Chick Flick [M/F] [40’s] [masturbation] [mutual masturbation]

“What are you doing for the rest of the evening” you inquire playfully in a distinct southern accent.

“Nothing too exciting. I’ll probably just go to my room and watch television since we’re snowed in here,” I reply with a chuckle.

The snow has been steadily falling all day, effectively making us prisoners of the Marriott. We’ve been sitting in a stuffy conference room all day listening to the CEO of our company and other corporate types with alphabet soups for titles drone on about mission statements, corporate earnings, and other items of varied amounts of interest. It would have been nice to get out and see the town for a bit and grab a bite to eat, but Mother Nature decided to be a frosty Bitch and snow us in.

“Why not join me in my room later to watch a chick flick and we can order a pizza from room service,” you suggest, sensing my lack of enthusiasm for being confined to my room all evening. I take a moment to ponder your invitation of what will probably be an evening of ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and/or ‘Pretty Woman’ versus being alone and watching reruns of Andy Griffith and reply, “I’d love to! No use both of us being bored and alone all evening watching the snow fall.”

Dating App Chat Leads to Sensual Encounter [M/F] [40’s] [Sensual] [Erotic] [Romantic]

With a quick flick of the wrist, a colorful snap of the match bursting into flame fills the quiet room with sensual energy. As I gently place the final lit candle back onto its carefully selected place on the mantle, I take one final glance around the room to ensure nothing has been missed. The flickers of light from the candles strategically placed throughout the room illuminate the area with a warm glow. The soft scent of vanilla in the air. The soft radiant notes of piano, played beautifully by Keiko Matsui, add an erotic calm to accent the dark candle-lit room. I hear a clap of thunder off in the distance, giving notice that rain will soon be providing a soothing soundtrack to the moments ahead. I have a few moments to relax and smile to myself recalling how we reached this moment…

I finally decided to create a profile on a dating app. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I wasn’t searching for a serious relationship. I knew my love language was physical touch and I really wanted to provide and amazing, sensual, erotic experience for someone who would really appreciate and enjoy it. No strings, no expectations, just someone getting lost in my touch. I wasn’t sure how to go about creating my profile to articulate such an experience though. I wrote, and re-wrote, draft versions of the profile, until finally settling on a version that I hoped would resonate with the right woman.

All I Want Is You [MF] [sensual] [romantic]

Back to front, lying together, our bodies in parallel. Two lines drawn together. My equal sign, my solution to life’s problems, my everything. I can feel you breathe, the heat from your body providing comfort and warmth, my eternal flame.

My lips kiss the tender, soft, curve of your neck, the lavender aroma still lingering on your skin. Fingertips slowly, lightly, outline the curve of your shoulder; my voice quietly breaking the silence as gentle tones lift from my throat; a soft, soothing, serenade…

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold*

My fingertips continue their journey down your arm, gently brushing the crease of your elbow, cascading down your forearm, across your delicate wrist, to your hand. Lightly caressing the top of your hand as your fingers rise, invitingly, as my fingers lightly dance over yours slowly interlocking together for a brief moment, like puzzle pieces finding their perfect match.

*You say you want, your story to remain untold*

All I Want Is You [MF] [sensual] [romantic]

Back to front, lying together, our bodies in parallel. Two lines drawn together. My equal sign, my solution to life’s problems, my everything. I can feel you breathe, the heat from your body providing comfort and warmth, my eternal flame.

My lips kiss the tender, soft, curve of your neck, the lavender aroma still lingering on your skin. Fingertips slowly, lightly, outline the curve of your shoulder; my voice quietly breaking the silence as gentle tones lift from my throat; a soft, soothing, serenade…

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold*

My fingertips continue their journey down your arm, gently brushing the crease of your elbow, cascading down your forearm, across your delicate wrist, to your hand. Lightly caressing the top of your hand as your fingers rise, invitingly, as my fingers lightly dance over yours slowly interlocking together for a brief moment, like puzzle pieces finding their perfect match.

*You say you want, your story to remain untold*

The Phone Call [MF]

“Can you put your headphones on and masturbate to my voice? Call me. I like knowing you are touching yourself for me.” Your texts appeared on my screen; immediately turning me on. I glance at the clock; 2:04am. We have been texting throughout the early morning hours and I hadn’t expected this. I hurriedly reach for the earbuds nearby and remove them from their case, inserting each bud firmly into place, ensuring a tight fit.

I quickly swing my legs off the sofa where I had been comfortably laying during our very early morning conversation, and bring myself to a sitting position, bolting upright to my feet. I firmly grasp the waistband of my shorts and boxer briefs and in one swift motion slide them downward, allowing the soft cotton material to fall quietly to the floor, as I quickly resume my relaxed position on the sofa.

“Headphones are in,” I excitedly text back, as my finger taps the icon to make the call, heartbeat accelerating as I hear the familiar ring tone in my ears.

