When a Tinder match in the morning led to a blowjob at the airport in the afternoon [FM]

I was in Melbourne a few years back, I was only there for a weekend before flying back that day. I was looking for some company but it being a Monday, no one was free. I had a new Tinder match from that morning, but he wasn’t replying to my message.

Then around 3pm he sends me a chat: he’s in Sydney, went there this morning for a work meeting, about to fly in to Melbourne, maybe we could meet tonight? But I’m about to leave Melbourne later this afternoon, so I won’t be here. There’s a lot of heavy flirting. We realise we’ll both be at the airport at the same time, so what the hell, let’s meet up there and say hello.

So we meet at one of the front doors and he’s looking handsome in a suit, sexy smile, great deep voice, immediately confident and take charge. He’s a bit older than me and when he asks me to walk him to his car, I can’t help but say yes. We talk as we go, he’s incredibly charismatic, and we’re talking about why he’s now divorced and living his life with sexual freedom. At his car, he puts his suitcase in the boot, then kisses me, it’s a damn good kiss. He suggests we go into the back seat of his car and just take it from there. I’m not sure where this is going but I’m hypnotised by his dominant way.

I embraced my inner slut and had the most forceful fuck I’ve ever had [FM]

_(This encounter happened while I was on a weekend away in another city, and I wanted to leave my inhibitions behind)_

I met Dean for a drink at a pub. We’d matched the day before and made plans to meet for a drink and who knows what else, which I didn’t know if I’d keep after fucking 2 guys the night before (one after the other not at the same time!) but I was intrigued and he was really good looking in his profile photos and we both agreed it would be just for a drink with no expectations. So there I was in my sweet dress with its flowing short skirt, flirting with this guy over a cider.

We were getting on really well and he was making very pointed flirty comments, and I was thinking to myself “maybe I can fuck him but that would be 3 guys in 24 hours, surely that’s way too slutty a thing to do?” Turns out, I could be that slutty and then some.

Dean drove me back to my hotel and had his hand caressing my thigh on the drive back, which was turning me on. When we got there, I invited him up to my room. Once inside, he wasted no time.

Breaking up with my fwb made horny little me look for replacement cock with a vengeance [FM]

I got into a fight with my FWB, super sexy French guy, basically questioning why he didn’t kiss me or cuddle me or go down on me anymore, and he said with all these talks I was too demanding and creating drama, and he wasn’t having fun with me like he used to. WTF. So we agreed to stop seeing each other since we weren’t getting what we wanted from each other anymore (Turns out he was starting to get serious with another girl that he never mentioned to me before, and I guess he was feeling guilty about it all? Whatever, I never cared that he would see other girls).

So now I had all this free time and horny energy and feeling the need for validation that I can be all that drama free sexy fun.

Cue, cute and flirty chats with new matches on dating apps, and old connections that popped up again.

I went back to fuck a guy I told myself wasn’t worth it, and this time he made me squirt [FM]

I hooked up with Kent a few weeks ago and while he wasn’t a bad fuck, he also didn’t care to give me an orgasm. Not only that, he also barely touched my pussy except once to check if I was wet, and then the other times obvs when his cock was inside me touching my pussy. I can’t cum just from penetration so while it felt good in all the ways a pussy being fucked by a nice cock does, I never once felt that crescendo. He, on the other hand, got two great orgasms that ended with his loads drained down my throat.

After that, I thought to myself that I couldn’t be bothered to see him again, so I didn’t message him and he didn’t message me, and that was that.

Cut to, last night. I’m fucking horny and no one to do anything with. All my usual suspects are busy or not in town. And then I see a message from Kent.

The predictable: “Hey how are you….. Yeah I’m back in town….. Any plans for tonight……. Are you free…… Yeah I’m alone, just me and my glass of wine….”

I let my FWB hook me up with his friend [FM]

My fwb F suggested a threesome once, he had a friend, let’s call him Kent (29M) who was sexy and interested based on what F had said about me. I was shy and hesitant though, because I’ve never had a threesome before and I didn’t know how that dynamic would work, especially with a some strange guy I’d never met.

But then when F was away for work and I was horny and missing him, he told me to get in touch with Kent, that he would take care of me. And I was so horny that I did.

