[FF] my girl wanted me to share this with y’all

I knocked on the door to the room. My hands, holding bags of snacks, were not the most steady. We had been talking for weeks and had just had lunch. The lunch, in question, had went fantastic. I arrived slightly before her which was actually fabulous for my nerves. When she arrived I was first shocked by how tiny she was. I, of course knew what she looked like. I had snooped this women’s Facebook… her posts… her pictures….you name it to try and get a feel of who and what I was getting myself into. But here she was. So petite and cute and oh so nervous. I was wearing a dress that she had picked out for me. A short light blue cleavage baring number. Her nervousness made me actually feel slightly more confident. At least I wasn’t in this alone and from our previous conversations I knew that she had the upper hand as far as experience and knowledge went. She also seemed to have the upper hand with confidence…that is until she was in front of me and I realized she was as nervous as I was. Several times throughout the meal she couldn’t really look at me and attempted to pay attention to whatever sport was playing on the T.V in the corner. But also there was several times that I caught her staring at my chest, which in turn made me blush. We finished our meal and she headed to check us in at the hotel. I headed for snacks and now we arrive at the hotel room door.