After the 4th [MF]

As I wrote last week I’ve been spending the summer in Bar Harbor and because of

COVID-19 things have been tough. Most of the jobs are waitressing or maid service

and with everything closed ’til recently money has been tight. Not just paying

the rent but even eating properly. Not having a job I spent a lot of time at the

beach and met a few boys. One of them offered me money to blow him and I refused.

Later another offered me more money if I’d add a few trimmings and I agreed. All

I had to do extra was to be naked and let him tie my hands. The money was worth

it so I took him home the Sunday after the 4th of July.

My roommate was home so felt safe getting nude and letting him tie me. He stripped

and sat on the side of the bed and I knelt in front of him. After an interval of

polite conversation he grasped me by my hair and moved the head of his dick toward

my mouth and I slowly began. He told me he sometimes had trouble finishing with

[FM] I Pay the Rent

It’s nine o’clock on a Saturday. I’m in Bar Harbor, a town that depends on tourists for it’s

livelihood and because of COVID 19 there are no tourists so no work so I am unable to pay my

rent. I am summoned by my landlord, knowing that he will offer to cancel my rent if I share

the pleasures of my body with him. Minutes later I stand next to his bed, quite naked.He rigs

the bed to tie me to the four corners least I change my mind before he’s finished fucking me.

I found myself a little scared not knowing quite what he would do to me and how many times once

I was helpless.

Nevertheless, I lie on the bed on my back with my arms and legs spread wide apart and he attaches

the ropes to my wrists with my arms splayed out to either top corner. He has me scrunch my bare

ass down a little to get myself into just the right spot and he ties my ankles wide to the bottom

Dr. Hirsch [MF]

For a number of years now I’ve had to go to the skin doctor twice a year for

a semi-annual skin check. It’s fairly simple and almost painless and takes

about fifteen minutes. Essentially the doctor goes over my whole body try-

ing to find suspicious looking spots, skin damage from the sun, irregular

moles, that sort of thing, which he then zaps with this kind of liquid nitro-

gen cold spray. Occasionally he takes a biopsy of something and sends it off

for analysis. Which is why I say it’s almost painless. The zapping and biop-

sies hurt just a tad.

The thing that makes these visits of interest is that, within the limits of

decency and professional practice, he does indeed go over my whole body. And

to do this I need to be just about naked pretty much throughout the fifteen

minutes the exam takes and, for five or so of those minutes, a little bit

more naked than that. When you come right down to it, at one point or another