Biggest slut in town kinda showed me the ropes [MF], anal

This true story occurred during my junior year in college. I was not the most successful with women but not a total loser either I guess. I’m 6 foot, average looking, a bit on the chubby side. I lost my virginity freshman year and by the middle of junior year I had sex with 4 girls and some other hookups without sex.

The biggest slut in town was a sorority girl I was friendly with by virtue of being in a frat. She was a year older than me. Hung out with her and her friends at parties and bars many times over the years, very nice personality, she was very loud, flirty and boisterous. Never flirted with me though which was fine. To me she was not attractive at all. Not un-fuckable (obviously), but she wasn’t pretty to say the least. Some guys in my frat nicknamed her the wicked witch of the west. I don’t talk shit like that, but it’s still kinda funny. She was a tall ginger Jewish girl with freckles, long wavy red hair small tits, slender yet very athletic – always in the gym. Guys and girls always talked about what a whore she was, how many guys she fucked in every frat. She had banged many current brothers in my fraternity, even a few who came to visit on reunion weekends. It was said she was doubled teamed several times, and fucked in public behind the bar once. More power to her, I am not and never would be someone to slut shame.

First time coming on girls face [MF]

At the end of my junior year in college I had a brief fling with a girl a year older than me who was graduating. She wasn’t particularly attractive, she matched my height of 6 foot, overweight, big hips and butt but small breasts, decent face, kind of cute. She had a really great personality and wound up being relatively adventurous when it came to sex, at least compared to the few girls I had slept with prior. We knew each other through fraternity/sorority stuff since I was a freshman but it never occurred to me to go for her, how we wound up together would be another story.

In our brief yet very enjoyable time together, I experienced a number of firsts with her. She was even less experienced than I was, so I’m pretty sure there were a bunch of firsts for her as well. She blew me under the covers with her roommate in the room (I didn’t finish though), and we later that night fucked several times all over her living room when all of her roommates were (hopefully) asleep. She let me very briefly fuck her ass once too (it was too tight and I had no idea what I was doing). In general, everything I wanted to do with her (politely asking of course) she was into it or willing to try it, different positions, always wanted to fuck, etc. Now granted I may not have asked for anything so crazy, but in my pedestrian sex life up to that point it was highly appreciated. My fondest moment from our time together is when she let me cum on her face.

[MF] Wife only time cum gag

My wife and I have an healthy, enjoyable but relatively pedestrian sex life. We can’t all be so wild. We are in our early 40’s now, this was about 10 years ago. My wife is great at giving blowjobs. Before meeting her I never finished from one, but we got to learn what the other likes and of course have a strong bond. Depending on her mood she will swallow, she also lets me cum on her face which i love too. I really have no complaints. As great as she is it still does take a while and sometimes I still don’t finish, so blowjob to completion is still rather infrequent for us. We usually move on to sex regardless. But when it does happen it’s great. Now I also love blowjob porn, deepthroating, facefucking, gagging etc. I understand that porn is not real life. My wife is not into that stuff at all, and I am 100% respectful of that. When I am going to cum in my wife’s mouth it’s going to be after a long blowjob and there’s no need for me to say anything, she’s ready for it.

[MF] Nice guy finished last. Passed on fucking young MILF

This one is absent or any actual sex, sorry, “MILF” might also be a tad of a stretch. Senior year of college my roommate and I had an apartment literally a block from the main street in town and all the bars. One weekend evening a sorority girl who had graduated came to visit and brought along her friend. Call the sorority girl C. I knew C a little bit and she was even closer with my roommate. Her friend was textbook butter face. No recollection of her name. Some of the details escape me but they ended up hanging out with me and my friends most of the night. I am average looking, overall a loser with girls but sometimes they do like my sense of humor. This girl certainly did and I could see her looking at me. I decided, yes she was fuckable and we started talking. I found out she had a kid back home, was not with the father yada yada. Everyone had had a lot to drink. At one point, the C comes over to me, she’s pretty lit also, and says smiling “don’t fuck my friend!” What are you supposed to say to that, so I basically said nothing. I don’t know if this was her being nosy, jealous, serious, joking or whatever.

[MF] End of year college fling

With about 3 weeks remaining in my junior year at college, I began a fling with a sorority girl named Kelly. This began as a platonic invitation to a sorority event. See this post for full details.


