[M]agic of suspended [F]eelings. Pt. 1 & 2

First try in writing something that may be reality or may be fantasy. I’ve marked parts that go more explicit with ## It’ll be a longer series, I assume – so this is only the introduction. Stay tuned.

Part 2 up, a bit more explicit :)


So I’ve entered the apartment, like so many times, but this time my heart was wiggling already on the way over there, back on the streets. Todays Constellation was different, and we both knew.. well, at least I knew.

She opened the door and her face was graced with her beautifully inviting smile, as always .. also looking a bit hazy at the same time. Leaning her body on the door, in a relaxed manner with her sloppy, hanging clothes.. like she just stood up. Knowing all that made her sleepy smile even more seductive, and my heart throbbing intensified slightly as I walked on to her and took her in my arms, gently hugging her and holding her for longer than the usual hug. I’ve felt her arms clenched around my chest and she was holding me quite tight, unusually tight for her calm and sleepy look.

[M]agic of suspended [F]eelings. Thing’s that we may be should’ve never done.

First try in writing something that may be reality or may be fantasy. I’ve marked parts that go more explicit with *****
It’ll be a longer series, I assume – so this is only the introduction. Stay tuned :)


So I’ve entered the apartment, like so many times, but this time my heart was wiggling already on the way over there, back on the streets. Todays Constellation was different, and we both knew.. well, at least I knew.

She opened the door and her face was graced with her beautifully inviting smile, as always .. also looking a bit hazy at the same time. Leaning her body on the door, in a relaxed manner with her sloppy, hanging clothes.. like she just stood up. Knowing all that made her sleepy smile even more seductive, and my heart throbbing intensified slightly as I walked on to her and took her in my arms, gently hugging her and holding her for longer than the usual hug. I’ve felt her arms clenched around my chest and she was holding me quite tight, unusually tight for her calm and sleepy look.