All I Want Is You [MF] [sensual] [romantic]

Back to front, lying together, our bodies in parallel. Two lines drawn together. My equal sign, my solution to life’s problems, my everything. I can feel you breathe, the heat from your body providing comfort and warmth, my eternal flame.

My lips kiss the tender, soft, curve of your neck, the lavender aroma still lingering on your skin. Fingertips slowly, lightly, outline the curve of your shoulder; my voice quietly breaking the silence as gentle tones lift from my throat; a soft, soothing, serenade…

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold*

My fingertips continue their journey down your arm, gently brushing the crease of your elbow, cascading down your forearm, across your delicate wrist, to your hand. Lightly caressing the top of your hand as your fingers rise, invitingly, as my fingers lightly dance over yours slowly interlocking together for a brief moment, like puzzle pieces finding their perfect match.

*You say you want, your story to remain untold*

All I Want Is You [MF] [Sensual] [Romantic]

Back to front, lying together, our bodies in parallel. Two lines drawn together. My equal sign, my solution to life’s problems, my everything. I can feel you breathe, the heat from your body providing comfort and warmth, my eternal flame.

My lips kiss the tender, soft, curve of your neck, the lavender aroma still lingering on your skin. Fingertips slowly, lightly, outline the curve of your shoulder; my voice quietly breaking the silence as gentle tones lift from my throat; a soft, soothing, serenade…

*You say you want, diamonds on a ring of gold*

My fingertips continue their journey down your arm, gently brushing the crease of your elbow, cascading down your forearm, across your delicate wrist, to your hand. Lightly caressing the top of your hand as your fingers rise, invitingly, as my fingers lightly dance over yours slowly interlocking together for a brief moment, like puzzle pieces finding their perfect match.

*You say you want, your story to remain untold*

Chick Flick & Chill [MF] [masturbation] [mutual masturbation] [anal play] [couch sex]

“What are you doing for the rest of the evening” you inquire playfully in a distinct southern accent.

“Nothing too exciting. I’ll probably just go to my room and watch television since we’re snowed in here,” I reply with a chuckle.

The snow has been steadily falling all day, effectively making us prisoners of the Marriott. We’ve been sitting in a stuffy conference room all day listening to the CEO of our company and other corporate types with alphabet soups for titles drone on about mission statements, corporate earnings, and other items of varied amounts of interest. It would have been nice to get out and see the town for a bit and grab a bite to eat, but Mother Nature decided to be a frosty Bitch and snow us in.

“Why not join me in my room later to watch a chick flick and we can order a pizza from room service,” you suggest, sensing my lack of enthusiasm for being confined to my room all evening. I take a moment to ponder your invitation of what will probably be an evening of ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and/or ‘Pretty Woman’ versus being alone and watching reruns of Andy Griffith and reply, “I’d love to! No use both of us being bored and alone all evening watching the snow fall.”

Chick Flick & Chill [MF] [masturbation] [mutual masturbation] [anal play] [couch sex]

“What are you doing for the rest of the evening” you inquire playfully in a distinct southern accent.

“Nothing too exciting. I’ll probably just go to my room and watch television since we’re snowed in here,” I reply with a chuckle.

The snow has been steadily falling all day, effectively making us prisoners of the Marriott. We’ve been sitting in a stuffy conference room all day listening to the CEO of our company and other corporate types with alphabet soups for titles drone on about mission statements, corporate earnings, and other items of varied amounts of interest. It would have been nice to get out and see the town for a bit and grab a bite to eat, but Mother Nature decided to be a frosty Bitch and snow us in.

“Why not join me in my room later to watch a chick flick and we can order a pizza from room service,” you suggest, sensing my lack of enthusiasm for being confined to my room all evening. I take a moment to ponder your invitation of what will probably be an evening of ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and/or ‘Pretty Woman’ versus being alone and watching reruns of Andy Griffith and reply, “I’d love to! No use both of us being bored and alone all evening watching the snow fall.”

“Blind” Date [MF] [sensual] [voyeur] [masturbation]

I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder, “Excuse me, Sir.”

I had just completed a speech on leadership in human resources at a local seminar and was putting away my iPad back into its case and didn’t notice you approach. I quickly turn around and see two beautiful women standing behind me. “Hello, ladies,” I welcome with a smile, “How may I be of service?”

With an outstretched hand, “I wanted to thank you for such an insightful and powerful lecture,” you say as I firmly, yet gently, take your hand in mine and shake it professionally. “I own a nonprofit for blind charities and one of the things I find most challenging is the human resources aspect of my job and I believe the information you provided will be most beneficial.”

Before I could respond, your assistant gently pats your hand draped lightly gripping her left forearm. “I see an old acquaintance and want to say hello. I won’t be long and see you are in good hands. I’ll be back shortly,” she says as you release your grip from her arm.

“Have fun,” you say with a smile as she disappears into the crowd of people standing nearby.