Absent Husband

Danielle could feel the vodka hitting her brain as she took another sip of her drink. She wouldn’t typically overdo it while she’s out and about, but she felt good tonight. The recent loss of five pounds and the full Brazilian wax she’d gotten at the salon yesterday had her feeling sexy and confident. She could feel the brush of her cheeky silk panties against her smooth skin and reveled in the sensation of it. She was short but slender. Petite seemed to be the word everyone liked to use. Her strawberry blonde hair accented the freckles on her face, highlighted by her bright green eyes. While she may not have been the prettiest girl ever, what she lacked in looks, she made up for with an enthusiastic personality and pleasant nature. Bumped from behind by someone, she quickly turned.

“Sorry!” She smiled back at Joe, a coworker of hers. He’d only been with the agency a short time, but his easygoing demeanor and ready smile relaxed her. She felt comfortable around him.

“No worries! She said, smiling back at Joe.

“Great party, eh?” Joe said.

The Masseuse

Anna’s car glided to a stop in the parking lot of the body therapy office she’d frequented for years. Knots in her shoulders and a sore back were part of her stressful job as a paramedic, one that she enjoyed for the most part, and one she was quite good at. She loved helping people in the time of their greatest need, making a difference when people needed help the most.

She’d been looking forward to this appointment ever since she made it two weeks ago, already relishing the feeling of her stress and soreness melting away. Her regular masseuse Nicole wasn’t available though, and she hoped whomever she was placed with was equally talented.

Anna signed in and sat in the lobby while her room was prepared. She adored the time she got to sit here. A tiny fountain bubbled away in the corner, a wonderfully relaxing accompaniment to the music that played in the background. The whole aesthetic gave the place an island-type vibe, which Anna loved, as the beach was one of her favorite places of all. Searching for fossils as waves crashed at her feet was a pastime that she was passionate about. She’d never tire of the soundtrack of water and seagulls, and of the feeling of sand between her toes.

