The Very First Time We Shared Her With a Friend [MFM]

The first time I shared the woman who would become my wife, we were quite young. We were lying on my bed, making out when she looked at me with her big blue eyes and asked if she was hot.

“Of course.” I assured her. But then I continued. I don’t know why I said the words. “You are so hot that all my friends want to fuck you.”

She was taken aback. She’s never really thought that she was all that attractive and, until that moment, I don’t think she’d thought of any of my friends that way. She doubted me. I doubled down.

“No, honestly. Call up any of them and ask if they would come over right now and fuck you.”

She was shocked but then turned playful, asking if I would really allow it. She was teasing, but noticed how hard I was getting as we talked. She picked up the phone, dialed and called one of my good friends. At each stage she paused, waiting for me to stop her. I never did.

My friend was shocked at the call and what my girlfriend said. He was convinced that she was joking. But he took the opportunity. He hurried over like a man possessed.

She Stripped For My Groomsman [MFM]

This started a long time past, at a friend’s house in High School. It was late at night, we were young, David’s parents were gone and we were very drunk. Everything began with a pin toy. A bunch of pins held in a frame that retained the impression of anything pressed against them. The kind of thing that executives have on their desk to show that they are whimsical, but not too whimsical. They’re trademarked under the name “Pinscreen.”

The toy was on the desk of his father’s office when Anne found it. She became obsessed with it. Hands, Face, ears. She loved making impressions in the cold steel pins. I think they felt new and exciting against her skin. Anne escalated from her own skin to mine and eventually to David. She started with his hands, but moves up to his ears, then his face. He was obviously uncomfortable, not with the attention, but with how to handle the attention. David didn’t have a girlfriend. He’d never had a girlfriend. Having Anne this close, focusing on him, touching him, was leaving him flustered. He kept looking over at me for guidance. I was happy to just watch things unfold.

From Submissive To Dominant [FMF]

I walked into the living room to find Anne, my girlfriend, eating pussy. Her friend, Kathy, was splayed out on the couch, writhing on Anne’s tongue. Kathy was naked, Anne wore only her favorite pair of green panties. It was clear they weren’t expecting me. When Kathy noticed me she jumped and scrambled to cover herself with a cushion. She pointed imperiously at door behind me.

“Get out.”

Anne and Kathy had been fucking for about a month now. The first time they’d had sex I’d been there watching. Kathy had dominated Anne and forced her out of her comfort zone. It had been beautiful to see.

They’d had sex twice since then, just the two of them. I was happy that Anne was getting the chance to thoroughly explore a facet of her sexuality and I very much enjoyed the detailed reports I got afterwards.

Kathy wasn’t sure what to make of my role in their relationship. She once tried to convince Anne to leave me and that first time they’d fucked it had been as much about Kathy trying to show her dominance over Anne as anything else. But Anne, although enjoying being submissive, had made it clear that her relationship with me took primacy.

Watching Her Dominate My Girlfriend [FFM]

Anne met a girl and she was enthralled. Kathy was short and fit and very curvy. She had long dark curly hair and was gorgeous. They met at yoga and Anne was instantly taken with Kathy.
I wasn’t worried about my relationship with Anne. She’d been my girlfriend for a long time and I’d known she was bisexual for almost as long. Since her bisexuality aroused me as much as it did her, it would be hypocritical to try and curtail it. But I still worried. Anne tended towards powerful crushes. She wasn’t just interested in someone, she fell head over heels for them and the last time hadn’t ended well.

Anne fell for her friend Lindsay. The three of us had played together a few times. Then Anne and Lindsay had gone on a date, just the two of them. Anne had confessed her growing feelings. Lindsay had listened warmly, told Anne that she had to think about it and then ghosted her. Anne has been heartbroken and I didn’t want that to happen again.

The Wrong Threesome [MFM]

I’d been with my girlfriend, Anne, since the sixth grade and I’d known that she was bisexual almost as long. We wanted to be an extremely open and kinky couple but we were only that way with each other. Outwardly we were very reserved.

We told ourselves that things would change when we went away to college, but they didn’t. And it was frustrating. Anne had a roommate that can safely be described as insane. She was older than we were and smoked an amazing amount of pot. She was also very open about sex. Almost obnoxiously so. She would leave her sex toys out in the main room, or leave porn playing on the TV even after she’d left. Anne was quietly determined to fuck her before graduation.

We had a party at the house one weekend. A ridiculous rager where we bought a keg, then sold drinks to anyone wanted to drop by until we made enough to buy another keg. The house was trashed, it was amazing. We partied, fell asleep, woke up and partied some more. Ultimately we ended up in Anne’s bedroom. The two of us, Jim, a friend we’d both known since elementary school, and the roommate. Both Jim and Anne were flirting with the roommate. But badly, neither was good at it. Sort of randomly, the roommate got up and wandered out.

