[m]y memories of the best [f]wb I had

I have to say I’m a little disappointed with this sub as I was hoping that these would all be real stories. I can tell you that this was is 100% real. I’m not a novel writer so pardon the crappy writing quality. We went our separate ways 3 years ago but met 3 years earlier on a dating site. This site also had a “casual” section which I definitely explored and was my primary category to browse. I found Jen’s (no not her real name) profile and something didn’t fit. The profile was too “nice”. So trying to play off as a gentleman I asked her if she was lost lol. That’s how we started chatting, texting and pretty soon I forgot about the site all together and didn’t bother replying to anyone else that would message me. We exchanged pictures and did the whole email, texting, calling for quite a while. She was about 5’5 and slim.. not anorexic skinny but definitely thought she worked out. She didn’t. Lucky her. Being on the slim side her chest wasn’t eye popping but definitely something there to play with.

[fm] A Growing Desire, Part 1

Typically, I post to Literotica. But I've decided to share a few stories here. Enjoy.

I kept having the same dream. Not that that's anything new. I'll have recurring dreams about losing my makeup, missing a flight, failing out of school. But I usually don't have these types of dreams. The ones where I wake up in the middle of the night feeling guilty, ashamed, and incredibly wet. Guilty because my boyfriend would be gently asleep next to me, unaware what filled my dreams. Ashamed because, well, I love sex. I love the way it feels when my boyfriend pushes deep inside of me, the way he touches me, kisses me, and whispers how much he loves me. I love it when he spanks me. I love it when he takes control of me.

She thought She Was Alone in the Woods

Its one of those days where you can feel the color. A crisp breeze stirs up a swirl of orange, red and brown leaves on the ground feet below my stand. The way the golden leaves pop against the clear blue sky is why I really hunt. Sure, the meat, the trophies, its all great, but the best part is being alone up in my stand watching and listening to the life around me. Its not the kind of life I am used to watching. Being an avid people watcher and a fan of life's odd events its refreshing to cut ties with human contact just for a few hours. Two birds, one stone: clear my mind, fill my freezer. I hear movement coming from behind my stand. It is only faint leaves crackling in the distance. Its getting closer, but moving very slow. Too slow and heavy for a squirrel. I was also pretty sure it wasn't a deer, which is what I am out here for. My buddies were supposed to be hunting a little east so the footsteps getting closer to me made no sense. I slowly shift in my stand to look over my shoulder at whatever is causing that noise. What I turn & see is certainly not what I am expecting. A few yards away from my stand was a woman, alone, not dressed to be out hunting. Hasn't anyone told her that the woods during bow season is not somewhere a girl just goes wandering around alone, especially this close to sunset. What the hell was she doing out here, alone, with nothing more than a hoodie, sneakers and tight jeans. Those jeans, by the way, are giving that tight little ass a firm hug & clinging to her slim yet strong things. What the hell is going on here? I'm sitting in my stand, minding my own business, waiting for my deer and out of nowhere comes this. What do I do? Should I just sit here like a creep in a tree or scare the living shit out of her and say something? She's just a few feet away now, close enough to see what little sun that can get through the leaves above reflecting off of her long brown hair. I can see her bright green curious eyes examining the land I just traveled to get to my stand. I can hear the slight tune that she's humming. The humming stops. She stops. Does she see me? She looks like shes lost in thought. I am captivated by her grace, something magnetic about her that's making my blood feel heavy in my veins. She's looking around now, like making sure shes alone. A long heavy sigh escapes her lips. I am surprised I haven't noticed by now how lush her lips are. Turned up at the corners slightly like a smirk, like a secret she's keeping. What the hell is she doing out here… ALONE? She parks that adorable little ass on a fallen log almost directly under my stand. She's going to scare the deer away. Hopefully she knows the suns going down quick and she'll scoot out out of here soon. She takes a deep breath and you can see the tension leaving her shoulders, her small frame appearing less wound up. She leans back on a branch that sticks out of the fallen trunk. I hope she doesn't look this way and see me. That could get awkward! She puts her hands in her hoodie pouch and takes another deep breath. When she takes her hands out of the pocket one hand slides down past the waist band of her snug jeans. A sliver of her creamy stomach shows. Very low slung pants reveal the shadow of her hip bone. Sexy, not sticking out, but lean. A bit of black lace panties peak out between her milky skin and denim. As her fingers slide deeper into the jeans, where once a light sigh came out, was now a deep moan that escaped her parted lips. I can only imagine that mouth wrapped tightly around my cock, which is now throbbing by the way. I could tell by the fast breathing and movement under her tight jeans this young lady was certainly enjoying herself. So was I, what a show! I am glad I didn't interrupt her. I can imagine her long fingers parting the moist folds and swirling her clit around. I wonder how she tastes, how she feels. Her free hand massaged her belly and worked up to caressing her breast. Not much more than a handful of tits, but it fit her small frame. When she finally penetrated herself with her finger a louder deeper moan came out as her knees curled up closer to her body. I can only image what her tight pussy would feel like clamping down on my hard dick. When she came her face looked so peaceful, eyes lightly closed and a grin of satisfaction. She sits for what could be a long moment or mere seconds, its hard to tell with a pulsating bulge in my pants driving me insane. She gives one last deep sigh, pulls her hand from her warm pussy and gets up. She smooths out her pants, re situates her hoodie, runs her fingers through her hair and goes back to humming her tune. She glances around to be sure no one but the woodland creatures witnessed her little show and nearly begins skipping away. I am left in my tree stand baffled. What the fuck just happened? The sky was beginning to darken & change colors. Its time to head back to my truck. I am going to have to get a beer on the way home. What a night, no deer but still a fantastic opening day.

