My parents aren’t home… (continuation)

Since you guys enjoyed my last hookup… (

I’ll update you on what happened last weekend. Rebecca, I and a few of us gathered on the Saturday at the university library to do some group study. Needless to say since we hooked up that night we’ve exchanged some suggestive texts and given each other looks across tables and what not.

This Saturday the library was buzzing with a large number of students studying for the upcoming exams. It didn’t stop my hand “accidentally” brushing her ass though and it didn’t stop her “accidentally” showing me too much cleavage when she bent down in front of me to “pick up her pencil” or to “adjust her bag”. She did it in such a way only I had a view down her cleavage and it was obviously distracting my studies.

Our study group eventually dwindled down and with the ground floor still buzzing with people chatting and walking around, I suggested that I was going upstairs to the study cubicles. Rebecca quickly started packing her bags and said she’d come up with me.

“My Parents Aren’t Home…” (M/F)

Hi GWS. This happened a few nights ago – uni exams are close and Rebecca and I have been part of a study group that has been going until late at night for the past fortnight or so now. She’s a shy, reserved Asian who went to church on a weekly basis.

A couple of nights ago Rebecca had to leave early and only when we were packing up an hour or so late did we realise she left her wallet behind. Calling her up and being the one that lived closest to her, I was going to drop her wallet off to her on my way home.

It was closer to 10pm now and I found her front door and knocked quietly just in case her family were sleeping. Rebecca answered and was obviously delighted, thanking me in relief and telling me how much of a klutz she is when she’s tired. She then added “everyone’s gone out tonight but I’m too tired to join them so I’m home alone.”

“Oh. That sucks”. Was all I could think of at that time. I was a bit taken back when she offered “do you want to come in?”