Slowly rubbed my wife while she slept [FM]

I have been crazy horny lately (and always lol) and while my wife tries to help she is tired and doesn’t keep up.

I was jerking off the other night after she fell asleep and it was hot so neither had covers on. I don’t know what made me do this but I just did. I slowly reached my hand and hovered over just a over her mound and held it while I listened to her breath and slowly quietly stroked my cock with my other hand. This went on for about 15 until I got the courage to make contact and lightly rub up and down right along her clit when I found it getting a little hard. She never really moved or woke up but her breathing picked up when I found her clit and got into a slow rhythm up and down very softly on top of her panties. She cums easily so I know much more would have been too much.