Fucking Her Ass to Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

“Tonight will be the last night” I said.

Paul and I were walking through a park near my apartment. He seemed to know immediately what I meant. He kept walking but looked over in interest.


“We’ve given it a lot of thought. With everything that we’ve done, there should be a final night. A night to celebrate our time together.” Paul’s fiancé Kim had been studying abroad for almost two years. She’d just graduated with her doctorate and was due to return to him in a week. To keep Paul from straying while she was away she arranged a number of sexual encounters with my wife Anne. The last such night he had fucked her for the first time.

“Thank you.” He said simple.

Anne was prepared for us when we got to the house. She was waiting for us on the bed, lying flat, in the same position as when he’d fucked her.

She was almost completely nude. There was no outfit this time. All she wore was her white high heels and her panties, already bunched down around her right ankle.

Fucking Him to Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

“I have been lonely.” Paul said. “With Kim away I mean.” His fiancé, Kim, was studying abroad and had been for a long time. It was still some six months before she would return.

“I mean. I was lonely. Not in a mental sense, I had lots of people around me, but in a physical one. When things got a little much, I could easily take matters in hand, as it were. But it didn’t have anywhere near the same feeling as being with someone. You and Anne have really helped me.”

Anne was my wife and Kim’s best friend. Together they’d arranged three nights between Paul and Anne. At first it was mutual masturbation, then a hand job. The last time Anne had given Paul an amazing blowjob. I’d watched through a glass door and benefited by getting an absolutely astonishing boost to my sex life. Being so urgently needed left Anne feeling horny almost all the time.

I’d invited Paul over again. I knew he was secretly hoping for another sexual encounter with Anne, but when he arrived she was nowhere to be seen. I was trying to talk to him quickly though, we did have something planned.

Sucking Him off To Save His Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

Paul and I were driving. It was a warm summer day and the windows were half open, letting a cool breeze into the car. Paul, Anne and I had some vacation time and we’d having a good time as a group. Today was Anne’s first day back at work, so Paul and I had headed off to do some exploring.

The conversation was a little muted. The scenery was spectacular and the breeze through the windows made a bit of noise. We chatted half-heartedly about how much we hated the Star Wars prequels. We hadn’t talked about sex for the entire week.

After a while it got a little colder and we rolled the windows up. After a few minutes of silence Paul turned to look at me.

“Did Anne really think that I was flirting with Rebecca?” He asked. It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Paul’s fiancé had been studying abroad for a while now. At one point my girlfriend, Anne, had noticed Paul taking an interest in other women.

“Yes. A lot. You seemed very in to her. We were convinced that you would leave Kim for her.” He was taken aback by the answer.

A Handjob to Save a Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

I picked Paul up at the airport. It was early summer and he had come back from a quick work trip. Kim was still studying abroad. His flight had gone well, but the traffic was terrible. We’d already been stuck on the bridge for twenty minutes and it looked like we had a lot longer to wait. The conversation was light. Mostly how much we both hated the Star Wars prequels.

“So. Last month?” He suddenly asked. Last month, with the urging of his fiancé Kim, Paul had shared a mutual masturbation session with my wife, Anne. Kim had been worried that their long separation would drive Paul into the arms of another woman. This was her way of reaching out to him over the distance. After the one night we’d never discussed it again. You’d think it would be awkward, but it hadn’t been. The next time we spoke we just talked about other things. We just never returned to the topic.

“Yes.” I kept my answer simple. I wasn’t sure where this was going and didn’t want to start out on the wrong foot. He turned to me and took on a serious tone.

Mutual Masturbation to Save a Long Distance Relationship [MFM]

“The girls have been talking.” I told Paul when he came over. It was an out of blue statement. He stared at me. We were in my apartment. My wife and I had painted to walls crimson, we thought they were cool, but they were ultimately a mistake. We sat on the couch.

“Kim thinks you’re lonely.” Paul’s fiancé was studying in France. She’d been away for a six months and would likely be at least a year. Paul nodded.

“Of course I am. I’ll survive.”

“Anne was getting concerned. You’ve been spending a lot of time with Rebecca recently.”

“Hey.” He was indignant. “Nothing is happening with Rebecca, and it’s not really your business.” I raised my hands disarmingly.

“Agreed. Not mine. But Anne and Kim have apparently been talking and Kim asked if Anne could do something about it.”

“Like what? Is this supposed to be an intervention?” He smiled. “I actually think that’s kinda cute. And really sweet. But you guys have literally nothing to be worried about.”

