My first threesome! [MFM]

So my boyfriend(James) and bestfriend(Kevin) had been joking for a couple weeks about having a threesome. It was almost constant. I had really wanted to do things with Kevin for quite awhile but I knew James would never go for it. See, James is about average size and build. He's about 5'11" and a little chubby but still muscular. And Kevin's about 6' but he's bigger. And I hadn't really been into bigger guys until him. For qhite a long time now I had been almost constantly daydreaming about getting to do stuff with Kevin. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to be his first. I figured the talk of threesomes was all just joking. Until one night.

So we had all been drinking quite a bit and they were talking about their penis sizes and the differences between them because Kevin is circumcised but James isn't. So they (being lifelong bestfriends) both pulled them out to compare. They're both about average, maybe a little bigger, but thats perfect to me. James has more girth but they're about the same length.