I went to parents’ town for the holidays. Bought tinder plus, put up a gym shirtless selfie.
Qualified myself as a dude looking for a good time, nothing more. Then I swiped right till i ran out moved to a nearby city, repeated. I had lots of leads, quickly stated my intent for nothing more than fun.
One woman responded in kind and we started texting. We established a dd/lg dynamic, and she turned out to be a dirty little thing. Partial [texts and photos are here.](https://imgur.com/a/sT2Mqtl)
Now, came time to meet. It was NYE. We met at a local casino. We met, she was late, not wearing the slut attire I told her I expected, she had two friends with her, and she was way below my typical standards. Fuck it, I’m here and ready to bust a few loads on her face and make her my whore.