I was young and immoral. She was young, insecure, and not very bright. “The Big Head” by me. [M/F, M+/F, kinky, cheating]

The Big Head
by me
[M/F, M+/F, kinky, cheating]

It was my first time in a position of “power”. That is, it was my first time working anywhere where they put me in charge of somebody.

I was, technically speaking, the Assistant Manager of the chain-restuarant I’d been a line-cook at for two whole years since graduating high school. And boy did it go to my head.

I was a real prick. I wrote employees up for anything and didn’t give a shit that they hated me for it. The GM was this middle-aged guy who loved using me as the scapegoat for any of the anger the waitstaff (especially the waitstaff! kitchen, front house, bar– no other department was nearly as bad at complaining and being all around dumbasses as the fucking waitstaff) had to direct somewhere. They played pranks on me, they talked about me behind my back, and I knew all about it because one of the linecooks was a friend of mine. He was trying to get me to chill.

When he told me that I literally said, “Are you kidding? Why would I ‘chill’? I love this fucking job!”