Her Very First Fuck [FM]

The party had been loud and raucous but was starting to die down. All that was left was my future wife, Anne, two of her friends and a couple of guys. Ed and Jane were a couple, but Mike was unattached and both Anne and her friend Emma were interested.

The party was Anne’s parents’ house, while they were away for the weekend. It was a perfect escape for a group of horny college students and they were making the most of being off campus.
They were extremely drunk, most of them were high, and there was still plenty of alcohol around. The group was sitting in the basement. Ed and Jane were on the couch, Mike and Emma were in separate chairs and Anne was sitting on the floor, an old orange and yellow shag carpet that dated back to the seventies.

Ed and Jane were making out, showing off to their friends. It started off as light kissing until Ed pulled Janes shirt off, exposing her black bra. At that, everyone leaned forward. Jane looked around, nervous.

“I can’t be the only one losing clothes. We should play strip poker, or something.” She suggested.

Her First Blowjob [FM]

Anne, the girl who would eventually become my wife, was still fairly naïve when she went away to college. She was still a virgin and only had few fumbling experiences with her girlfriends. It wasn’t that she had no interest in sex, just that her parents were controlling and very vigilant. So, when the scrutiny lifted Anne was pretty eager to explore. She just had no idea how to start. It didn’t help that she was still a bit shy and not very confident.

One of Anne’s oldest friends, Emma, was a big more adventurous. In the first few weeks at school she’d already made a whole new group of friends. One of those new friends invited Emma and Anne over to his house. His parents were out for the night and he wanted to have friends over. It was a small group, just Emma and Anne, the guy whose house it was and one of the guys friends.

When She Fucked My Brother [FM]

My wife, Anne, and I decided to try and get pregnant. We had wild month where we really go into the idea and then the pandemic hit. With the state of the world and the complete uncertainty that surrounded everything, we decided to put the idea on hold for the moment. It didn’t seem like the best time.

Bu things have changed. We are both more secure in our jobs than ever, the pandemic seems to be calming down and the timing has started to feel right again. She went off birth control and started tracking her cycles.

She also bought some sexy lingerie, specifically for trying to get her pregnant. Green stockings, garter belt and silk panties. But also a sheer top that you could see her breasts through and a cupless bra, that pushed her breasts up so that they were high and perky.

I was at work when I got a text from her. It was a selfie in the bathroom. She was wearing the lingerie and it was just the words,

“It’s time.”

Her Very First Time [FM]

My wife’s first time having sex was on a shag carpet. She was having a party at her parents’ house. After just about everyone had gone to bed and she was hanging out with a friend in the living room. He jokingly asked for blowjob and she surprised him by agreeing. But she was really drunk and almost gagged on him, so she told him to fuck her instead.

He took her face down on the shag carpet. She let him cum inside her. She apparently had wicked rug burn.

For some reason it’s the detail about the carpet that gets me.

[The Chronology of Anne](https://old.reddit.com/user/LordUnderTheMountain/comments/100f1ap/the_chronology_of_anne/)

Her First Blowjob [FMF]

Anne, the girl who would eventually become my wife, was at guy’s house. She was still pretty young. We had met, but we weren’t a couple yet. She was there with her best friend, one of the guys’ friend and the guy himself. Said guy still lived with his parents

Somehow the group decided to play strip poker. Then they realized that none of them knew how to play poker. They instead decided to cut the deck as pairs, the low card losing an item of clothing. The game moved quickly, which was the kind of the point.

The friend’s guest lost first and took off his pants. Anne’s best friend lost second and took off a sock. Anne was disappointed in her friend. Anne took of her shirt after her own loss, showing off a beautiful lacy bra. She’d just bought it and was excited to show it off.

Somehow it ended up with Anne facing off against the guest. The guest lost and was about to pull off his boxers when the parents came home. Everyone scrambled and ran out the back door.

[MFM] A Mask for the Camera

I love living in Portland. There is nothing special about the neighbourhood that we live in, but downtown offers so much variety in such a small space that it’s an easy way to have a quick vacation and pretend that we have gone somewhere far away. We love to go down to a hotel in the Pearl district and then just go walking.

