Eternal Spring: Chapter 7 [FF/Exhib}

Friday begins the same as every other day, where I wake up, take a shower, get dressed and go to work. Today I chose to wear a black skirt with black tights and a white button up shirt. The day flies away from me as I focus on my work and trying to get everything done for the weekend. I really want to enjoy myself tonight at Ying’s place with her friends, eager to make some new friends of my own. 10am, 1pm, 5pm ticks past on the clock at work as the day draws closer to an end. I open my phone and send a message to Ying. “What time should I come over?”. *ding* “Come any time after work. I’ll be home from 6:30”. “Cool, I’ll get some drinks on the way and change at my place before I come” I think to myself as I start packing up my bag. “OK guys, see you next week. Don’t work too hard over the weekend! Let me know if there’s anything urgent” I say to my team as I walk out of the office and towards the lift. As I walk out of the office onto the street, the wind chill seems to have gone today and the warmth of the spring night air surrounds me. As I walk towards the subway station, I see a little store selling alcohol and go inside. I grab 2 small bottles of BaiJiu, 3 tall bottles of beer and a packet of chips, pay, and continue on my walk towards the train, stuffing all of the goods into my tote bag. As I’m walking along, I hear someone shouting my name “MISS SONG. MISS SONG!”, I turn around looking for who it is then hear it again. “MISS SONG!”. I turn to look at a car parked by the side of the road. Recognizing the driver, I see it’s Mr. Zhao in his Porsche, his wife sitting in the passenger seat. I wave and start walking towards him with my heavy bag. “Hello Mr. Zhao. Hello Mrs. Zhao.”. “Are you heading home now?” he asks. “Yes, I’m about to take the train home” I reply. “Come on in, we are heading towards your direction to visit my wife’s family. We can drop you off on the way”. “Oh! Oh no, it’s OK. I don’t want to bother you” I reply. “It’s okay. Your bag looks heavy. We can take you home” Mrs. Zhao says, smiling at me. I open the door to the car, a new model black Porsche SUV, and put my bag down on the back seat footwell, then lift myself into the car. The seats are black leather with black stitching and are very soft. I immediately feel like a child compared to Mr. Zhao, dressed in his black suit with white tee shirt and Mrs. Zhao wearing a dark red long dress. I put my seat-belt on, sitting like a child in the back seat of their parents car. “What are you up to this weekend?” Mrs. Zhao asks. “Tonight I’m going to my friends place to hang out and I’ll try to get to the gym this weekend. No other plans” I reply. “Oh, that sounds fun” Mr. Zhao says. “I should probably go to the gym more as well haha”. We all laugh and continue the drive home, talking about work and gossiping about clients, then finally reach the entrance to my apartment complex. “See you Monday!” Mr. Zhao says as I step out of the car. “See you, and drive safe” I reply as I close the door. The car drives away and I turn around and begin walking down the pathway towards my apartment with my heavy bag over my shoulder. As I walk up the stairs and into my apartment, I turn on the lights in my living room, bathroom and bedroom, putting my bag down at the doorway and taking out the drinks and snacks to bring over to Ying’s soon. I quickly get undressed and have a hot shower, looking over at Ying’s apartment window. The lights are on and I can see the shadows of people moving around in her living room. I finish my shower and dry my hair, putting on some light eye makeup. In my bedroom, I take out a white Calvin Klein thong and matching Calvin Klein singlet bra, a white loose crop top, knee length white sport leggings and my beige ESSENTIALS oversized sweater. I put on some white long tube socks and my black Adidas slides, then pack a spare bag with the drinks and snacks.

Eternal Spring: Chapter 6 lFF/Exhib]

As always, thank you for your support with upvoting my story, and sorry in advance for my English (second language). If you want to see the pictures of me and my friends in the story, head to my patreon. Some of them are unlocked for anyone to see :)


Chapter 6:

Eternal Spring: Chapter 4 [F/voyeur/exhib]

**Chapter 4:**

As I reach the bottom of the stairs out of her apartment block it suddenly hits me. I forgot my wet clothes there! Shit! I’m so forgetful sometimes. I’ll have to retrieve them another time I guess.. At least it’s a good excuse to hang out again sometime. I walk down the pathway between her apartment building and my own through the cherry blossom trees, which quiver slightly in the cool night breeze thinking about Ying and how open she was to bring me into her home after just meeting me for the first time. What a beautiful soul. It matches her beautiful body as well, which was certainly surprising and far more explicitness than I had expected. Sure, I’ve seen her get changed from my shower window a few times before, but being up close to someone like that was a totally different experience. “That poor thing” I say to myself as I continue walking down the pathway. She must have been so tired, yet she wanted me to feel safe in her home. Why she had no underwear on under her robe I don’t really know, but perhaps that’s just how she is in her own home. Of course, she didn’t expect to fall asleep while I was there and probably wouldn’t guess I would take a look at if she was indeed wearing underwear or not. Curiosity took control of me though.. I couldn’t help myself..

