel my legs and my throat was sore from the screaming and whimpering I had done. At one point, I asked which scene he won an award for and he put it on the TV and did to me, what he did to her. This is without question the hottest thing ive done and I still watch that scene about once a week. He said I could spend the night, but I knew I physically could not take more sex. After a bit, I made my way back to my room with my friends and told them the details. I knew they were turned on from what I told them, because a few days later, each and every single girl texted me for the scene. I could be wrong, but im pretty sure one of the friends asked her boyfriend for a hall pass so she could have a similar experience.
All in all, best sex of my life to this day. I eventually made things official with the guy I was seeing, and I’m still dating him today. The kicker? I saw his porn history and he’s seen the scene the porn star won the award for. However, he’ll never know that his girlfriend screamed and moaned just like the girl he fucked in the scene.

Update – [FF] My friend accidentally sent me porn and now we have sexual tension part 2

Wow, I didn’t expect the likes and comments/messages I got from my last story! And just to be clear, I didn’t sext directly with my friend – all we did was talk about what parts of the scene we found hot. If you think that’s cheating, you can go to a different subreddit. I also won’t post the scene on this subreddit in case I get trouble haha.
However, I do have an update! The following few days, that scene was all I could think about. I went to the website it was from and watched a few others with the same pornstars and when I was at work, all I wanted to do was come home to watch. It definitely gave me new fantasies I never thought I would have. I would jump my boyfriend’s bones each night but my mind would drift to the scenes and I actually orgasmed harder and a little more frequently than usual.
A few days of this got my boyfriend a little curious and I told him that someone accidentally sent me porn and I liked the scene. He suggested we watch together and it was HOT. My eyes were glued to the screen and he’d pleasure me and fuck me so I got to fantasize I was the girl in the scene. I actually got a little carried away and said things like “your cock is so big its deep” (which I never said before, my bf is average). After he finished, he did get a little insecure after his hormones settled because he knew I was fantasizing about the male porn star. Eventually everything was good, and I think this is a hot new thing for us!

[FF] My friend accidentally sent me porn and now we have sexual tension

Last week, I was minding my own business with my boyfriend. He was mindlessly watching something on Netflix and I was surfing social media while we tried to pick a movie to watch. We ended up choosing something we had both seen before without a complicated plot so we didn’t have to pay too much attention. About 30 minutes in, my friend who I speak to occasionally sent me a text and it got my attention.

However, it was a link to a porn site and was immediately followed by “OMG, I thought I had something else copied and so I mindlessly pasted and sent the message without looking. dont open it!!”. If it had been someone else, I would have thought this was on purpose but I genuinely believe dit was a mistake. However, curiosity killed the cat and I opened it a few minutes later and was BLOWN AWAY by what I watched. I almost forgot my boyfriend was there and if it wasn’t for the earphones I put in, he would have heard. I went to the room and watched the rest of it and told my friend I actually really enjoyed it. I had never seen something like that before and we ended up talking about parts of the scene we really enjoyed and I think we both got super horny. We did some mild sexting but now there’s some sexual tension between us. I’m not really bi or anything, so this is really new to me