Strapped and pegged

Lauren hoped her new roommate was going to work out. She’d agreed to rent a room to Charlie, a friend from work, to help ends meet after her divorce. He was going through a similar situation and really needed a place to stay. Hopefully it would work out to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.
She got home and saw that Charlie had brought over some of his things. She poked her head in the guest bedroom and saw no sign of him. Thinking she heard the shower, she peeked through the partially open bathroom door. Intially she felt guilty, but then again, this was her house, so she opened the door slightly to attempt to see what her roomie was up to.
She immediately felt her breath catch in her throat. He was showering and by use of the mirror, she had the perfect vantage point to see his body, all wet and soapy. She felt her face go flush at the sight of the substantial piece of meat hanging between his legs. “Oh my”…she whispered as she backed away from the door. “Well, my roommate has a big, fat cock. That’s good to know” She chuckled at the fact that he never saw her and was about to leave his room when she saw something in a box by his bed. Utilizing the same reasoning as before, she used her toe to nudge open the flap on the box so she could better see what was inside. She literally gasped when she saw it! He had a sex toy! Before she even knew she had it in her hands, she grabbed it up and began to examine it. It was flesh colored and looked like a cock but had no balls. Instead, there was a flared, flat ring of plastic at it’s base. In the same box, there was a leather-like contraption with a bunch of straps. Just having these things in her hands turned her on. She felt warmth and wetness in her insides and paused a moment to brush a hand across her crotch outside her shorts.
She was determined to figure out how this thing worked and laid the strappy thing, which she figured to be a harness, out on the bed. Once she did that, she could see how it was designed to be worn. She knew that she had to have that thing on to see how it felt. She slipped off her shorts and panties and quickly wiggled into the harness. Once she had it on, she found it easy to attach the cock she found.
She stood there, naked from the waist down and could not believe how powerful, naughty and horny this made her feel. She was standing there stroking her cock and was so caught up in what she was doing that she barely heard the water shut off. Knowing that he’d be coming out soon, she quickly removed the toy and harness, seperated them and put them back in the box as they’d been found. She grabbed her shorts so and panties and scurried off to her room. Leaning against her closed and locked door, she took a moment to let her fingers find her wetness and linger there. She was so horny!! She had a million questions about what she’d found and how it made her feel! She hoped later tonight she’d get a chance to bring it up with Charlie and ask him some of these questions….
Later that night, they’d had dinner and were talking about some of the expectations of the house. Sharing what was left of a bottle of tequila, they were having a quasi celebration of their first night as roomies. Feeling emboldened, Lauren went for it. “Can I ask you a question?” “Sure!” Charlie said happily. Part of what drew her to him was that he always seemed to be upbeat and could seem to find some good in every situation. “Earlier, I peeked in your room to see if you were home and you were in the shower.” She decided not to mention that she saw him all soaped up and naked and DEFINITELY didn’t mention his impressive cock….”Well, I actually have a confession to make. I saw some of your things in a box in your room and….well, I was nosey and checked out what was inside, and kinda didn’t understand what I found.” Charlie, intrigued, asked her to go on. “Tell me what you found, roommate!” he said with a smile.
Undaunted, she continued. “It seemed like a sex toy, but there was a leather get up with straps and…Charlie interrupted her. “Lauren, that’s my strap on. Well, it’s mine, but it’s not worn by me.” He paused for a moment, then another and giggled that infectious giggle of his when he saw her “get it.” “Ohhhh…..Ohhh!” She said. “I’ve never heard of a guy liking that…wait…you do like it, right?” “Oh man” Charlie chimed in…”When the mood strikes and the time is right, it is amazing.”
Completely expecting him to brush off her request, she said “Well, you’ll have to show me how it works!” The next thing she knew, he had her by the hand and was dragging her to his room. Clothes were flying as he helped her get the harness on and the cock attached. She was beginning to feel very horny and powerful and naughty, just like before. “Take it easy on me…” she said. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” Charlie smiled at her and her unease melted away. “I’ll guide you, don’t worry. Tell me without thinking about your answer, how does having a cock on make you feel?”
She knew she was blushing, but she did as he asked and said “I feel very powerful and naughty.” which was EXACTLY how she felt. He nodded. “Good…that’s good.” He instructed her to start stroking it, she didn’t say she’d already done this hours before. “Wow! You’re a quick learner!” Charlie said. She giggled too, feeling her nervousness mingling with the absolute horniness she felt coursing through her. He went on. “99% of what turns me on so much about this is the aspect of role reversal. I’m normally in a position of power, this allows me to be submissive and give whomever I’m with total control of my body. It’s incredibly erotic for me.” She could absolutely see his point. Charlie said “So, I’d love to show you the mechanics of how this works, but it really works best if you’re into it and buy into the domination aspect. Whaddya say?”
She was at a crossroads. Sure, she was intrigued and loved how this was making her feel, but this was a new rooming arrangement and she didn’t want to mess up what could be a good thing. She thought quickly, but clearly and uttered words that she never, ever thought she’d hear herself say. “Charlie, shut up, I’m going to fuck you in the ass.”
She pushed him back on the bed and held his hands above his head. She kissed him deeply and felt him begin to harden underneath her… “I bet my cock is bigger than yours, Roomie” she said in a breathy whisper, although she already knew that wasn’t true. He groaned and kissed her back. Sparks shot through her as their tongues met over and over.
She kissed his neck and face and chest and worked her way down to his fully engorged cock. She grabbed him in her hand and was shocked at how fat and thick and hard he felt in her hand. Just as she was about to attempt to take him into his mouth, she stopped. “Wait a minute. This is backwards.” Standing up, she said “Get on your knees and suck my cock.” He did precisely as he was told. Waves of excitement shook her body. He slipped her cock into his mouth and the pressure pushed the base against her, sending sparks out from her soaking wet pussy. She’d never been this turned on in her life. She was reveling in the role reversal and had never felt more sexually dominant, ever.
Picking up some lube that he’d laid on the bed, she commanded him to lay on his back at the edge of the bed. With his knees pulled back, she was able to easily lube up his asshole and her cock. That was his one and only rule and she obliged him. Consumed by desire to see this through, she positioned the slick head of the cock at his asshole and pushed. She slid into him and he let out a moan that made her shiver. With his legs on her shoulders, she found a rhythm and fucked him long and slow. She found his cock with her hand and thought at first she’d grabbed a tube of concrete. This was the hardest cock she’d ever touched in her life. She stroked him and fucked him and slowly sped up both until she was buried inside him and was jacking him off hungrily. The sensation of the base of the cock pushing against her clit made her cum and she sped up even more.
She knew he was ready to explode. Just as he came, she pulled out and was amazed at how high and far his cum shot out of him and there was so much! Three or four spurts shot out of him before she could get her mouth onto him to taste the rest of his hot saltiness. Three more jets blew into her mouth and she hungrily swallowed him down.
Collapsed on the bed, they took several minutes to catch their breath and let their hearts slow down. He leaned over toward her and smiled and said “Well, what did you think?”
She smiled, closed her eyes and cuddled against him for a much needed nap.

