The most beautiful girl I ever fucked [FM]

That time again.

The story is about the third girl I fucked.

Bit of background… The previous summer I found out my best friend had been fucking my girlfriend and this left me devasted ruining my social life and my peace of mind.

I had read the email exchanges and she wrote how much bigger his cock was and how much she loved him. Truly soul destroying stuff.

Ultimately I realised he had always envied me and lacked the ability and confidence to go out and meet women on his own.

I used this time to hit the gym and start to diet and lose weight. But the truth was I was lonely despite how much I hated her if she had come back to me I would have forgiven her and taken her back like a fool.

So one day at uni I say a girl wearing a bright red coat. To this day I have not met someone so beautiful… She had the most beautiful eyes and a sweet smile.

The girl in the next dorm [FM]

Hi guys love the posts here keep em real. I’ve lurked for years thought I’d share.

This story goes back about 15 years. I am married now with 3 kids and sometimes the dead bedroom situation makes me go back and think about the days where I used to get some.

It was about 10pm on campus and my car parts had been delivered by my brother and he had set off for home. I couldn’t wait to fix the car so was out late in the car park working on the clutch cylinder.

Most people had gone back home as it was the holidays but I worked on campus so stayed to earn a few extra bucks.

As I was heading back I noticed a girl was staring at me from her communal area /kitchen and smiling. I was too shy to say anything back or even smile back. As I passed her I kicked myself for being so stupid.

I mustered the courage to call her from the flat phone. I rang her extension and she picked up straight away.