A Mormon missionary isn’t what he seems [MF]

Sometimes when I’m drunk I write these kind of short stories. An unfortunate incident of data loss recently destroyed all my work so I figure I should start posting them on Reddit from now on. Enjoy!


Amos and Jake stood in their pressed white shirts and ties waiting for someone to answer the doorbell, Bibles clutched under their arms. It was getting late in the morning and nobody that they had visited in the quiet suburban neighborhood had been receptive to their message. They were calling on one last house before packing it in for the day and heading back to the church.

A woman opened the door. Amos’s face fell- it was an Asian woman, and Asians almost never became Mormons. But a small smile appeared at the corner of Jake’s mouth. Jake was no Mormon. He came along on these visits “on loan” from a non-existent congregation, and he was a predator, a sleek, powerful Great White Shark, and he smelled blood in the water.

The woman was small, thin, and fairly pretty. She wore a blouse and conservative black slacks. Almost as soon as “may we come in?” came out of Jake’s mouth, she was nodding and bowing in nervous, almost comically-pained traditional respectfulness. “Yes, yes come in, yes, prease,” she said in passable but heavily-accented English.