Late night flight…

Imagine sitting next to a handsome man and having the most interesting and engaging conversation. He’s kind and funny, witty and charming and such a gentleman when he hands you a blanket to spread over your lap since you’re a little chilly. Racy talk and innuendo find their way into your conversation and you know that he sees that flash of desire in your eyes.

You find yourself wanting him to touch you and welcoming the familiar tingly warmth spreading between your legs…

You press your leg against his and feel your heart quicken when he lightly places his hand on your leg as he makes a point and makes you laugh….again

Those hands of his….big and strong, they had seen hard work, yet they were deft and nimble and well kept. She lost focus on his words for a moment and found herself wondering what kind of magic those hands could produce…

“Anna….Anna!” his voice saying her name startled her back to reality and she stammered her way back into their chat. They made their way from music to movies to her favorite, the beach. She saw a twinkle in his eye when he told her how beautiful she must be in a bikini….

Late night flight…

Imagine sitting next to a handsome man and having the most interesting and engaging conversation. He’s kind and funny, witty and charming and such a gentleman when he hands you a blanket to spread over your lap since you’re a little chilly. Racy talk and innuendo find their way into your conversation and you know that he sees that flash of desire in your eyes.

You find yourself wanting him to touch you and welcoming the familiar tingly warmth spreading between your legs…

You press your leg against his and feel your heart quicken when he lightly places his hand on your leg as he makes a point and makes you laugh….again

Those hands of his….big and strong, they had seen hard work, yet they were deft and nimble and well kept. She lost focus on his words for a moment and found herself wondering what kind of magic those hands could produce…

“Anna….Anna!” his voice saying her name startled her back to reality and she stammered her way back into their chat. They made their way from music to movies to her favorite, the beach. She saw a twinkle in his eye when he told her how beautiful she must be in a bikini….

Work Party [MF, Cheating]

Danielle could feel the vodka hitting her brain as she took another sip of her drink. She wouldn’t typically overdo it while she’s out and about, but she felt good tonight. The recent loss of five pounds and the full Brazilian wax she’d gotten at the salon yesterday had her feeling sexy and confident. She could feel the brush of her cheeky silk panties against her smooth skin and reveled in the sensation of it. She was short but slender. Petite seemed to be the word everyone liked to use. Her strawberry blonde hair accented the freckles on her face, highlighted by her bright green eyes. While she may not have been the prettiest girl ever, what she lacked in looks, she made up for with an enthusiastic personality and pleasant nature. Bumped from behind by someone, she quickly turned.

“Sorry!” She smiled back at Joe, a coworker of hers. He’d only been with the agency a short time, but his easygoing demeanor and ready smile relaxed her. She felt comfortable around him.

“No worries! She said, smiling back at Joe.

“Great party, eh?” Joe said.

