One Last Time [Str8] [Mf] [Teen] [Step] [F/d] [Oral] [Young/old] [Age Gap]

*I said that the last time it happened, would be the last time.*

*I lied.*

I started my morning off the same as I did every morning.

After a hot shower and a cup of coffee, I waved my wife off as she drove away to work. I then went upstairs and slipped into a suit before walking along the hall to wake my step daughter up for school.

“Brie?” I said gently as I knocked on the door. “Wake up, you’ll need to start getting ready for school soon.”


Usually she responds in some way, even if it’s a zombie-like groan to at least acknowledge that she’s awake.

“Brie?” I repeated a little louder.

When there was still no response, I slowly opened the door and poked my head in. The overwhelming fragrance of a young girl’s room met my nostrils; the combination of cheap perfume and dozens of lotions and potions and lord knows what else.

I peered over to Brie’s bed where I saw her laying perfectly still with her sheets wrapped around her up to her neck.

I walked over and gave her a light nudge. “Wakey-wakey. You have school sleepy head.”