football weekend away [FM]

I (24F) was invited away last minute by my best friend to go along with her and some of her family to a football match and hell it was an amazing time. Whilst travelling to our location for the weekend in true British fashion we drunk on the train. Once we had arrived and unpacked we made our way to the pubs and continued our night.

It was near enough the end of the night when my best friends nephew (18) started talking and then dancing with me and discreetly squeezing my breast, to clarify we had been talking before this mainly about tattoos and of course football.

He decided that he was staying in my room that nice which I didn’t mind seeing as I had a double room to myself and to be fair he was more fucked than all of us, once we’d finished the night and got back to the hotel he brought his stuff into my room. Whilst he did this I changed into my pyjamas and got into the bed before he climbed in beside me.