So What? [MF]

Been a long time lurker here but I figured I could at least give a story about how I realized I had a strong breeding fetish. This story takes place a few years ago.

My wife and I had been married for about three years at this point and we had always been careful about our birth control, she was on the pill and I always wore a condom. A little overkill, I know, but that’s what we get for having very religious parents hammering the point that an unplanned pregnancy was the worst thing ever. We had also talked about if she got pregnant and both were on the page of keeping it, as we always wanted kids, just not right at that time.

The birth control pill had been messing with her over the years and she and I wanted to stop using condoms. So she decided to get the couple year IUD installed. She made the appointment and the told her to refrain from sexual activity until the follow up appointment 7 days later to make sure the IUD placed correctly and would be effective.