Strapped and Pegged [MF]

Lauren hoped her new roommate was going to work out. She’d agreed to rent a room to Charlie, a friend from work, to help ends meet after her divorce. He was going through a similar situation and really needed a place to stay. Hopefully it would work out to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.

She got home and saw that Charlie had brought over some of his things. She poked her head in the guest bedroom and saw no sign of him. Thinking she heard the shower, she peeked through the partially open bathroom door. Intially she felt guilty, but then again, this was her house, so she opened the door slightly to attempt to see what her roomie was up to.

Vacation Massage [MF]

Thank God it was finally here. Vacation. She’d needed some time off so badly. The last several months had worn on her and she felt the tension residing in knots in her neck and back. She’d planned this beach/spa getaway months ago and she richly deserved the downtime. She snagged the perfect spot poolside to people watch, one of her favorite things to do.

She laid there looking dazzling in her new bikini that was cut just so, revealing curves that turned heads everywhere she went. She glanced halfheartedly at the book in her hands, willfully and easily distracted by the intensity of the sun on her skin, it was as if she could almost watch herself turning a deeper and darker shade of bronze.

Her first massage appointment was later that afternoon and she couldn’t wait. She had eyed with great interest the team of masseurs that would lead clients in to the semi-private cabanas for an hour of pampering and relaxation. Two women were giving massages but she knew right away that she wanted a male. There was just something about strong hands on her body that gave her chills and caused to have to cross her legs for a moment.

Work Party [NSFW] [MF]

