Desire of the Day – Day 2 Part 3 [MF30+][Coworker][Public][POV][Story][Reverse Dom]

[Day 2 Part 2](

We’re driving down a small dead end lane next to a pub. You stop and quickly get out the car before setting off at almost a jog up a small path. I’m very confused.

I pull over, remove my helmet and pack my things away before, awkwardly in my motorbike boots, hurrying after you. I know these woods. I know that, not to far ahead just after the old factory, the path splits. If I don’t catch up by then I might not find you.
I can’t see you through the dense summer growth but I know my way and quickly reach the factory.

“Boo” you yell as you jump out from behind the wall and I jerk backwards slightly.

Laughing you approach, wrap your hands around my neck and give me a long soft kiss, our tongues getting involved and driving the passion raging inside me, and I hope you. You grab my hand and lead me on.

“Where are we going? And why do you know this place?” I ask.

Desire of the Day – Day 2 Part 2 [MF30+][Coworker][Public][Story][POV][Reverse Dom]

[Day 2 Part 1](

The afternoon drags on like the morning. My cock throbs with the pain and pleasure, I can’t work out which, of your squeezing for some time.

At around 4pm you come up to see me. You sit down next to me and we talk about the task at hand. You seem to be keeping a distance.

“You not hot in that jacket?” I ask a while later. You’ve got a white biker style jacket on, half zipped up with what looks like a mesh shirt underneath. I avert my eyes respectfully but you catch me looking.

“A little, but it’s fine” you say, offhand.

As people trickle out we again find ourselves practically alone.  A couple of stragglers on the other side of the office but no one within easy sight or earshot. Both of us noticing, we smile slyly at each other. You begin to take your jacket off and I suddenly realise why you’d kept it on.

You’ve got a sheer, tight fitting, top on underneath. Your skin clearly visible and your nipples, at the right angle, also. It appears tucked into your skirt. Watching me obviously admiring you say,
“it’s all I had washed” unconvincingly.

Desire of the Day – Day 2 Part 1 [MF30+][Coworker][Public][Story][Reverse Dom]

[Day 1 Part 7 (Previous Chapter)](

Day 2 –

Morning glory after the day I had yesterday is divine. Its like stretching your back after a long hard day’s work. It stands erect and proud, basking in its glory. Then I see the time. Back to routine.

Quick shower and teeth brushed, I go to get dressed and decide on a shirt. A little confident, leaning into the horny vibe I’ve woken up to, I go commando. Minutes later I’m jumping on the bike and away to work.

An uneventful 20 minutes later I stop at the shop and buy some cigs and chewing gum. The cashier looks familiar but I can’t quite pin it. She finishes scanning and looks at me with the same querying look.

She then says “have we met? are you the guy I nearly hit yesterday?”

I laugh in relief and explain my own confusion identifying her and we banter a little over the situation before she says,

“you shouldn’t smoke they’ll kill you” She says.

Not missing a beat I retort “not with your driving they won’t”.

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 7 (Final) [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Story][Solo shower masturbation]

[Part 6](

Making your way upstairs you collapse on the bed and for a moment you relax there thinking on what a day you’ve had. You pull your feet up to remove your shoes before loosening the cord on your waist, pulling each strap off your shoulder and letting the dress crumple on the floor. You grab your bag and pull out your phone to play some music and settle on motown. You strut to the bathroom quietly singing and swaying with the music and turn on the shower.

Standing in front of the mirror, your hips thrusting with purpose in time to “Boom boom” by John Lee Hooker now playing. You watch your body moving in the mirror. Your chest jiggling as you move, your hips pointing out as you reach one apex of a swing. You do a little twirl and turn your head to see your curvy cheeks flash passed and spot some redness. Turning your back to the mirror you twist your head round and can’t discern whether they were tree or hand caused. You reach a hand behind and softly run it over the area. A tingle runs through you as muscle memory kicks in.

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 6 [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Story]

[Part 5](

In a panic you let go of me and immediately pull down on your dress whilst frantically whipping your head side to side to look for the culprit. You can’t see anyone and as you turn to begin to query me, you hear noises. The sounds of chatting and laughing, though the words aren’t discernable. Then you see, coming from the path we took to arrive here, a group of a few young lads walking along.

You hop off the wood and stand behind me clenching my arms tight, “oh my god what if they saw us?” you quickly hiss.

“They didn’t, though they might have heard you, you moan like a dying person.” I chuckle and you quickly slap my back.

I laugh harder and feign pain.

“It’s not funny, let’s go back” you hiss again and we set off.

