Watching Them Further Degrade My Wife [FFM]

“I will do anything you ask. Please use me. Please, please use me.”

My wife Anne was begging. But she wasn’t begging me

She had asked me to humiliate her, to degrade her. I had delved into her sexual past and found the perfect storm. She’d had a complicated sexual relationship with her friends when she was growing up and a lot of emotion from that time remained. I’d invited two of her friends to our house to fulfil Anne’s dark fantasy.

They’d forced her to masturbate for them. Jane, had held Anne’s face pressed against the floor while Emily had taunted Anne until Anne had crumbled and begged to be pushed beyond her limits.

Jane stood up suddenly, releasing her hold on Anne’s head. Anne took a deep, shuddering breath. Jane pulled her panties from under her dress and dropped them beside Anne’s face. She lay down on the floor in from of Anne and spread her legs wide. She put her legs over Anne’s shoulders and dug her high heels roughly into Anne’s back. She had the wildest spread of dark pubic hair that I’ve ever seen. She grabbed Anne by the hair and pulled my wife’s face hard against her pussy.

Watching them Degrade My Wife [FFM]

“I want to be humiliated.”

Before we met my wife Anne had a strange sexual history. Her two best friends had shared a lot of her sexual firsts. They had encouraged and pushed each other, but they had also demeaned and degraded each other. It hadn’t been healthy. Anne’s first time having anal sex had been with her best friend Jane’s boyfriend, because Jane wouldn’t do it. Anne had made Jane watch. In turn Jane had once convinced Anne to masturbate while Jane took pictures with an old Polaroid. Jane had shown the pictures to a fairly large number of people. The third girl in the triangle, Emma, had been an instigator. She’d driven the other two to constantly push each other, to shame each other and to constantly escalate.

Obsessed With Being Anonymously Fucked [MFM]

Anne had become obsessed. Ever since I’d arranged for one of her coworkers to anonymously fuck her, it was all she could think about.

She knew that someone she worked with had seen her bent over and exposed, had tasted her pussy, had fucked her, and had marked her face with cum. Every day she went in to work knowing that someone there had seen her at her most debased and could be picturing her that way at any moment.

The fact that she had no idea who had fucked her was what pushed her over the edge. It could have been anyone and so it was everyone. Every minute of the day she was horny, watching her coworkers for the smallest hint that they were the one. She desperately wanted to ask me, but didn’t want to break the spell. They mystery left her feeling exposed, like every nerve was raw. She was so wet from arousal that she had to bring a second pair of panties to work. She started slipping into the bathroom on her breaks to masturbate, to take the edge off her tension. She was almost caught be her teammates a couple of times, which only furthered her arousal.

When My Wife Fucked My Sister [FF]

I don’t know how my older sister, Michelle, discovered church but I remember when. She was in her late teens when she started coming home and talking about rules in the Bible. It was strange, our family had always been extremely liberal. We tried to be tolerant at first.

Time went by and she went further and further into the church. She never became hateful, but the church she went to was one of the fire and brimstone places that had very strong words about same sex relationships. That was especially hard on Anne, my wife, who was openly bisexual. But still, out of all the family it was Anne that tried to keep the lines of communication open.

Michelle got engaged to a man from the church, a youth pastor, and invited Anne to the Bachelorette party. It wasn’t going to be a wild night of debauchery. It was going to be a retreat at some church camp in the woods. Anne reluctantly agreed to go. It was everything she expected, an old and slightly run down church with a little residence behind it, in the forest, near the base of the mountains.

Anonymous Fuck For My Wife [MFM]

Anne wobbled precariously. She was dressed conservatively, in a white blouse and a tight black pencil skirt, with black heels. She looked like a well-dressed secretary, except for being bent double over a stool that was just a little too tall. She was shaky, perched atop her high heels, and she risked toppling over if she moved too much.

I had rolled the skirt up and was slowly caressing her pussy. She was wet and trying to thrust back on to my fingers but I refused to give in, instead lightly teasing her. When she started to moan I pulled my fingers away completely.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Mmm…I don’t know.” Anne whispered.

“You can stop this.” I slowly slid a finger past her lips. She tensed in pleasure.