Being Seen, Revisited [FFM]

Sheila twisted and writhed against the ropes that bound her. Anne’s mouth hovered just above Shelia’s pussy, teasing shield with hot breath. Anne smiled at Sheila’s erotic torment.

Anne had once babysat for Sheila and in the process the two had become extremely close. Sheila had become a close confidante.

Sheila had also played heavily into a sexual encounter where Anne had exposed herself to the older woman. Anne had confided how much she’d hoped that things would escalate with Sheila afterwards but nothing had ever happened.

Years passed. Anne graduated. We got married and moved cities. The two women drifted apart, although they kept tenuous contact.

One day I came across Anne almost in tears. Sheila and her husband, Mark, were getting divorced. Anne had always looked on them as an example of what a great relationship could be and the news was a shock to her.

Eventually she invited Sheila to come visit us and Sheila agreed, eager for a change in surroundings.

Sheila was in rough shape when she came to visit. Mark had cheated on her and been pretty brutal when he announced that he wanted a divorce. Someone who Anne had looked up to had turned out to be a colossal ass.

Categorized as Erotica

Being Seen [FFM]

Anne wanted to be seen.

In her first year at college my girlfriend, Anne, took some introductory art classes, including a figure drawing class. The class went from the basics to still life, then to drawing people and finally to nude models. The models were not, contrary to how it often appears in movies, especially attractive or sexual. The point was to teach the students, not to get them aroused. For the most part the models could be best described as “fit” and then left at that.

Still Anne found herself deeply aroused in every class. Not by the models but by the people watching. She wondered what it would be like to be the subject of such rapt attention, to have so many eyes on you. She started to dwell on the feeling of being exposed, of being unable to hide anything.

It spilled into our sex. She would get me to watch her in the shower, to watch her masturbating on the bed, even to film her. But it didn’t satiate the yearning. I saw her all the time. Nothing was revealed. Nothing was exposed. She needed something more.

Housewarming Gift [FMF]

One of the trigger points in my relationship with my long term girlfriend Anne came when we tried to move in together. It was stressful, for a number of reasons, and it ultimately led to us breaking up. The break up didn’t last long, but while we were apart I finally moved in to my own apartment. It was not, by any standard, a glorious place. It was a three story walk up with yellow walls, a stunning view of the parking lot and a very thin floor. My downstairs neighbor was a nice guy but he was frequently tapping the ceiling to remind me that he could hear everything.

That was usually OK. I was happy to have the place, but I didn’t usually invite too many people over. It wasn’t a great place to party. In fact, the first real guests I had, not counting the friends that helped me move, were Anne and our friend Lindsay. The three of us had recently had a couple of confusing, but ultimately very exciting threesomes. Anne and I were back together as a couple and the two girls were spending a lot of time together.

Letting Him Breed My Wife. [MFM]

Paul and Kim were getting divorced. The news came as a huge surprise. They had been a couple for a long time and they’d been married for a couple of years.

Anne and I had a long relationship with Paul and Kim. We’d been good friends with Paul before they even became a couple and when they started dating Kim became a natural part of our circle of friends.

Our relationship with the couple had deepened when Kim took a couple of years to study abroad. Worried that Paul might start looking at other women, Kim turned to Anne. Anne had agreed to help. She started off by masturbating with Paul and things had escalated from there. When Kim came back we were a closer group than ever. We’d had a few sexual encounters the four of us.

When they finally got married I’d been the best man and Anne had been the maid of honor. We’d anticipated a happily ever after.

Ultimately it was children that ended the relationship. Paul wanted them, badly, and Kim did not. They’d tried to get pregnant for a couple of months and the tension between their competing desires had torn the marriage apart. Paul had fallen into a pretty deep funk.

Running a Train on My Wife’s Ass [FMM]

My wife, Anne, and I have always struggled with anal sex. I love it, but she is not a fan. Her first anal experience was fairly painful and tinged with shame. Anne would occasionally allow me to indulge but we would often go a year or more without.

So, when she asked me what I wanted for my birthday naturally I said anal sex.

“No, really, what do you want?” She laughed.

“Anal sex.” I replied. “But not just me. I want to watch a train of guys fill your ass with cum. Then, when you are too sore and tired to take any more I want to take my turn on you.”

“Ha ha. No. We’ll think of something else.”

About a week before my birthday I came home. Anne was there with three of her male coworkers. I’d met them like before, at various work functions. Brad sat at the desk opposite Anne, Jonathan was in accounting and Steve worked in IT.

Anne stood in the middle of the room. She was wearing a sundress, one of my favorites. Without much ado she knelt down over the coffee table and raised the dress up to her waist, exposing her beautiful smooth ass. She wasn’t wearing panties. She looked back at me and smiled.