[m/f] How I slept with a group member before a class presentation

So apologies beforehand, I am in no way a master writer. I can write History papers like a champ, but when it comes to stories, eh. This is a throw-away account, as my friends and girlfriend browse Reddit, and I don't need this on my post history, you understand.

A little backstory: I am in my first semester of graduate school, hoping to graduate in Spring 2017 with my Master’s. Part of my program requires an unbelievable amount of presentations/group projects, things I normally despise. I’m also a graduate assistant (which is basically a full/part time job that helps with tuition, housing, meal, etc) in one of the departments on the campus. I grouped up with two girls from the same department as we all work crazy hours, but we know when each other works and we spend most of our time on a certain section of campus so we’re not far away if we have to meet and work on the project. Our professor wasn’t happy with the idea of three people from the same department working together, so he attempts to break our group up. Our saving grace, we’ll call her Kristen, she works in another department and basically says “No worries! They look cool, I’ll work with you.” Which was a huge relief, because a lot of the other students are snooty Type-A pricks who drive me nuts.