Fucking Him to Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

I have been lonely.” Paul said. “With Kim away I mean.” His fiancé, Kim, was studying abroad and had been for a long time. It was still some six months before she would return.

“I mean. I was lonely. Not in a mental sense, I had lots of people around me, but in a physical one. When things got a little much, I could easily take matters in hand, as it were. But it didn’t have anywhere near the same feeling as being with someone. You and Anne have really helped me.”

Anne was my wife and Kim’s best friend. Together they’d arranged three nights between Paul and Anne. At first it was mutual masturbation, then a hand job. The last time Anne had given Paul an amazing blowjob. I’d watched through a glass door and benefited by getting an absolutely astonishing boost to my sex life. Being so urgently needed left Anne feeling horny almost all the time.

I’d invited Paul over again. I knew he was secretly hoping for another sexual encounter with Anne, but when he arrived she was nowhere to be seen. I was trying to talk to him quickly though, we did have something planned.

Sucking Him Off to Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

Paul and I were driving. It was a warm summer day and the windows were half open, letting a cool breeze into the car. Paul, Anne and I had some vacation time and we’d having a good time as a group. Today was Anne’s first day back at work, so Paul and I had headed off to do some exploring.

The conversation was a little muted. The scenery was spectacular and the breeze through the windows made a bit of noise. We chatted half-heartedly about how much we hated the Star Wars prequels. We hadn’t talked about sex for the entire week.

After a while it got a little colder and we rolled the windows up. After a few minutes of silence Paul turned to look at me.

“Did Anne really think that I was flirting with Rebecca?” He asked. It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Paul’s fiancé had been studying abroad for a while now. At one point my girlfriend, Anne, had noticed Paul taking an interest in other women.

“Yes. A lot. You seemed very in to her. We were convinced that you would leave Kim for her.” He was taken aback by the answer.

A Handjob to Save a Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

I picked Paul up at the airport. It was early summer and he had come back from a quick work trip. Kim was still studying abroad. His flight had gone well, but the traffic was terrible. We’d already been stuck on the bridge for twenty minutes and it looked like we had a lot longer to wait. The conversation was light. Mostly how much we both hated the Star Wars prequels.

“So. Last month?” He suddenly asked. Last month, with the urging of his fiancé Kim, Paul had shared a mutual masturbation session with my wife, Anne. Kim had been worried that their long separation would drive Paul into the arms of another woman. This was her way of reaching out to him over the distance. After the one night we’d never discussed it again. You’d think it would be awkward, but it hadn’t been. The next time we spoke we just talked about other things. We just never returned to the topic.

“Yes.” I kept my answer simple. I wasn’t sure where this was going and didn’t want to start out on the wrong foot. He turned to me and took on a serious tone.

Mutual Masturbation to Save a Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

“The girls have been talking.” I told Paul when he came over. It was an out of blue statement. He stared at me. We were in my apartment. My wife and I had painted to walls crimson, we thought they were cool, but they were ultimately a mistake. We sat on the couch.

“Kim thinks you’re lonely.” Paul’s fiancé was studying in France. She’d been away for a six months and would likely be at least a year. Paul nodded.

“Of course I am. I’ll survive.”

“Anne was getting concerned. You’ve been spending a lot of time with Rebecca recently.”

“Hey.” He was indignant. “Nothing is happening with Rebecca, and it’s not really your business.” I raised my hands disarmingly.

“Agreed. Not mine. But Anne and Kim have apparently been talking and Kim asked if Anne could do something about it.”

“Like what? Is this supposed to be an intervention?” He smiled. “I actually think that’s kinda cute. And really sweet. But you guys have literally nothing to be worried about.”

Watching My Wife Take a Train on the Floor of Our Paris Hostel. [MMF]

Anne and I ended our honeymoon in Paris. Our whole trip had been amazing. We’d seen and done so much. We’d also been careful with our money, so by the time we got to Paris we had money to burn. We didn’t go insane but we didn’t hold back either. We ate a few fancy dinners, we went to the Moulin Rouge, Anne bought some sexy lingerie in Pigalle.

The hostel was a letdown, but that didn’t last long. Our first room was disgusting but we went to the concierge and asked, in our terrible French, if anything could be done. She was charmed that we even tried to hold the conversation in French. She explained that hostel was being renovated and we’d gotten stuck in one of the old rooms by mistake. She moved us to a new room and it made a world of difference. Plenty of space, sparkling clean, its own shower, everything we could hope for. It had space for six, but the concierge assured us that the entire room would be ours. And it was. Despite the fact that the hostel was at capacity no one else came to our room. It was easy to see why. Most of the other guests were pretty rude. No one tried to engage in French, in fact they barely treated the concierge as human.

