My Lab Partner (MF)

Had to take a long break from writing! Got quarantine depressed and didn’t want to write anything for a while. Here is a simple short story, no multi-parter, just wanted to get back into things first. Hope you enjoy.


We all stood at the front of the lab, passing along a stack of papers to one another.

“You will be assigned a partner for the semester, there will be no requests for changes, please do not beg that you be paired with your fraternity or sorority buddies. That’s all I will say about this. Now head to your assigned tables and open you course syllabus to page 3.” The bespectacled 60 year old professor flipped the pages of the print out along with the rest of the class.

I began to open mine to read a table of class participants, my name was next to another’s “Lauren Shellstein – Table 6”.

‘Oh I hope she’s hot…but also a good partner…but also hot!’

I started scanning the room, there was a group of blond haired women at the opposite end of the classroom. Maybe she was one of them? They all looked attractive but weirdly similar. The people around me started gravitating towards their assigned tables and I followed along.

Across the Courtyard – Part 9 (MF)

*Found some time to crank another chapter out!*


‘Last night had to have been a dream’

That’s what I thought as I began to wake up. Last night was too ridiculous of a fantasy or a porn video that I had seen. It was not my life, no way. As my eyes opened and my surroundings became clear I found that I wasn’t just dreaming. I turned over onto my side and felt the presence of a body next to mine.

‘Holy shit…Please tell me that is a woman’

My hand reached out and came across the jersey fabric of a shirt and the soft and warm skin of a stomach. The warm morning light was filtering in through the window, allowing me to see Danielle’s freckled face next to me and Alice’s curves sprawled out on the covers next to Danielle. I bit my lip, trying to hold back my astonishment that I had really lived through a fantasy last night.

Across the Courtyard – Part 8 [MFF|Light Bondage|Voyeurism]

[Link to Chapter 7](

*Note: This chapter is all action, all of the lead up is in the previous chapter. If you want to, please listen to Khalid’s “Love Lies” when it’s cued or any other sex playlist you prefer.*


I looked down to see Alice and Danielle both had a hand on my cock. Alice was stroking the end of my shaft while Danielle gripped and twisted the bottom of me.

“Do you think you can go again so soon James?” Danielle prodded.

“I don’t see why I couldn’t! Fuck!…This so fucking hot!” I moaned as my cock grew harder in their hands. The two ladies were laid down on both sides of me. My arms were underneath them, pinned down and useless but I didn’t care. I twisted my head to the right to Alice, her breasts were swaying with the pumping movement of her hand. Her toned body such an incredible sight to behold. My eyes scanned up to her face, blond hair framing her beautiful face, sharp blue eyes focused on me.

“When I told Danielle about what you and I have been up to…she was fit to be tied.”

Across the Courtyard – Part 7 [MFF|Threesome]

[Link to Part 6](

*Note: Sorry for the delay, got sick with some cold, I don’t think it was Covid but enjoy! Planning on starting a new series in time for Halloween next!*


I was still trying to find the words for what had happened earlier in the day. After Chelsea had left I just sat on the couch, peering out the window every once in a while to look over at her apartment. Was she watching me? Would she just barge back in at any moment and have her way with me. Jesus, I grew hard at the very thought of it, I wanted more of her, I needed more of her. I reached down to play with my cock at the very idea of getting to see Chelsea again and I thought about her parting words. She wanted me to put on a good show for her? I just kept gently playing with my cock until a plan popped in my head, what if I could get Alice over here and show Chelsea what I was capable of..

Across the Courtyard – Part 6 [MF]

[Link to Part 5](


I stood still under the water for a minute at the end of my shower, letting the warm water pour over me. I grabbed my arm and pinched it, yeah, this was all real. The past few days had been filled with more sex than what any person would deem as realistic for an eligible bachelor. Shit this put the Fonz to shame. I had stumbled from one sexual partner to the next in what I assumed was a blessing from God, the Gods, the great computer in the sky or whatever. My hands reached down and twisted the shower knobs closed. The warm water ceased and within seconds I could feel the cool air kiss my skin. The shower curtain flew open and I grabbed my towel. Drying off I took a look in the mirror at my own naked body, “What the hell are you going to get yourself into tonight?”