“Again, not me. But Kim is worried that you might be lonely enough to be tempted by some seductress and she talked to Anne about it. They came to an agreement and told me about it.”

My Wife Helped a Friend Discover Her Sexuality [FF]

Maxine had, the whole time we’d known her, been the quieter one. Her friends, Maesa and Julie, were outgoing, vibrant and lewd, while Maxine had mostly gone along with events as they unfolded. But not today. Today Maxine had asked my wife, Anne, and I to have lunch, just the three of us. We found a little cafe on a square in Venice and watched the boats go by.

“I think I’m gay.” Maxine said. She was blushing furiously but carried on. I think she’d scripted this. “But…I’ve never actually been with a woman. I’ve really come to care for you two and…” She gulped. “I’d like to spend a night with Anne. Anne and I alone.”

Anne reached across the table and held Maxine’s hand. They both looked at me. I’ve know that Anne was bisexual almost the entire time I’ve known Anne. That fact had led to some amazing sexual encounters and I loved that part of her. However, the question came at a strange time. We planned on going separate ways that afternoon. The women had plans in Dubrovnik and we were catching the train to Rome.

Watching My Wife Masturbate for an Audience of Women [FF]

Venice was beautiful city. Pictures don’t really covey how magical it is. But all the beauty didn’t hide one fact, the locals didn’t really like the tourists. I can’t blame them. We overwhelmed the city, crowded the water buses and were generally in the way. The Hostel, however, seemed like a deliberate insult. It was on the island of Giudecca, separated from the main city by the very wide Giudecca Canal. The first vaporetto off was at 10 in the morning, the last one back was at 6 in the evening. It was like they were doing everything possible to keep us away from the central city.

My wife, Anne, and I had come to Venice with three new friends, Maesa, Maxine and Julie, who we had met in Verona. All three worked as stewardesses on the same private yacht and they were taking some downtime to explore Italy. We decided that, between the five of us, we didn’t need to worry about the money so much and got a hotel room in the main the city. The new hotel was very close to the Labia Palace and, like the very mature group that we were, this engendered massive giggling fits.

Her First Blowjob [FMF]

Anne, the girl who would eventually become my wife, was at guy’s house. She was still pretty young. We had met, but we weren’t a couple yet. She was there with her best friend, one of the guys’ friend and the guy himself. Said guy still lived with his parents

Somehow the group decided to play strip poker. Then they realized that none of them knew how to play poker. They instead decided to cut the deck as pairs, the low card losing an item of clothing. The game moved quickly, which was the kind of the point.

The friend’s guest lost first and took off his pants. Anne’s best friend lost second and took off a sock. Anne was disappointed in her friend. Anne took of her shirt after her own loss, showing off a beautiful lacy bra. She’d just bought it and was excited to show it off.

Somehow it ended up with Anne facing off against the guest. The guest lost and was about to pull off his boxers when the parents came home. Everyone scrambled and ran out the back door.

Watching Her Suck Cock On The French Riviera [MFM]

Nice was not a place for the poor. And we, my wife Anne and I, were poor. We were backpacking across Europe on a shoestring budget. Nice was a beautiful city, but it was designed for those with money to spend. We spent the morning in the sun drenched courtyard of the youth hostel and plotted our escape to cheaper climates.

As we sat there a man ran up to use with a friendly greeting. We had first met Scott at the hostel in Marseille. Today he was returning from a trip to Monaco. He seemed desperately lonely as he raved to us about how excellent, friendly and spotlessly clean Monaco had been. Of all the people we’d met on our honeymoon, Scott seemed the most ill-suited to the life of a backpacker. Nothing, outside of Monaco, had lived up to his expectations and he complained about every person he’d met. Which was strange, since almost everyone we’d met had been extremely friendly.

The entire purpose of Scott’s trip, as far as we could tell, was to meet women who were away from home for the first time in their lives, free from all taboos and all supervision. He planned to guide these naïve young women into every aspect of their sexuality. He was failing miserably, since his only approach was to tell the women exactly that.

Fucking While Hiking [FM]

Went for a drive into the mountains with my wife today and went for an easy hike. Halfway through she flipped up her sundress and i realized she wasn’t wearing panties.

She forced me to walk for ten minutes with a painfully hard cock before pulling me into the trees. She bent over a fallen tree trunk and I fucked her hard while people hiked past just feet away.

She finished the hike with my cum trickling down her leg.

[The Chronology of Anne](https://old.reddit.com/user/LordUnderTheMountain/comments/xnzum9/the_chronology_of_anne/)