Danielle could feel the vodka hitting her brain as she took another sip of her drink. She wouldn’t typically overdo it while she’s out and about, but she felt good tonight. The recent loss of five pounds and the full Brazilian wax she’d gotten at the salon yesterday had her feeling sexy and confident. She could feel the brush of her cheeky silk panties against her smooth skin and reveled in the sensation of it. She was short, but slender. Petite seemed to be the word everyone liked to use. Her strawberry blonde hair accented the freckles on her face, highlighted by her bright green eyes. While she may not have been the prettiest girl ever, what she lacked in looks, she made up for with an enthusiastic personality and pleasant nature. Bumped from behind by someone, she quickly turned.
“Sorry!” She smiled back at Joe, a coworker of hers. He’d only been with the agency a short time, but his easygoing demeanor and ready smile relaxed her. She felt comfortable around him.
“No worries! She said, smiling back at Joe.
“Great party, eh?” Joe said.
“Absolutely! I’m having a blast!” Danielle offered as catchy club music pulsed through the air around them. As Joe looked away, she took advantage of the opportunity to have a better look at Joe. He was dressed casually, in a crisp, pale yellow button down and he was deliciously filling out a pair of jeans. She couldn’t help but notice a familiar heat between her legs as she admired the considerable bulge in his crotch.
She caught herself and looked away “Jesus Danielle, you really *are* drunk.” She muttered to herself as she scanned the room. People were coupled up dancing and it made her think of her husband Luke, who was on a work assignment and unable to join her. Married for two and a half years and together for seven, they made a dynamic couple. She felt a quick pang of sadness that things hadn’t been the same between them physically lately. With his promotion at work, Luke had been logging 90-hour work weeks and by the time he arrived home, he was only good for a quick shower before he retired to bed. She missed his touch and hoped that soon, some of his work stresses would ease up and they could find time for each other once again.
Joe’s hand on her forearm jolted her back to the moment.
“Can I get you another drink? He said.
“I’ll walk with you” Danielle replied as she stepped forward past Joe.
His hand on the small of her back caused her to gasp. She was so hungry to be touched. She moved quickly to the makeshift bar in the corner of the room. She knew she shouldn’t have another drink as she was already feeling very buzzed.
“I think this will be my last” she said, slightly raising the newly acquired drink.
“Mine too.” Joe offered as he clinked her glass with his. “To new friendships!” he said. She smiled and raised her glass to her lips.
She found speaking with Joe to be more entertaining than milling about the party, so they sat and talked as they nursed their cocktails. She caught herself in fits of laughter several times throughout their conversation. She absolutely adored it when a guy was funny and could make her laugh. She was thoroughly enjoying their conversation and was shocked when she looked down at her watch and noticed the time.
“Oh!” she gasped, prompting Joe to ask her what was the matter.
“I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to call an Uber and get home.”
“Nonsense.” Joe said, matter of factly. “I’d be happy to give you a ride home.”
Deep inside, she was glad he offered as it meant she would get to spend some more time with him. Why was Luke at work so much! Anger and resentment flashed inside her as she thought of how absent her husband had been. It wasn’t fair.
As if he could sense her mood souring, Joe lightly placed his hand on her shoulder and said “Danielle?” as she realized she hadn’t externally responded to his offer of a ride.
“Sure.” She said. Allowing a smile to reclaim her face. “I appreciate you offering to take me home.”
They said goodbye to their host and thanked them for a fun evening before making their way to Joe’s car, a stylish sedan. Nothing ridiculously fancy or pretentious, but a nice car nonetheless. He graciously opened her door for her and she was delighted to see that the inside of his car was neat and clean, and smelled good. She always thought you could tell a lot about a person based on how the inside of their car looked.
She told Joe which part of town she lived in and he headed that direction. Their hour long party conversation continued and she was riveted by Joe’s ability to speak intelligently on a vast array of topics. Far too soon for her liking, he pulled up to the curb of the home she shared with her husband Luke. A quick glance at the driveway told her that Luke had yet to make it home. A naughty idea flashed in her mind. Try as she might to quell it, she could not. Before she realized it, she blurted out
“Would you like to come inside?” She hoped the double entendre would not be lost on Joe. The gleam in his eye told her it wasn’t. He agreed and allowed her to lead the way up the walk.
She was so happy she’d tidied up prior to leaving. She would have been embarrassed to have a guest in her home if it was cluttered. She motioned Joe towards the couch to sit and asked if he minded waiting while she put on comfortable clothes. He said he didn’t and she disappeared to her bedroom.
“There’s cold beer in the fridge” she said toward the open door. She heard Joe get up from the couch, open the refrigerator door, then the familiar clink of two glass bottles being carried in one hand.
