Taking Control

This happend about 5 years ago, I just had a dream about it the other day and thought I'd post it.

I'm not a very agressive guy when it comes to girls. A few years back I was trying to date this woman who was the mother of two very adorable little girls. This woman worked for the gov't and was the Program Manager for about 13 people. Being a single mom she was always in charge of everything, every single day.

I was playing 5 card stud with a friend of hers, I had all the chips and she thought she had a killer hand so she offered to babysit one night giving me a chance to take Angie out. She laid out a Full house, I was holding four of a kind. We all agree on a night, I go pick Angie up and her friend already picked up the kids. I'll admit that I was seriously trying to date this girl for about a year without any luck. I was always attentive to her two kids, but I guess I was a little to "I don't care, you choose" for her so we never really worked out. I was always kind of a BFF to her than a lover.

friends daughter and her friend M/F/F

I'm a male in my 40's, not great looking and not in the greatest of shape. I recently had a very long dry spell and was feeling really down about myself. A friend of mine invited me to visit him and his family just to get me out of the small town I lived in. I needed a change so I accepted his offer. I stayed there for two weeks and for the most part we just hung out and talked a lot. He has two daughters, one is the sweetest 7 year old ever and the other is 19, her name was Tiffany. I got to talking to Tiffany a lot and thought she was sweet, funny, smart, and overall just a good person. I also found myself extremely attracted to her. So much that I would find myself thinking, "You can't bang your buddies daughter." She started having one of her girlfriends, Jessica, come over a lot. She spent the night pretty much every night and their bedroom was literally 5 feet from mine. I was a little more attracted to the friend b/c she was petite, b-cup breast, small firm ass and long thin legs. Tiffany had bigger breasts and a nice round ass. She was taller so her legs were longer, but they were a little thicker.