[MF] Caught red handed

Back story How I ended up here: 4th year of college, previous 2 years I have lived with the same 2 roommates who were both a year older. The graduated and left and I was stuck without roommates. Housing company placed me with others in a similar situation, ended up in a 4 bedroom with 2 women and there gay friend. Been living here sense June, I was very reluctant at first but didn’t have much choice and after learning a few key do and do nots the living arrangement has been going great despite being the only testosterone around and we’ve become pretty good friends. Apartment is split, double kitchens double living room, 4 bathrooms but only the main bathroom on both sides has a shower so we have to share that. Other side with roommates 1 and 2. 1 being pretty blond girl that prior to living with would kill to get with (know way to much now) wild with guys in and out regally. 2 being there gay friend, who iv became good friend with as well and sometimes has good advice. My side with roommate 3 and me. 3 she’s a pretty brunette, nothing in the way of chest really but a killer booty and is sweet to the core, not remotely wild, conservative dresser and basically the girl you would like to take home to mom.