She quickly changed into a white spaghetti strap tank top and leggings. As she couldn’t stand wearing a bra, she took hers off and didn’t think another thing of it.
Her breasts filled a B sized cup fully and they were topped by puffy pink nipples. Her entire body symmetry was exceptional and she did her best to stay fit. She checked her appearance in the full-length mirror in the corner of her room and liked what she saw.
Joe was relaxing on the couch when she emerged from her room. He’d loosened the top button on his shirt, exposing a bit of his tan muscular chest.
She made her way to him and took a beer from his outstretched hand and clinked the glasses together as is tradition before taking a pull of the beer. She felt the cold blossom into her chest as she swallowed.
As she lowered the bottle, she noticed Joe’s gaze on her chest. She looked down and was mortified to see that her nipples were hard and poking through her shirt. Damn this house for being so cold. Joe saw her cheeks flush red and quickly said
“It’s okay Danielle. I actually find it to be very sexy.” She felt her face heat up and a familiar warmth began to blossom between her legs.
FUCK YOU, LUKE! She thought to herself, freshly angered that he’d had no time for her recently. The way Joe looked at her drove her crazy. She could see the desire in his eyes.
Instinctively covering her chest with her arms she stammered “Y-you do?” As if he knew she needed it he stood up and hugged her. She felt herself relax into his arms. She breathed him in deeply and he smelled so good, like cut pine logs, and grass, and soap. Without meaning to, she pressed her hips into his and felt his hardening manhood.
Fuck Luke. She didn’t care about him anymore. Her hands grabbed Joe’s ass and pulled him tight into her. She was stunned at how soft his lips were as they shared their first kiss. His tongue darted playfully into her mouth where she met it with enthusiasm. He traced hot kisses from her jawline to her ear, down her neck to her collarbones. Her hands grabbed at the front of his jeans to undo the button of his jeans. He continued to kiss her feverishly as she reached into his boxers and
Holy fuck she thought. Joe is HUNG.
She pulled him free and marveled at his thickness and length. She’d always been happy with the size of her husband’s penis, but Joe was a full three inches longer and so thick she couldn’t get one hand around him.
She had to taste him. Her desire to have him in her mouth was overwhelming. She sank to her knees and making her tongue wide and flat, licked his length from the base to the tip. He had heavy, egg shaped balls to complement his wonderful cock. She loved the way he tasted; salty, but fresh. She noticed a thick bead of pre-come on the tip of his cock that she greedily lapped up. She was no slouch in the dick sucking department, but she could only take about half of him into her mouth. He groaned as the head of his cock touched the back of her throat. His hands tangled into the hair at the base of her neck as he began fucking her throat.
She was surprised to see this aggression from him. Surprised, but certainly not disappointed. She wanted this. She needed this. Her pussy throbbed and ached, desperately wanting to be touched.
As if he could read her mind, he pulled her to her feet and swiftly removed her top. His mouth was on hers, then her neck, and her chest. He found her nipple and sucked greedily. A small squeal escaped her lips as he sucked and nibbled on her. She had the most sensitive nipples and had often climaxed just from nipple play alone. Joe found her crotch with his hand and rubbed her through her leggings. She bucked against his hand as if she couldn’t get enough of his touch. As she pressed in, he’d pull away, a true master of the tease. She was his puppet and he was her master.
He pushed her down on the couch and pulled off her leggings and panties. She was so glad she’d had her salon appointment yesterday! Joe consumed her with his eyes before teasing her lips with his tongue. She bucked her hips up towards him, frustrated when he pulled away.
“Ugh” she said. “You are driving me crazy!”
“I know” he replied, and flashed that devilish grin. Right as she couldn’t take one more moment of teasing, he buried his face into her. He expertly alternated between licking her, flicking her clit with his tongue, and sucking on the entirety of her. She had no idea who taught him how to eat pussy, but my God, they had done an absolutely amazing job. It was normally pretty difficult for her to climax. None of her lovers had ever been able to get her off during their first encounter. It normally took some time to figure her out, how she moved and how her body responded to different stimuli.
Not so for Joe. Her first orgasm hit her like a freight train. She felt as if she were levitating off of the couch as he kept his mouth locked on to her throughout her climax. Her chest heaved and her heart rocketed inside her. This man! How was he so impossibly good at this?
She had to have him inside her. She grabbed his face and pulled it towards hers. She kissed him greedily and tasted herself on his lips. She never allowed Luke to kiss her after he went down on her. She was a wanton, sexually driven woman, out of control with desire.
She felt his engorged head bump against her and she gasped. Of course, he didn’t just enter her. He teased her even more, rubbing his rock hard cock against her, teasing her clit with its head.
“Fuck me Joe. Damn it, you fuck me right now.”
