Sleazy Prose 2 [bdsm]

I hear you through the ceiling and track your steps as they move across the floor back and forth and back again. Your body is restless, helpless, and your mind racing. A familiar habit I can vividly recall. You, your wife and child moved in three weeks ago. Our eyes met as you unpacked the wagon. We glanced and everything went black. The last time we saw each other was before the war. I sat on your lap in tears, wondering when and how the world would continue to turn without you. The South hadn’t burned and the sun was close, warm. Life has changed since then and I am not and could not have prepared myself for seeing you. I moved to Oregon after the fire. I assumed you dead. I’ve met her (your wife) smile on my face and a big “hello.” No one knows about the past and no one ever will. It would be too much of an unnecessary hurt in this life. The night you were dragged to hell permeates and lingers inside me. I’ve purposefully withheld and resisted the urges to be close to your body, to touch, and be touched. Mostly because you asked and well, how can I deny you? We were good. Loyal. Connected. Honest. And what good would it do? Give a moment of glory and ruin the things we’ve made happen since you were taken. The unknown is vast and dark – once we fall into the abyss there’s no returning to this life.

Deep Cuts [bdsm]

I hear you through the ceiling and track your steps as they move across the floor back and forth and back again. Your body is restless, helpless, and your mind racing. A familiar habit I can vividly recall. You, your wife and child moved in three weeks ago. Our eyes met as you unpacked the wagon. We glanced and everything went black. The last time we saw each other was before the war. I sat on your lap in tears, wondering when and how the world would continue to turn without you. The South hadn’t burned and the sun was close, warm. Life has changed since then and I am not and could not have prepared myself for seeing you. I moved to Oregon after the fire. I assumed you dead. I’ve met her (your wife) smile on my face and a big “hello.” No one knows about the past and no one ever will. It would be too much of an unnecessary hurt in this life. The night you were dragged to hell permeates and lingers inside me. I’ve purposefully withheld and resisted the urges to be close to your body, to touch, and be touched. Mostly because you asked and well, how can I deny you? We were good. Loyal. Connected. Honest. And what good would it do? Give a moment of glory and ruin the things we’ve made happen since you were taken. The unknown is vast and dark – once we fall into the abyss there’s no returning to this life.

Deep Cuts [bdsm]

I hear you through the ceiling and track your steps as they move across the floor back and forth and back again. Your body is restless, helpless, and your mind racing. A familiar habit I can vividly recall. You, your wife and child moved in three weeks ago. Our eyes met as you unpacked the wagon. We glanced and everything went black. The last time we saw each other was before the war. I sat on your lap in tears, wondering when and how the world would continue to turn without you. The South hadn’t burned and the sun was close, warm. Life has changed since then and I am not and could not have prepared myself for seeing you. I moved to Oregon after the fire. I assumed you dead. I’ve met her (your wife) smile on my face and a big “hello.” No one knows about the past and no one ever will. It would be too much of an unnecessary hurt in this life. The night you were dragged to hell permeates and lingers inside me. I’ve purposefully withheld and resisted the urges to be close to your body, to touch, and be touched. Mostly because you asked and well, how can I deny you? We were good. Loyal. Connected. Honest. And what good would it do? Give a moment of glory and ruin the things we’ve made happen since you were taken. The unknown is vast and dark – once we fall into the abyss there’s no returning to this life.

Sleazy Prose [bsdm]

I peer into the nothingness in front of me. The woman to my left is tired, lipstick worn and face annoying as she speaks on the phone. Her voice is too loud for the still and dark ambiance. I look forward, take a sip, and look forward again.

A sharp sting when you enter the room. Your body radiating heat and vibrations that penetrate my guts. I don’t look over, instead I wait (wait wait wait wait) on that stool quiet, not moving. You’re behind me. Too close. You lift your hand to my head. Touch the nape of my neck and move to the crest of my chin and cheek as I turn to face you. You tower over me, shoulders broad, arms solid. I can smell you.

“Hey Kitten.”

I find your ribs with my hand and apply pressure. Bodies pushing against each other, eyes locked.


Categorized as Erotica

Sleazy Prose [bdsm]

I peer into the nothingness in front of me. The woman to my left is tired, lipstick worn and face annoying as she speaks on the phone. Her voice is too loud for the still and dark ambiance. I look forward, take a sip, and look forward again.

A sharp sting when you enter the room. Your body radiating heat and vibrations that penetrate my guts. I don’t look over, instead I wait (wait wait wait wait) on that stool quiet, not moving. You’re behind me. Too close. You lift your hand to my head. Touch the nape of my neck and move to the crest of my chin and cheek as I turn to face you. You tower over me, shoulders broad, arms solid. I can smell you.

“Hey Kitten.”

I find your ribs with my hand and apply pressure. Bodies pushing against each other, eyes locked.


Sleazy Prose (bsdm)

I peer into the nothingness in front of me. The woman to my left is tired, lipstick worn and face annoying as she speaks on the phone. Her voice is too loud for the still and dark ambiance. I look forward, take a sip, and look forward again.

A sharp sting when you enter the room. Your body radiating heat and vibrations that penetrate my guts. I don’t look over, instead I wait (wait wait wait wait) on that stool quiet, not moving. You’re behind me. Too close. You lift your hand to my head. Touch the nape of my neck and move to the crest of my chin and cheek as I turn to face you. You tower over me, shoulders broad, arms solid. I can smell you.

“Hey Kitten.”

I find your ribs with my hand and apply pressure. Bodies pushing against each other, eyes locked.
