What I saw over Thanksgiving weekend [MF]

For Thanksgiving this year I returned home from college and took along my friend Mike. Since my parents’ house was packed with relatives, Mike and I stayed with my aunt. It’s kind of strange but my aunt is only ten years older than me, I’m 22, she’s 32. We’re pretty close, especially in recent years, and hang out a lot together, drink, smoke up, whatever.

On Friday we were taking a break from family stuff, and Mike, my aunt, and I were hanging out at her house. She just recently got out of a long term relationship and bought a big new house, but she hasn’t had much time to decorate or fill it with furniture, so Mike and I were crashing on couches in the living room. Anyway, Friday night we were just hanging out with her, smoking some weed, and watching movies. By the time midnight rolled around we were all pretty baked and decided to crash. I curled up on one of the couches and fell asleep almost instantly.