What college is actually like (beta test), (chose your own adventure story), (male POV), (college), (slow burn)

What college is actually like (Beta), (chose your own adventure story), (male POV), (college), (slow burn)

Hi, this is the sixth story I’ve posted

This one is different, in that it’s very ambitious! It will take a lot of time, and effort, but I would like to try to create a chose your own adventure story through Reddit! At the end of a post, you will have multiple options, each taking you to another post, continuing the story based on the decisions you make!

I may have bitten off more than I can chew here, but I certainly plan on giving it my best shot!

At first, your options might seem somewhat limited, as it will take time to write for all the different paths you can take, but over time, more and more should be written.

Let’s begin!

You stand on a platform, seemingly surrounded by nothingness. There are others on the platform too, seemingly running towards you. None of them have distinct faces, and before you realize, they have you cornered.

You begin to sweat, and attempt to talk your way out of the situation “Hey guys, I’m sure there’s some way we can work this out”.

What I would do to you (mf), (first person), (non-con), (rape), (choking), (creampie), (impregnation), (breeding)

Hi, this is the fifth story I’ve posted

Warning, this one is not for everyone! I tried my best to appropriately tag it, and if this story doesn’t sound like it’s for you, that’s fine! This is very different from all of my other stories, so you may enjoy those more!

This one’s essentially the depraved thoughts of a man, upon seeing a beautiful young girl.

This is 100% fiction, and I do not condone the acts portrayed in this story.

If you have any feedback, or comments, please let me know! I would love to hear what you think.

Now, the story.

First, I would stalk you for a while, learn your habits, your routine, your fertility cycle. I would wait for exactly the right moment, for it to be dark, and you all alone.

Maybe your walking home, maybe you are home, but alone, and forgot to lock the door. I would seize my opportunity, and strike.

I would grab you from behind, covering you mouth with my hand, and squeezing your neck with my arm. The last thing you would see before passing out, is the back seat of my car.

A perfect morning (ff), (POV), (sensual), (lazy day), (multiple orgasms), (wholesome)

Hi, this is the fourth story I’ve posted

This my first attempt at a female on female story, and quite frankly I’m a bit nervous. I tried my best to write it well, but this is new territory for me.

I appreciate all the comments, and feedback from everyone so far, I cannot express how much I really appreciate it! I have every intention of continuing to post my stories, so you can look forward to more!

Of course, if you have any feedback, or comments, please let me know! I would love to hear what you think.

I hope you enjoy!

You lay in bed, not wanting to rise with the morning. Today was a weekend, and you didn’t want to get up. You turned yourself, to get more comfortable, only to be met by a familiar, beautiful set of green eyes. Both of you were awake, which meant only one thing.

She acted first, delicately kissing your lips. You were always self conscious of how you looked in the mornings, your face, your breath. She didn’t mind you at all, constantly telling you that you were beautiful any time of the day.

After a long hike (fm), (female POV), (sensual), (birthday), (hotel), (shy), (creampie), (wholesome)

Hi, this is the third story I’ve posted.

This one is somewhat similar to the 2nd story, but a bit longer. I don’t know if I succeeded in capturing what I wanted to in this story, but I wanted to share it nonetheless.

I appreciate all the encouragement, and feedback from everyone thus far, it really does mean a lot to me! Do not worry, I have no intention of stopping any time soon :)

Of course, if you have any feedback, or comments, please let me know! I would love to hear what you think.

Onto the story!

You finally just get back to your hotel room. Both you and him got up early in the morning to go hiking, and are now thoroughly sore, and tiered. It was worth it though. He can’t seem to stop smiling, despite being sore. You know how much he loves hiking, and it warms your heart to see him so happy, so content.

As you enter the room, you both take your muddy boots off at the door, and immediately begin stripping off your dirty clothes, until only your underwear remains.

When it’s cold at night (fm), (female POV), (sensual), (cuddling), (creampie), (wholesome)

Hi, this is the second story I’ve posted.

If you’ve read the first one, you’ll find this one to be quite different. I like to experiment with new styles, and new ideas.

I would like to thank a particular redditor (you know who you are) for inspiring me to write this one, and for all the positive feedback!

Of course, if you have any feedback, or comments, please let me know! I would love to hear what you think.

With that said, enjoy the story!

You lay in bed, using the covers to keep you warm from the cold of the night. You’re not alone though, you are held by the strong, comforting hands of the man you love, your bodies pressed against each other. You take comfort in the feeling of being with someone, feeling their warmth, their breathing, their pulse.

You can feel him pressed against you, and you know what he desires, and that he won’t be satisfied until he gets it. You don’t mind giving him what he wants either, because you want it as well.

Remembering a school trip [MF], [First person], [Past tense] [Sneaky], [18+], [Casual Sex]

Hi, this is my first time posting an erotic story (although I have written a few).

This is one of my earlier works, but I think it’s alright, especially if you get into it!

If you have any feedback, or comments at all, feel free to tell me :)

So without further ado, the story.

We were on a school trip to a nearby city. We were staying in a hotel, with four to a room, three in my case.

I got the couch, while the others got the beds. I was texting this girl, who I was getting to know, and I was getting pretty horny.

We were all on the same floor, and on that floor was a large, nice, bathroom, that could be locked from the inside.

I texted her to come meet me there.

I walked over to the bathroom, and waited for her inside.

I heard the door knob turn, and saw her wearing a night gown that looked like this https://imgur.com/a/LoOxwtQ

Except she was wearing a pink bra, and panties underneath.