My Alicia, part 2. [f+f]

First, I'd like to genuinely thank everyone for the response to my last post. Alicia was someone I never thought I'd speak about publicly as no one currently knows of my bi-sexual past except for my SO. Even he doesn't know how involved it got.

Alicia and I lay on her bed, talking about the complexities of the universe in our post sex glow. It was funny, meeting through our ex-flames as we did. She stroked her fingers along my arm and watched them travel down, sliding them under my arm to rest on my hip. She pulled me in close and gave me the most warm, affectionate hug I’d had in months. I nuzzled into her neck and just breathed in. Her hair smelled like flowers and her skin had that slightly sweet smell of sweat and sexual release. I was enamored.

She leaned in and pressed her cheek against mine as she whispered “Ready to go again?” I stiffened in the embrace, a blush returning to my face as I realized what a ridiculous reaction it was. Of course I was ready. “Uhm…” I mumbled against her skin, “I could be persuaded. Yes.” I smiled to myself as she laughed.

The Innkeeper and the Highwayman [Mf][nc][pros] Chapter 1: The Negotiation

notes in comments about where this story fits in the sequence!

When the door had opened a crack, he pushed his way in, eager to get out of the rain. He tossed his hat and cloak aside and shook out his thick blond hair, wet with rain and sweat. When he took a look over the girl who'd let him in, he couldn't tell if she was more scared of his rapier or just relieved to have a customer.

She had a pretty face for a freckled girl who'd clearly worked every day of her life. Her light red hair cascaded halfway down her back in loose strands, and her deep green eyes studied him without giving up her intent. She had a slight frame, the top of her head barely came up to his chin and he could tell that her nightgown and coat were hiding something worthwhile.

She hurried to shut the door behind him, and a hush fell over the room as the storm outside suddenly felt much farther away. She stepped behind the counter that served as both a bar and front desk as she lit more lanterns and fell into her old routine.

[MFM] Blindfold Birthday Surprise for Kat

Sometimes my fishing obsession can be a problem, especially when on vacation with my wife. We rarely get away without the kids, so when we do we really have a chance to connect, so when we went to a resort in the Caribbean I planned on limiting my fishing to a few hours a day and giving my wife, Kat, plenty of attention.

We were at a resort with a pool, bar, and beach — with cabana staff to bring drinks to the beach. I headed out Tarpon fishing early, hoping to get back by lunch.