As we pass, the group approaching quieten a little but otherwise we pass each other without comment. After a few steps I lean toward you and say in one of those volumes you can’t tell if anyone else but you can hear,

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 5 [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Public][Story]

[Part 4](

Twenty minutes later you’re on the motorway. A familiar shape appears in your mirror and you see a bike approaching. As it passes, you wave with a large smirk on your face. You think about riding on the back of the bike, reaching round me to grab my cock as we travel. You start feeling hot again and as you leave the motorway you open your window. Passing through the traffics lights and joining the roundabout you see the bike pulled up at a petrol station and pull in.

“Fancy seeing you here” you shout out the window as you open the door and step out.

The rider turning round makes you realise it’s not me and you laugh embarrassed.

“Sorry thought you were someone else”, you say, and awkwardly begin filling your car.

The biker looks at you says “no worries” and goes to leave before doing a double take.

He can see your nipples through your dress top and smiles to himself, his face hidden under his helmet. He nods towards you and leaves. At this you hear a voice,

“Fancy seeing you here”.

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 4 [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Story][Light Choking]

[Part 3](

I navigate inside you, pushing your thong to one side, you panic and almost say “not my arse!” but stop as I slide into your wet pussy.

Filling you up makes you clench, you grab my arm tight, your face showing a little pain with your eyes clenched shut and so I pause to let your body relax.

One boob hangs out your loose dress top, the other, hard nippled, brushes against the inside of your dress as you slowly begin raising and lowering onto my cock.

Finally comfortable you begin moving up and down quicker.

“Choke me you bastard” you say, your eyes ablaze and your hair wild.

I oblige with my hand holding your throat the other supporting your arse.

“I said choke me!” you moan, and my grip tightens.

Just as you open your mouth to speak again suddenly my grip intensifies and my finger slips off your bum cheek and once again inside your arse.

“And I told you to cum!” I growl.

Suddenly a mix of lack of oxygen, my cock filling your pussy and the finger in your arse cause your body to tremble with pleasure.

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 3 [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Story]

[Part 2](

Shock gives way to pure frenzy and my hands rush to you as one grabs the back of you neck, fingers clenching your hair as the other hand grabs your arm tight. It’s long, passionate and intense. Our lips working together as our tongues brush against each other and your hands, unsure what to do, first under my chin, then my arm, before one slowly works its way to my now hard nob.

Your sudden intake of breath a mystery to me. When we part we both seem in shock.

I joke “well it took long enough”,

and you respond “should’ve made a move then”.

I lean in for another kiss that you reciprocate and this time let my hand grasp your left breast. I try different pressures and movements eventually settling on a hard grasp which makes your kisses more passionate.

Your right hand slides down my arm to my crotch but this time begins to unbutton my pants one handed and sliding your hand down into my boxers to get a full grip on my nob as you stroke it up and down.

Desire of the Day – Day 1 Part 2 [MF30+][POV][Coworker][Story]

[Part 1](

The hours drag on, interspersed with cig breaks and conversations with colleagues. It’s a very male environment, conversations generally shift to sports, video games, cult films and TV show discussions. It’s fun, and I partake where I can, but I’m constantly thinking of “when”.

On lunch break I stand outside hoping you’ll come out and we can chat again. Anything, purchase order requests, emails about supply issues, gossip about retirements, the weather. At this point I’m just hooked on speaking with you, but you don’t come. I console myself with cigarettes.

As my break ends I head back inside, as I do I see you walking out.

“Hey, where you off?” I ask as you approach.

You’ve ditched the jacket and bag, your dress sways around your legs as you walk. Smiling at me, looking into my eyes you say,

“sitting in my car for a bit, I’m just going on lunch now”.

My heart sinks. not that I could have known, but I should have waited and gone with you. ‘And done what? She’s not interested’ a voice in my head screams at me.

Desire of the Day- Day 1 Part 1 [MF 30+][POV][Coworker][Story]

Day 1

Morning glory, with no opportunity for release, is a difficulty I don’t want. Waking up, tired and groggy, to my alarm playing some random music and rolling over to turn it off; realising my member is in a bright mood when all I want is to have a piss. I stand up and work my way to the bathroom.

My bed calls to me with its warmth and lagging memory of a dream I can’t recall but know I enjoyed. My ‘gentleman’ being evidence enough of that. Climbing into the tepid shower to help alleviate the situation I briefly consider a more physical solution. There’s no time, it always takes longer in the morning, got to go to work. Why does it always take longer in the morning? Tiredness? Lack of energy? The idea that if I do it now my day will never improve from this point? That sounds pathetic but if I really think about it, it’s not far wrong. The cool water isn’t helping and I still need a piss.