She’d never been this turned on. He entered her achingly slowly. Inch by inch he’d push and pull back, repeating until more of him was inside her. When he bottomed out and the last bit of his cock was buried deep inside her, she felt herself clenching against him, riding the wave of her second climax. He stayed there, deep, until she finished, and then began long stroking her. So, so slowly. They found their rhythm with one another, rocking together, their bodies fused together.
She marveled at how good he felt inside her, hitting spots no other man had ever touched.
“Put your hands around my neck, Danielle.” It wasn’t a request. She obeyed and as she did, he picked her up easily and swing around 180 degrees so that he was now sitting and she was face to face, riding him.
“Need a bit of a break?” she asked him teasingly. He smiled and nodded.
“Then you’re in luck, because I like to ride.” She added.
She slid up and down the length of him, those long hours of spin classes and gym work paying off with the core strength that allowed her to move as she did. His hands playfully roamed her body, pinching and pulling on her sensitive tits. As she worked him fully into her, she rocked and rolled her hips as she felt him grinding against her cervix, causing her to come again.
He was enjoying this. She was his toy. She felt so manipulated and used, but she didn’t care. The endorphins manufactured by three orgasms ricocheted around her brain, rendering her incapable of logical thinking.
He stood up again, carrying her. Fuck, he is strong. After bouncing her on his dick in midair a couple of times, he lifted her off of it and spun her around so that her chest was flat on the couch and her ass was in the air facing him. She felt him position his monster cock against her and for the first time she was worried. This had long been her favorite position Did he know that? How could he know that? and it was also the one that allowed her to be penetrated the deepest. The only problem with that was that Joe was already deeper than anyone else had ever been in the normal positions. Though she was trepidatious, she knew she had to have him this way.
He entered her from behind and began to move within her rhythmically. She felt his heavy balls slapping against her which was a strange sensation as Luke’s balls were smaller and stayed tighter to his body. She reached underneath and caressed them every time they swung past her hand, eliciting moans of approval from Joe.
She grunted and moaned with desire. They may have been making love before, but there was no doubt they were fucking now. She saw stars every time his hips smashed against her. Suddenly, Joe’s hand was on her face, pushing it roughly into the couch cushion, his thumb hooked into the corner of her mouth.
“You like my cock, bitch?” he asked. She was stunned at how turned on his comment made her. She grunted a response, unable to speak over the intrusion of his finger.
“You’re my little fuck toy.” Joe said, and pushed her face down harder.
She’d only read about what happened next. As Joe hit bottom (again) and pulled back, a thicker than water liquid that she had no control over shot from her vagina. She’d squirted.
Joe howled his approval and quickened his pace. She had never come like this before. She was dizzy and weak and felt as if she would black out.
None of this mattered to Joe, who continued to batter her pussy with his ramrod cock. She’d never been fucked this fast or this hard. Rivulets of sweat rolled off her back, hers mixed with his. He grunted and quickened his pace again.
“Fuuuuuuck” he groaned and pulled out of her suddenly. She leapt up and spun around, facing him on her knees. His hand grasped his swollen, dripping wet cock and stroked it once, twice, and ropes of hot cum shot from him onto her hair and face, she’d never seen so much cum in her life, eight, nine bursts of creamy liquid onto her and running down her tummy onto her lap. Mouth open, she tasted his seed and was not surprised that she loved the way he tasted. She was his little cum slut, on her knees, covered in him.
She could feel her heartbeat in her crotch. She feared she wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. She motioned Joe to the guest bathroom to clean up as she stumbled toward her own room.
After a quick shower, she emerged in her robe to find Joe dressed and seated back on the couch. He rose to greet her and opened his mouth to speak.
“I wasn’t expecting that.” he offered.
“Nor was I” she replied. “I hope you don’t have any regrets.”
“None whatsoever.” He replied. “I hope this doesn’t cause you any trouble.” He said, as he looked towards the ground. “I’m not a troublemaker or a homewrecker.”
“It won’t.” she said. She stepped toward him and hugged him. With her mouth next to his ear she whispered “See the missing slat in the closet by the front door?” She felt his body tense up.
“Luke has been hiding in there, watching us the whole time.”
The End

Our First….and Last Foray Into Swinging [MFMF]

This is a story about my ex-wife and I and our first and last experience in “the lifestyle.”

I wasn’t crazy about doing it, but she was really excited and shoot, anything that gets your wife fired up is worth looking into. We made contact with a couple and met a couple of times for drinks. I thought the wife of the other group was good looking, and she was really attracted to the other guy.

Well, after knowing these folks for a bit, we decided to meet them for dinner and drinks and share a hotel room afterwards. The initial agreement was to just watch them doing each other while they watched us doing each other. Sounded intriguing, so off we went.

We had a great time at dinner and all 4 of us had nice little buzzes going as we made our way to the hotel.