An auction in a free use world. [Freeuse, Objectification]

{disclaimer, this is fiction, written by me, from the hollows of my mind. I do not condone actually abuse of women or any other outlandish idea my mind came up with.}
If this is the wrong thread, tell me and I’ll gladly move it.

Hello, this is my first shot ever at writing erotica. Pointers and comments welcome. I rather enjoyed the challenge it brought trying to actually write a story rather than just a written play-by-play of a porno.

Alex woke up early this morning. As a 19 year old collage student, fresh on summer leave, and a trust fund child from old money, he didn’t really have a reason to get up. Except the auction! Oh yes, the auction. He had nearly forgotten. It was a stroke of luck that the date and time of the auction and his free time from school, lined up. His family usually only went to one of the bi-yearly, Capercoa Auctions. Alex’s father always said the products and wares sold in the winter were never as good. Alex was often too young to understand or attend. Depending on the wares sold on particular days, children were barred from entering. But now that had passed and he was old enough to participate fully. The New World laws had laxed some and he was eager to see what these changes brought.