I went over to Kent’s place late one night after I’d had a bit of a boozy dinner. Kent was hot and actually really nice and friendly too and we sat on his couch and talked. I had more wine with him and soon we were kissing on his couch and then he pulled his shorts down to show me his cock and asked me what we should do with it.

“I think we need to have that in my mouth” I tell him, before I kneel on the couch before him and take his cock into my mouth.

He fucked me on the kitchen counter and the bruises the next day are worth it. [FM]

I have an occasional lover. He’s a gorgeous French guy, tall lean, thick dark brown curls and that accent- fucking sexy.

I went over to his place one night with a bottle of red wine and he requested I wear something sexy while we shared the wine, so I changed into a sexy little red satin and lace teddy, low V cut at the front, open back and loose French knickers cut high at the bottom. When I walked out to the kitchen where he had 2 glasses of wine waiting for us on the kitchen island counter top – his face was priceless.

“Ah, I like that.” He said in his sexy voice.

“Do you really?”  I have a smug smile as I walk up to him, slipping my hands around his shoulders, standing up on tiptoe to kiss his mouth. We kissed deeply and his hands wrap around me before sliding down my back to cup my ass, where he discovers the high cut of the teddy and the easy access it gives him to all my curves. He makes a small moan of surprised pleasure, and pulls away to look down at me again in my lingerie.

I got my Tinder date so turned on, he had to jerk off in the car [FM]

I matched with a guy we’ll call Sam and after a few weeks of light chatting, we arranged to meet one night. He’s so cute, super easy going, and buys me a drink. We’re making eyes at each other but no other move and as the bar is closing early that night, we decide to go for a drive, there’s a pretty little park nearby, we can go for a walk and keep chatting there.

10 minutes later we’re standing on a little look out over the lake in the park, kissing. It’s very good kissing, tongues touching, lip nibbling, ear licking, hands roaming around, pulling our bodies closer together. I’m pressed up against the wooden wall of the little alcove, his hips are grinding against mine. Sam grabs my ass and just kneads his fingers in, and I undo his jacket to get my own hands against his abs. There’s so much heavy breathing and moaning, and “fuck, you feel good”s, we’re getting really heavy and the chemistry is crazy. He takes my hand and holds it to the outline of his cock in his pants- he is ROCK HARD. I’ve never felt a cock that hard, like it’s carved from stone. It’s also kinda thick… I stroke the length of his cock through his trousers with my hands, while kissing him and he firmly cups my pussy through my jeans, rubbing his fingers hard against it. We want each other so bad, we’re driving each other wild.

I embraced my inner slut and had sex with three guys within 24 hours: first encounter [FM]

While away on a holiday recently, I had made plans to meet up with an ex (we broke up amicably because it became long distance and that wasn’t going to work for either of us) and had packed an array of sexy lingerie I was going to wear for him and had not touched myself for over a week in preparation to be as horny and sexy for him as possible. However, on the day I arrive, he tells me he’s got covid! I’m devastated!! Also, incredibly horny and frustrated!!

So I immediately hit up the dating apps, and start up a few chats, and one guy is free to meet up that night after he finishes work at 9. I catch a train into the city and meet up with him and he’s cute with this amazing deep voice. We go to a bar to have a drink, and start to play footsies under the table and the air between us changes and becomes more electric. We’re soon in a taxi on our way to my big hotel room and we’re kissing in the back seat and when I run my hand up his thigh, he pushes it away and says he’s too turned on for that.

When the sex is good but the sleepy cuddles after is better [FM]

I made plans to see my FWB on a Sunday night, but he was out at a festival that weekend and would be getting home late, so I tell him to text me when he gets back. I finally get a text to say come over, and in 10 minutes I’m there. He answers the door, yawning and knackered; poor guy had just had a huge Saturday night then a 3 hour drive home, and now he had insatiable little me to deal with.

I’m glad he didn’t cancel though because I had something special planned for him. I wore my sexy Japanese schoolgirl outfit – I think you know the one, little white thin midriff top and short navy skirt with the velcro tab. I paired it with a skimpy Brazilian cut white lace panties, because that’s what good girls wear.