Dinner with Friends and More – Part 7 [MFM|Double Penetration]

*Note: I took a risk in this part of the story, if you are skittish with some bisexual themes you can skip on to* [*Part 8*](*!*


My wife’s tongue swirled around the head of my cock and I moaned as her lips bumped up and down my dick as she rode my best friend Ben’s cock. Sarah was riding him while taking me in her mouth, I was standing up on the bed, enjoying the amazing sight while Lindsay stood off to the side of the bed holding up the video camera.

“Sarah you look so hot in this shot, keep it up girl.”

Sarah looked at Lindsay and opened her eyes wide, a look of fake embarrassment.

“Are you ready for the both of us baby?”

Sarah pulled my dick from her mouth and pumped it with her hand, “I need you both now..”

Dinner with Friends and More – Part 8 [MF]

[Link to Part 7](


We all took a break to shower off and assemble something for dinner, realizing we were famished from the day’s exploits. Sarah grabbed some ice and sat on it at the kitchen table, “My ass needs a day off,” she laughed. I pulled out some leftovers we had and got to work heating them up while Ben and Lindsay hydrated around the kitchen island, Lindsay got to work right away with her questioning.

“So baby, what was it like rubbing off on Dave here?” She snickered.

“Haha umm, I’m still weirded out by it…but kind of weirded out by how much I loved it?”

“Well you’re in a safe space here man, it was…different for me too, but it felt amazing at the same time. I can’t say I want to kiss that ugly mug of yours though!”

“What? I’m handsome as hell!”

“Hell yeah you are baby,” Lindsay said to Ben as she leaned over and kissed him.

We all ate together and chatted about our favorite moments. The food breathing some life back into us.

“You know, I still can’t believe this all started with the wrong video playing,” Sarah said.

Freshman Orientation Leader Tales – Henry & Lisa [FM]

“Welcome Parents and Student to Freshman Orientation!!!” The shout was met with mild enthusiasm from the auditorium. My eyes rolled to the back of my head knowing that the day was about to be filled with hordes of eighteen year olds, most of whom would have probably failed to put on any deodorant, and parents asking the same questions about their gifted children. I took a deep breath and felt the strange performance polo fabric move with my chest. My head turned to the side to look at the line of my fellow orientation leaders next to me. Everyone was either yawning or in a total daze, except for Lisa. She was smiling and looking at me. I smiled back at her and pantomimed raking my fingers down my face. I made a silent screaming face which evoked a snicker from Lisa. Behind Lisa one of the professional staff members of our orientation team saw me and shot a death glare at us, pointing to the stage to re-focus our attention.

“And now we will have the students and parents break out with our fabulous orientation leaders!”

Across the Courtyard – Part 5 [Sex in Public | FM]

[*Link to Part 4*](

*Note: Sorry for the delay in this! Hoping to get rolling with the rest of this series again!*


The sound of my cell phone vibrating against the wood of my night stand rattled me awake from my sleep. If I had been dreaming about something it had escaped me. The sheets rustled as I twisted to see who was sending me a string of texts this early in the morning. They were from Alice.

“Movie night starts at 7 tonight”

“Bring some snacks.”

“Danielle will be there too, she is bringing dinner”

“Have you gone on your morning run yet?”

I rubbed my eyes and assembled a clear train of thought, this was a lot at once but I texted back.

“Haven’t run yet. Want to join me in the lobby in 15 minutes?”

The three dots appeared quickly.

“That works. See you soon.”

Dinner with Friends and More – Part 6 [MFMF | Wife Sharing | Double Penetration]

[Link to Part 5](


As I ran to our bedroom hot on the heels of Lindsay I laughed to myself that the woman I was chasing was not my wife. My wife was chasing my best friend who was right behind me. I rounded the corner to see Lindsay dive into our bed completely naked. I came to the edge of the bed and let Lindsay come up to me and pull my shirt off over my head. Her hair was in a pony tail, ready for whatever acrobatics that might be in store today. She was kind enough to yank my shorts down for me, my rapidly growing cock free yet again. She was giddy with excitement as she stared down at my cock.

“Oh Dave!” She glanced back at my face, “I can’t believe you’re taking out your big dick to wave in my face! So scandalous!!” She was laughing now, embracing the lovable absurdity of this.

Sarah had just taken her snug shirt off, flinging it to the floor, “Lindsay, are you trying to seduce my husband???” Her breasts looked bigger in the morning light, I knew she had 34DD breasts but Jesus they looked as big as melons now. Ben’s hands came up from both sides of her and grasped her plump breasts, squeezing them, making Sarah moan.