Fucking at the Cabin [MMF]

It was cold. But Paul’s cock was incredibly hot against my back.

It had been stupid to head up to Paul’s family’s cabin in early May. Winter hadn’t given up yet and the cabin was only heated by a single wood burning stove. But we’d somehow decided that it was a great way to spend the weekend. So we’d gone, myself, my wife Anne, Paul and Anne’s friend Marion. Anne and I had shared some sexual experiences with Paul in the past. But he had been married to Kim for about a year at this point and with Marion there I assumed that sex was off the table. The cabin was very small and Marion was literally just a friend. Anne had no desire to let Marion in on that part of our lives.

We did, however, bring up a lot of liquor. We got to the cabin. Cleaned up a little, got a fire started in the stove, lay out our sleeping bags and started drinking.

A Reunion and Sex Under the Stars [Group]

The night was cool and clear with brilliant stars overhead. The forest surrounding us seemed to swallow all sound. My wife, Anne, and I were renting a cabin for the weekend with our friends Paul and Kim. Kim had been studying abroad for two years and had recently returned. She’d finished her doctorate in English and was coming home to a well-paying job with a multinational corporation. The weekend away was a welcome home and congratulations party combined.

While Kim had been abroad she had asked Anne to keep Paul company. She was worried that two years apart would leave Paul lonely and likely to stray. Anne and Paul had shared five nights together. It ended just before Kim got home, when Anne let Paul fuck her [ass](, something Kim had never allowed.

When Kim got home the girls and Paul decided that I deserved some sort of reward for letting Paul fuck my wife and so I’d shared a memorable night with Kim.

Fucking My Friends Fiancee [MF]

The hotel room was bright and clean and it had an amazing view of the city skyline. I was there with my best friend’s fiancée, Kim, and I was very nervous. Kim had been abroad studying for two years and her fiancée, Paul, had gotten very lonely. To keep him company we’d share my wife with him. She had jacked him off, blown him, fucked him and even let him fuck her ass, something Kim had never allowed. All this was with Kim’s support and encouragement. The women and Paul had decided that I deserved to be rewarded for agreeing to the events. And so I found myself in the hotel room, nude, with a naked Kim in front of me. She been back in the country less than a day.

I was very nervous. Anne, my wife, and I have a pretty robust sex life and have frequently involved other partners. But never had I been alone with another woman. For every experience with another woman, Anne had been there.

Being Seen, Revisited [FFM]

Sheila twisted and writhed against the ropes that bound her. Anne’s mouth hovered just above Shelia’s pussy, teasing shield with hot breath. Anne smiled at Sheila’s erotic torment.

Anne had once babysat for Sheila and in the process the two had become extremely close. Sheila had become a close confidante.

Sheila had also played heavily into a sexual encounter where Anne had exposed herself to the older woman. Anne had confided how much she’d hoped that things would escalate with Sheila afterwards but nothing had ever happened.

Years passed. Anne graduated. We got married and moved cities. The two women drifted apart, although they kept tenuous contact.

One day I came across Anne almost in tears. Sheila and her husband, Mark, were getting divorced. Anne had always looked on them as an example of what a great relationship could be and the news was a shock to her.

Eventually she invited Sheila to come visit us and Sheila agreed, eager for a change in surroundings.

Sheila was in rough shape when she came to visit. Mark had cheated on her and been pretty brutal when he announced that he wanted a divorce. Someone who Anne had looked up to had turned out to be a colossal ass.

Fucking Her Ass to Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

“Tonight will be the last night” I said.

Paul and I were walking through a park near my apartment. He seemed to know immediately what I meant. He kept walking but looked over in interest.


“We’ve given it a lot of thought. With everything that we’ve done, there should be a final night. A night to celebrate our time together.” Paul’s fiancé Kim had been studying abroad for almost two years. She’d just graduated with her doctorate and was due to return to him in a week. To keep Paul from straying while she was away she arranged a number of sexual encounters with my wife Anne. The last such night he had fucked her for the first time.

“Thank you.” He said simple.

Anne was prepared for us when we got to the house. She was waiting for us on the bed, lying flat, in the same position as when he’d fucked her.

She was almost completely nude. There was no outfit this time. All she wore was her white high heels and her panties, already bunched down around her right ankle.