Swapping Cum in Budapest [FMF]

Budapest was hot. Unbearably so. Because the city was very cheap we’d been lucky enough to rent a massive apartment. Even luckier that it had a portable air conditioner. But we’d come to do touristy things, so we couldn’t sit inside all day. Instead we went out and were pummeled by a wall of heat. We made it to a shaded park on the river, right next to the chain bridge, and tried to survive the day by watching the boats.

The park was a popular destination and crowds of people came and went. Only one other pair stayed as long as we had. We eventually went over and talked with them. They were two of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen. Ana and Svetlana were Hungarian Americans on a tour of Eastern Europe. Ana was Svetlana’s mother, but was still very young. She must have had Svetlana when she was about twenty, the same age Svetlana was now. They were both blond and had soft round faces. They both wore their hair in intricate braids, something that they admitted they’d only done for this trip.

Watching My Wife Fuck Her New Girlfriend [MFF]

I made pancakes for breakfast. Anne, my wife, had spent the night sleeping in her new girlfriend’s bed. Maxine had been insecure in her sexuality. Anne had helped her decide, Maxine was definitely gay. After one night with Maxine Anne had spent a few hours with me, then spent the next night fucking Maxine.

Maxine was radiant when she got out of bed. Her experience with Anne had been a revelation to her. She was almost giddy with joy. Anne was a bit slower out of bed, she was never a morning person.

Pancakes and orange juice later we went into the city. We were staying at Maxine’s family’s apartment in Rome. Yesterday we’d explored the city but today we were little slower. We found a Cafe and sipped coffee for a long time. Then we moved on and found another Cafe to sit at.

“I’m gay.” Maxine said. She said it few times in the last couple of days. I looked at her quizzically. She smiled at me. “I’m gay and I’d love to spend more time with Anne. But I’m starting to feel a little guilty about taking up all her time. Can I have one more night?” I smiled.

My Wife Helped a Friend Discover Her Sexuality [FF]

Maxine had, the whole time we’d known her, been the quieter one. Her friends, Maesa and Julie, were outgoing, vibrant and lewd, while Maxine had mostly gone along with events as they unfolded. But not today. Today Maxine had asked my wife, Anne, and I to have lunch, just the three of us. We found a little cafe on a square in Venice and watched the boats go by.

“I think I’m gay.” Maxine said. She was blushing furiously but carried on. I think she’d scripted this. “But…I’ve never actually been with a woman. I’ve really come to care for you two and…” She gulped. “I’d like to spend a night with Anne. Anne and I alone.”

Anne reached across the table and held Maxine’s hand. They both looked at me. I’ve know that Anne was bisexual almost the entire time I’ve known Anne. That fact had led to some amazing sexual encounters and I loved that part of her. However, the question came at a strange time. We planned on going separate ways that afternoon. The women had plans in Dubrovnik and we were catching the train to Rome.

Fucking My Wife with an Audience of Women [MFF]

Venice was amazing. Easily one of the highlights of the trip. It was so easy to get lost in the city, but we always seemed to find our way. There was an amazing sight around every corner.

The company only made Venice better. I was on my honeymoon with my wife. We were joined by three women that we had met in Verona, Maesa, Maxine and Julie. All three worked as stewardesses on the same private yacht. Instead of staying at the distant hostel, we’d pooled our resources and shared a hotel room. The women only had a few days left of vacation before they had to return and they were making the most of it. Anne and I were pretty tight with money, but the women, close to the end of their trip, were not similarly restrained and they picked up the tab quite a few times. We took a gondola ride, ate Gelato, went to a few museums and bought a lot of cheap wine.

Our hotel was very close to the Labia Palace and the women had dubbed our hotel the Vagina Hotel. The women had really bonded, especially after Anne and I had each masturbated in front of them. They had become a tight little sisterhood.

Watching My Wife Masturbate for an Audience of Women [FFM]

Venice was beautiful city. Pictures don’t really covey how magical it is. But all the beauty didn’t hide one fact, the locals didn’t really like the tourists. I can’t blame them. We overwhelmed the city, crowded the water buses and were generally in the way. The Hostel, however, seemed like a deliberate insult. It was on the island of Giudecca, separated from the main city by the very wide Giudecca Canal. The first vaporetto off was at 10 in the morning, the last one back was at 6 in the evening. It was like they were doing everything possible to keep us away from the central city.

My wife, Anne, and I had come to Venice with three new friends, Maesa, Maxine and Julie, who we had met in Verona. All three worked as stewardesses on the same private yacht and they were taking some downtime to explore Italy. We decided that, between the five of us, we didn’t need to worry about the money so much and got a hotel room in the main the city. The new hotel was very close to the Labia Palace and, like the very mature group that we were, this engendered massive giggling fits.