Me and a group of friends pretty regularly had a hangout night on Friday’s or Saturdays. Someone would volunteer their place and either cook or order pizza and we would have a good time. Movies, video-games, board and card games. Everyone would bring a drink of choice to share and we’d find somewhere to sleep it off and leave the next day.
Well, Lizzy volunteered her place that weekend and wanted to cook. We all arrive and start hanging out. When it comes time for her to cook, I offer to help while everyone else plays. If memory serves it was Munchkin.
Lizzy and me had always gotten along reqlly well but never been overly flirty. But that night we were joking and flirting the entire time we cooked and rough house playfully when it was safe.
Well at one point she jumps on me to keep me from taking something out. My hands immediately grab her ass out of reflex to hold her and she moaned a little and smirked.
“Ooh. So that’s why you wanted to be alone in the closed kitchen with me, pervert.” She teased.