We were together almost every day those final weeks. I covered this a lot in my previous post, Kelly was not that attractive, but once we started to hook up that didn’t matter. She had a great personality and I enjoyed being around her. During our brief time together I don’t remember there being a single complaint or problem, just two people really enjoying each others company. Obviously that is not sustainable but it was nice. Something else that made it memorable was that I was free to be a horny pervert around her. She enjoyed the attention and loved my sense of humor and naughty/gross side depending on your perspective. Kelly had had even fewer sex partners than I had, but she was very comfortable with me and surprisingly open. Kelly did not get off from intercourse, she needed lots of clit attention from my fingers. She shared with me that her sorority sisters would discuss this and quite a few of them only got off this way. When we had sex, I would get her off first with my hand, sometimes more than once. I would talk dirty to her and tell to come and lube her pussy up, get it ready for me. Once she was taken care of, I could fuck her and not worry about getting her off. This would repeat several times a night. For some reason I never went down on her during this time, I can’t really think of a reason why. I certainly would have if she asked. I think we were both really enjoying the other stuff. She had no problem sucking my cock whenever I wanted but it was always more of a warm up act. Here are some of the more memorable experiences.

[MF] Dated a 23 year old virgin

For part of senior year of college I casually dated a 23 year old graduate student I’ll call “R”. It was her first year at my school and we were introduced through girls she met on a sports team she joined. She was kinda cute, wore glasses, short and a little chunky but athletic, huge tits. Dirty blonde hair she usually wore in a tight pony tail. Very smart. So….23 yo virgin. Her deal was, she wasn’t religious but she was freaked out by the prospect of an STD. She was going to wait for sex until marriage. We had one conversation early on about safe-sex, condoms, testing – she understood all that and still her mind was made up. Did not try to change it for her (would not have stopped her though!) Overall she was mostly (usually) a prude about sex in general which didn’t exactly match up well with a sex-obsessed pervert. Didn’t like to talk or joke about it even really. Said she had had a long-term boyfriend at one point who got tired of waiting (can’t really blame him). She had her good qualities but she turned out to be really selfish in the bedroom. And what little she did seemed like a chore to her. I respect someone not doing things they’re uncomfortable with, but I can also recognize someone who doesn’t give a fuck about their partners needs.

[MF] Fucked a huge slut, avoided an STD, then some messed up shit happened

This one I will try to make short(er). Start of junior year in college, first day of computer science class I’m sharing a desk with a pretty cute girl I’ll call A. Pretty face, nice hair, athletic frame, a little overweight maybe but not much at all. Big tits. This was her first semester at the school and she was older, maybe 26. She’s very friendly and talkative. Told me she had been in the army after HS and then went to a junior college. She doesn’t strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed and she has trouble following the instructions for setting up our lab, so I help her and she is appreciative. She’s very flirty and puts her hand on my leg and shoulder at various parts of class. Now I assume I’m not the only hard-up dude who fantasized about a quick and easy fuck. Some guys I’m sure this would be a regular occurrence with but I was a loser with girls and this kind of thing did not happen to me. I invite her to my fraternities first party of the year on Thursday night. She enthusiastically says yes. This a once a once a week class so I didn’t see her again until the night of the party. She shows up towards the middle of it, looking pretty good, tight jeans and a black t-shirt. Gives me a great big hug, presses her big jugs against me. Some of the other guys in the frat are looking over like WTF it’s no secret my relative lack of success so they are wondering who the fuck is this girl. I get her a beer and we talk and hang out, I am seeing a lot of people for the first time since break so I can’t give her 100% attention but she doesn’t mind. When I am talking to her again she’s very flirty and handsy. Some time later the kegs are kicked and as usual most of the brothers and various others head to this one bar in town. I ask her to come and she says yes. Before we leave the house she kisses me and we make out for a moment. I literally had to make zero moves and I was loving it.

[MF] New hookup quickly fizzled

Here’s a 100% true story about something that started promising but fizzled quickly. You can see my previous post for more info on me. Long story short average looking (at best), not successful with women, but a nice guy. Let me also say that obv this post is completely about my point of view, likes/dislikes, I am FAR from perfect. If you asked the girl she’d surely have her own take. Not so wild but hopefully interesting and maybe relatable.

[MF] Invited to sorority formal as a friend, turned into nice FWB fling

This is my first time writing anything like this. I’m not a regular follower and I realize this may not be so “gone wild” compared to some of what I see here. But it is a 100% real sex story that I remember fondly. Maybe some of you will enjoy it relate. Most of it I remember like it was yesterday. It’s quite long sorry.

OK straight up, always a loser with girls/women. Total pussy, zero game, not a player/stud/alpha male/stallion, shy with girls, self-conscious, you get the picture. Average looking at best. 6 ft tall decent at sports growing up but got chubby (about 215lbs) by HS – not muscle. Sci-Fi nerd/Metalhead. No prize looks wise but I have other good qualities, very intelligent, good sense of humor, and a strong moral compass. Always try to treat everyone with respect including women. Never a problem making friends and overall was respected/liked by most people in various social circles. As horny and as big a perv as the next teenage male (maybe more) but only hooked up with a few girls in high school and no sex. My core group of friends and I didn’t socialize with many girls during HS (shocker). On a side note I met a nice and very attractive woman in my late 20’s and am happily married with children now.