Eternal Spring: Chapter 3 [F/voyer/exhib]

Images for this chapter and future chapters are available here: [](

I grabbed my bag, walked to the entrance of the KTV and paid for the KTV, then took the escalators back down to the ground floor of the plaza holding my wet shirt in one hand and my bag in the other. As I walked outside the wind was cool and very crisp, and I could now feel exactly how wet my skirt was. I took my phone out of my bag and called a didi to take me home. I wasn’t in a mood to take a train, and just wanted to get home to my apartment where I could get comfortable and relax. As I waited for a didi to accept my trip home, the cool wind whipped at my skirt and penetrated through my sweater. I could feel my nipples getting hard and my legs were starting to get goosebumps. Why is it so cold tonight? I stood waiting, looking at my phone, shivering and freezing.


I turned around to see who was behind me. Oh my god, it’s the girl from the apartment across the road.

“Oh, hello!”

Eternal Spring: Chapter 2 [F/voyer/exhib]

**Chapter 2:**

It’s 6:30am, and my train has finally arrived in the business district of the city. I still have one hour before I need to get to my office, so I’ll go find some quick breakfast nearby. My face still feels warm and flushed from my earlier embarrassment, thinking of all the people I ran past on my way to the subway. I walk up and out of the subway into the bustling street, already crowded with the morning rush for breakfast and work. Thinking about the upcoming client deadlines at work, I walk down to a small alleyway that sells dumplings. It’s a cute but very old alleyway of a forgotten time when the streets of China still looked very Chinese, and less like glass and concrete jungles. As I walk in, I’m greeted by the owner of the restaurant, an old lady I call auntie. I call her auntie because I frequently visit this little restaurant on my way to work. It’s cheap, delicious, quick, but most importantly, makes me so full. I take a seat and order 10 pork and chive dumplings with a “bao” bun on the side to take with me to work. While I’m waiting, I absentmindedly scroll through social media to check up on what my friends, family and colleges have been doing recently. Married – like. Dreaming of traveling – like. Lots of food photos – like. Oh, here’s my food! “Thank you auntie!” – OK, time to get stuck in.

Eternal Spring [F/exhib/Voyeur]

Below is the first chapter of an erotic story I’m writing as a young woman living in China. Please excuse the poor English, I tried my best :) I have written 3 chapters so far and I’m working on the 4th now. This is based on a true story from my own personal experiences. I hope you enjoy it!
**Chapter 1:**
As winter turns into spring, I enjoy sitting by the window in the early morning and looking out as the snow melts off the distant mountain across the lake. A cool breeze blows through the open window of my bedroom with the warmth of the sun glowing on the side of my face. A beautiful morning to start my day. My apartment is small, but cozy and comfortable, with one bedroom and a living room and my small kitchen. When I was looking for somewhere to live in this city a few months ago, I wanted somewhere that felt open and peaceful, and this apartment, although small, fit perfectly with what I wanted. In the living room, there is a small balcony enclosed by glass walls. It faces the sleeping beauty mountain in the distance, which I feel reminds me of how small and insignificant I am to the vast expanse of the world. In the mornings and afternoons, the sunset and sunrise floods light in through the balcony windows and floods the whole apartment with an ambient glow. My bedroom is small, but also has a large window wall facing in the same direction as the living room. I like to leave the curtains drawn as a natural alarm clock so that I wake up to the softness of the sun on my bare skin. The cool wind gives me goosebumps, and as I live alone, I don’t need to adhere to anyone else’s preferences, so I take this opportunity to enjoy these little moments of subtlety. My kitchen is just to the side of my living room and doubles as a laundry. Where I live, this is not uncommon to see and it works perfectly fine when living alone. On the other side of the living room is my bathroom, which looks out across the other apartment buildings. It’s a simple rectangular shaped bathroom with a wall-less shower. The exterior wall is lightly frosted and tinted glass, which was hard to get used to at first because it feels like the whole world can see you, but I was assured by the builders that the inside is not visible from outside. To them it appears as just a glass corner.