How an Engineer[M] met the goddess Persephone[F] (Part 3 Final)

Thursday we texted back and forth and she sent me a picture of her in her outfit for the night’s show and it took my breath away. I replied and told her how amazing she looked. **(You cant go to see her.)** **(Get her to go out on a proper date) (take her outside in the daylight)** my thoughts linger on her beautiful eyes. **(How magnificent those eyes would look in the sunlight).** Thursday night passed with us texting back and forth. A slow continuation of the conversation that started in the club.

Friday morning, I remembered she had a gig outside dancing and I texted and told her to have fun. She replied with a picture titled “me with my doggo this morning” The beauty of it almost killed me. The picture was of her in bed naked with her Dog next to her. I remember standing in my office. Our office was built into the factory and my window looked out over the final assembly line. I say my office loosely as this was the office I use every few months when I am in the USA. I hear a knock on the door and the general engineering secretary walks in.

How an Engineer[M] met the goddess Persephone[F] (Part 2 FULL)

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. **(What’s different?)** I ask the reflection, staring into my eyes demanding an answer. **(No emotion) (Reading others is easy, I am me)** I think back on the day. My mind was focused and I worked more effectively than ever before. And when my mind wandered it would linger on her. Making me smile like an idiot. I remember Harper, a short beautiful girl from HR actually walking up to me today.

“You are smiling and you look super confident today what changed?”

**(I went to a strip club)** I think, **(don’t tell her that) (you can’t lie)**

I turn to look here in the eyes. **(What should I say?) (you have wanted to ask this girl out on a date close to a dozen times. This is a good opportunity!)**

“I see,” She said looking away from my gaze. “Definitely more confident but still as silent as always, enjoy the rest of your day” she waves at me and walks away, catching up with the rest of the office people leaving the factory.

How an Engineer[M] met the goddes Persephone[F] (Part 2)

I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection. **(What’s different?)** I ask the reflection, staring into my eyes demanding an answer. **(No emotion) (Reading others is easy, I am me)** I think back on the day. My mind was focused and I worked more effectively than ever before. And when my mind wandered it would linger on her. Making me smile like an idiot. I remember Harper, a short beautiful girl from HR actually walking up to me today.

“You are smiling and you look super confident today what changed?”

**(I went to a strip club)** I think, **(don’t tell her that) (you can’t lie)**

I turn to look here in the eyes. **(What should I say?) (you have wanted to ask this girl out on a date close to a dozen times. This is a good opportunity!)**

“I see,” She said looking away from my gaze. “Definitely more confident but still as silent as always, whell enjoy the rest of your day” she waves at me and walks away, catching up with the rest of the office people leaving the factory.

How an Engineer[M] met the goddes Persephone[F]

To do this story justice I’ll need to start at the beginning.

When I was young I struggled with social skills. I was quit, awkward and scatter-minded. This ensured my almost complete isolation, and anybody that has been to any school ever knows that there is safety in numbers. A safety that I did not have. I can go on to tell you my poor tearjerking experience but I’ll spare you the wimpy kind cliché story and tell you that with the guidance of my Grandfather that I made it out alive. He helped met, without trying to change me. “You will never be like them” he would say. “But that’s not bad. Stand back. Look at what they openly hide on their faces and in their eyes. See what every other eye has been trained, by social construct, to ignore.” So that is what I did. I stayed out of sight and kept quiet. Every new teacher I would get would first be astonished by my good grades, astonishment would turn to concern when they started to notes my isolation and lack of interaction with my peers. My Grandfather was called in numerous times and would sit with countless teachers and school appointed psychiatrists discussing my blatant deviation from the norm. But for us, the Aidoneus (the unseen), this was normal.