1. (F/M) Jenna Sinclair the researcher — Help me find the author

Jenna’s heart was beating wildly as she looked through the microscope. The magnified cells collided madly into each other on the glass slide. Her breath quickened as she realised the significance of what she was looking at. Jenna removed the slide and inserted another from her samples. The results were similar. “Oh God! Oh wow!” Jenna mumbled softly to herself. “I’ve isolated it. Now I only have to test it.” Dr Jenna Sinclair had spent the last 3 years of her life working on this project and now she was finally close to fruition. At 30 years of age, she was one of the younger scientists working here and definitely the youngest with a Doctorate. Jenna had always been fascinated with Biology and it had seemed like the logical choice to major in it at university. She excelled at the University of London and even before graduation she was offered a place at Cambridge to do her Masters and then her Doctorate. Almost as soon as she finished her Thesis, at age 28, she had been offered a position as a research fellow in the prestigious SimBioTech Corp in America. Her work focused on physiology, in particular the different enzymes in blood and the differences or similarities between different animals and humans. It was during the course of this study that she had stumbled onto something. Something that she had worked on in her own time and that had taken up a large chunk of her life. She had kept it a secret from the other researchers. It was mainly due to this secrecy that she was forced to work long hours, to ensure she was alone and away from prying eyes. Jenna labelled the test tubes and placed them inside her own secure receptacle. Each scientist had their own secure storage area to prevent contamination of their work as well as to ensure a certain amount of propriety. Although each scientist would be credited for their own work, it was a condition of their contract that ultimately SimBioTech would maintain first rights to any new discovery or enhancement. She took a deep breath as she placed a syringe into one of the test tubes and withdrew 5ml of liquid. She capped the syringe and unscrewed the needle before screwing a sealing cap back on to the syringe. She then slipped it into her coat pocket. Jenna sealed her receptacle and then picking up her briefcase, walked briskly out of the lab. Her heart beat a little faster as she hoped the security sensors wouldn’t pick up the syringe in her pocket. She calmed down a little as she remembered she had removed the metal needle so there was no way the sensors would pick up on plastic.  The only risk was the chance of a full body search and no researcher had suffered the ignominy of that had in the two years she had worked at SimBioTech. Her breath and heartbeat finally returned to normal as she walked out of the sliding doors of the facility and into her car. She noticed she was sweating slightly and Jenna turned up the air-conditioning as she drove home. Jenna’s mind was working overtime as she drove, thinking about the possibilities she may have unlocked. Yet the biggest question was how the enzymes would work on a human. It may have no effect. Worse still, it could have disastrous effects. That was why she had decided that she would have to be the test subject. She would test out her discovery on herself and she would bear whatever consequences it brought. Good or bad. Her thoughts took a breather as she turned into her house. Quickly she made her way upstairs and removed the syringe from her pocket. She stared at it and felt her heart beat quicken again. Carefully she placed the syringe on the table before throwing off her clothes and heading into the shower. She felt her tight and tired muscles relax as the warm needles of water pounded her. She luxuriated in the warmth of the water as she soaped herself, feeling the grime and dirt of the day wash off her. Jenna squatted down and relaxed her bladder, feeling the wave of release as her urine sprayed out. She watched the dark yellow liquid flow along the floor and wrinkled her nose as the strong smell of her urine wafted up. The colour and smell was an obvious sign that she hadn’t been drinking enough water. She made a mental note to consume more water as she soaped her vaginal lips, washing away her urine and collected secretions from the day. Towelling herself dry, she stood in front of the mirror. “Dr. Sinclair. Dr. Jenna Sinclair.” She said softly to herself as she looked at her reflection. “Too brainy for the hunks and too sexy for the geeks.” That had been the story of her life. At 5’7″ and 120 lbs, Jenna cut a very attractive figure. She had been a gymnast at school and she still worked out regularly. She smiled as she remembered how, when she was in her prime, she could put her ankles behind her ears. Pity she was still a virgin then and didn’t use it to her benefit. Jenna was still pretty lithe and flexible and she was sure if she tried, she could do it again. There just hadn’t been a reason of late to have her legs in such a splayed position. Her body was well proportioned, not like the gymnasts of today that had muscular upper bodies. Her breasts were firm and round and she was proud of her 34C bust. Her hips had just the right amount of flare to them and her butt was nice and tight. Jenna turned this way and that as she admired herself. She noticed how pale her skin had become with all the indoor work and made another mental note to spend more time out in the sun. She cast her eyes down to the table where the syringe was and she took a few deep breaths. Her breasts rose in time with her breaths and she sat down slowly. Jenna pulled her shoulder length, black hair away from her face and tied it into a pony tail. She sighed as she thought of the gravity of what she was going to do. The fine hairs on her hands were bristling with nervousness as she picked up a cotton swab and cleaned the reverse side of her elbow with alcohol. She deftly picked up the syringe and popped the cover, screwing on a new needle on to it. Jenna looked at herself again in the mirror. “This is it Jen.” She said softly as she pushed the needle carefully into her arm and plunged the syringe, filling her vein with the enzymes. Her arm felt warm as the enzymes flowed through it but that was only to be expected. She withdrew the syringe and discarded it carefully, flexing her left arm as she did so. “No turning back now.” She said to herself again. “Its been done….”