My name is Jake. This happened when I was in college in the early 1990s. I was a sophomore. I met my roommate’s girlfriend’s roommate and we hit it off. It was an improbably match because I was a pretty standard suburban kid and she was a full-on hippy. Like a hippy-hippy. As in her parents named her and her siblings things like Creek, Gaia, and Luna (not their real names but not far off).
To that point, Gaia was easily the most attractive girl I had dated. She was average height, thin with brown eyes and long brown hair. She had about B-cup breasts and never wore a bra. She was a freshman.
At first we got along because we had similar senses of humor. Later we discovered we had great sexual chemistry. When you’re in college, that’s about all you need as the foundation of a solid longterm relationship.
One of the key things to know about her was that she had zero hang ups about sex. She was all onboard with free love even though that fad passed on 20 years prior. If she thought she’d enjoy something sexual and was interested in it, she had no qualms about pursuing it or talking about or anything. She didn’t care what anyone else said about it which annoyed the shit out of most of the other girls in her hall which was an added bonus for me.