Katz The Cowardly Cat [MM, MF, Furry, Cartoon, Mind Control, Torture, Rape, Sadism, Vore, Fanfiction, Horror, Humor]



“DOOF! OW! D’OH! OUCH! EWW…” Courage repeatedly (but thankfully quietly) grunted in pain as he (sexually) excitedly tumbled his way down the ever-so-mouthwateringly fleshy and waxy internal slope of Katz’s collective right auditory canal, fascinatedly marveling at just how wonderfully and deliciously tender and pink the aforementioned flesh within said ear canal really and truly was (in addition to how delightfully long and squiggly its many, many adorable little hairs were) as he then finally landed face-first on the ever-so-beautifully hairy and wax-speckled floor of the blissfully unaware feline’s horizontal ear canal, warmly and erotically licking said floor with fetishistic delight and causing Katz to rather curiously (not to mention suspiciously and weirdly arousedly) twitch his right ear in response. Oh man, if ONLY he knew what was going on in there…

“I SAID, is your REFRIGERATOR running?” Di Lung suddenly brought his mouth ridiculously close to his phone and obnoxiously yelled directly through the phone line that said phone was now attached to into Katz’s right ear in his (trademarked) ludicrously thick Chinese accent, as a way of distracting said ear from potentially being able to pick up the sound, not to mention the incredibly ticklish feeling, of Courage’s fluffy little foot-paws going pitter-patter against the remarkably soft, delicate and sensitive inner surface of his horizontal ear canal; needless to say, he definitely felt the latter to an extent, but it luckily only provoked him into lightly scratching the outer funnel of said ear with his left index finger.