Kat slept in and worked her way down to the pool, and started the day off with a tropical drink, which got her loosened up. She always had that one bikini she only wore on vacation with the two of us — way too revealing to wear around people we know. Usually Kat was a little self conscious about her 34DD breasts, but vacation was a time for her to free herself of inhibitions since there was no one around she knew. For someone in her 40s, she had a smokin’ hot body, but sometimes it was hard to convince her of that fact.

Just, you know, your average prom night story [m/f] (long!)

Another one of my favorite memories :) writing these out and reliving them is the best aphrodisiac ever!

The night of my senior prom began with my friend Kody coming over. We had an appointment to get our hair and makeup done before coming home to change into our dresses. Kody was my best friend back then. She knew me better than a lot of people, but she didn't know much about my relationship with my boyfriend Mike, just a few details. I had been dating him for a while. He was older and worked at my bank, which is where we met. I kept the whole situation pretty private. Mike was too old for me, I knew that. But, I loved going out with him. I was learning so much, sexually and in other ways. He was my first sex partner, and incidentally he became the person who helped shape my sexual appetite and fetishes.

Kody and I came back to my house after hair and makeup was done. We looked good, but we were still in jeans and t shirts. Kody pulled her dress out of my closet, where she had stashed it.

The Leggy Blonde Part 3

Well, we caught feelings for each other. The writing in this is a lot more intimate and passionate since we are no longer just hooking up. Also, I never gave our ages: Olivia 22, myself 24. If you don't want the details jump to the BOLD section below.

I was debating what to do, I wanted to see Olivia more consistently, but I didn’t know what she was looking for. I asked her out for drinks Saturday evening, it seemed like the right move, casual (like our 2 hook ups in the last week) but more just a bit more. If she wanted FWB then this wasn't too strong of a "date" but if she wanted a relationship then this was just a stepping stone.

She parked around the corner from my apartment and texted me where, I told her not to move I'd be right there to pick her up. She was sitting in her car when I pulled up; she got out revealing herself in a flower print sundress. She looked amazing wearing it. The top covered her perky handfuls but showed a lot of her chest above them with medium straps, it tapered to hug her waist and the bottom was loose and cut above mid thigh on her. Before I could get out to greet her, she had slid into the passenger seat and leaned over for a kiss. Which I happily gave. My car, being a stick shift, gave me ample opportunity to spy those glorious legs and move my hand to her knee between shifts, which put a big smile on her face.

[M]y first big black cock

Sorry about the long post guys but there were a lot of details I wanted to include!

A little about me. I'm 27, masculine bi, white, with a ripped/lean build. My best quality physically would have to be my big bubble butt. I get compliments about it from a lot of women and even some men. I'm a bottom and have only fucked 5 guys my entire life, 4 white and 1 Latino. And I finally got my chance to get fucked by a black cock just a week ago.

Last Friday night, I decided to grab some dinner with a friend of mine in Hollywood. After we were done, my friend offered to give me a ride home but I told him I'd uber it. It was only a 25 minute drive anyway. I made my way down the street and stood at the corner of the street trying to call a ride and behind me were 2 black guys just hanging out and chatting. Both were good-looking, pretty dark, and very huge/muscular.

I’m having a sexual relationship with my “stepmother”

I don't consider her a mother. She is only 8years older than me(I am 23M) She is currently 31. My mother died when I was young. I am the youngest of 3 siblings.When I was 19 and my dad was 55 He married a 28 year old woman. She is within the same generation as my older siblings who were 26 and 25 at the time…. They were married for 3 years until my dad died at 58 a year and a half ago. I am still saddened by his loss but it's just a fact of life,everyone will expire afted a certain time.

These past few months I've been visiting my dad's old house more often (we're not rich,its just an average home but it holds so many memories ). My "stepmom" still lives there and we have cordial relationships with her. She became more touchy with me lately saying I remind her of my father.Long story short I gave in to her later on. I cant help it. Shes is just fucking hot. I love her sexy figure. Her breasts and she gives amazing blowjobs. We regularly meet up to have sex,mostly renting rooms. I try to avoid my dads old house. I feel like I am disrespecting his memory.