There is a seedy little sex shop right by Powell’s bookstore that my wife, Anne, loves to go in and browse. The very first time we went in the clerk was this very cute manic pixel girl type who flirted shamelessly with my wife and offered to help her try on a corset. My wife has always regretted turning her down. So, every time we are there we visit the same shop. Mostly due to fond memories, with a tiny little hope that the manic pixie girl will be there again. She never has been.

The last time we were there was a bit strange. Things were lifting from the worst of the pandemic and we were out again. But everything still felt very subdued. Everyone seemed to be on eggshells. The area wasn’t as lively as we remembered either. Dirtier, grittier. Everything felt like there was a pall of sadness hanging over it.

Breeding My Wife [MFM]

Paul and Kim were getting divorced. The news came as a huge surprise. They had been a couple for a long time and they’d been married for a couple of years.

Anne and I had a long relationship with Paul and Kim. We’d been good friends with Paul before they even became a couple and when they started dating Kim became a natural part of our circle of friends.

Our relationship with the couple had deepened when Kim took a couple of years to study abroad. Worried that Paul might start looking at other women, Kim turned to Anne. Anne had agreed to help. She started off by masturbating with Paul and things had escalated from there. When Kim came back we were a closer group than ever. We’d had a few sexual encounters the four of us.

When they finally got married I’d been the best man and Anne had been the maid of honor. We’d anticipated a happily ever after.

Ultimately it was children that ended the relationship. Paul wanted them, badly, and Kim did not. They’d tried to get pregnant for a couple of months and the tension between their competing desires had torn the marriage apart. Paul had fallen into a pretty deep funk.

Watching them Degrade My Wife [FFF]

“I want to be humiliated.”

Before we met my wife Anne had a strange sexual history. Her two best friends had shared a lot of her sexual firsts. They had encouraged and pushed each other, but they had also demeaned and degraded each other. It hadn’t been healthy.

Anne’s first time having anal sex had been with her best friend Jane’s boyfriend, because Jane wouldn’t do it. Anne had made Jane watch. In turn Jane had once convinced Anne to masturbate while Jane took pictures with an old Polaroid. Jane had shown the pictures to a fairly large number of people.

The third girl in the triangle, Emma, had been an instigator. She’d driven the other two to constantly push each other, to shame each other and to constantly escalate.

The dynamic during her sexual awakening had left its mark on Anne. Anne often switched between being very dominant and quite submissive in bed. So her pronouncement wasn’t a complete surprise. But she seemed more urgent, more strident, than she ever had before.

“You want to be dominated?” I asked cautiously. “Like a BDSM scene?”

Fucking at the Cabin [MMF]

It was cold. But Paul’s cock was incredibly hot against my back.

It had been stupid to head up to Paul’s family’s cabin in early May. Winter hadn’t given up yet and the cabin was only heated by a single wood burning stove. But we’d somehow decided that it was a great way to spend the weekend. So we’d gone, myself, my wife Anne, Paul and Anne’s friend Marion. Anne and I had shared some sexual experiences with Paul in the past. But he had been married to Kim for about a year at this point and with Marion there I assumed that sex was off the table. The cabin was very small and Marion was literally just a friend. Anne had no desire to let Marion in on that part of our lives.

We did, however, bring up a lot of liquor. We got to the cabin. Cleaned up a little, got a fire started in the stove, lay out our sleeping bags and started drinking.

A Reunion and Sex Under the Stars [Group]

The night was cool and clear with brilliant stars overhead. The forest surrounding us seemed to swallow all sound. My wife, Anne, and I were renting a cabin for the weekend with our friends Paul and Kim. Kim had been studying abroad for two years and had recently returned. She’d finished her doctorate in English and was coming home to a well-paying job with a multinational corporation. The weekend away was a welcome home and congratulations party combined.

While Kim had been abroad she had asked Anne to keep Paul company. She was worried that two years apart would leave Paul lonely and likely to stray. Anne and Paul had shared five nights together. It ended just before Kim got home, when Anne let Paul fuck her ass, something Kim had never allowed.

When Kim got home the girls and Paul decided that I deserved some sort of reward for letting Paul fuck my wife and so I’d shared a memorable night with Kim.