Trying to be Outgoing, I end up an accidental Bull [MF] [M]

I have been enjoying sharing some of my past experiences with you all. And I have loved the responses, and criticisms, and the few shared experiences I have been sent.

So today I’m going to share my first major experience after I turned 18.

Growing up I was always fairly introverted and reserved socially. Took me a while to warm up to people and really talk to them. But when I turned 18 I got to thinking that if that continued I would have a harder time outside of school. So I decided to make an effort to learn how to be more outgoing. I started to talking to random people I’d meet if it wasn’t too strange. Just to see if I could strike up conversation but without attacking them.

A week after my birthday I landed my first full-time job working second shift at a warehouse. I worked with about 8 other people, evenly divided between men and women of different age ranges. They had all worked together a while and were comfortable together. We worked in close proximity (ah the days of regular, close human interaction), doing a repetitive, mind numbing job. So they talked. And I made a point to jump into both the work and the conversations from day one.

My Girlfriend Wants My Ex part 2 [MFF]

Thanks for all the love. I’ll work on sharing more of that crazy story as I have time.

I’m picking up two days after Kate and I originally brought Rachel into our bedroom. The girls had the day off and I was at work. I got a few updates through the morning about what they were up to. Some of it was more mundane and casual, some of it sexier.

Then close to lunch Rachel starting talking to me in a side chat one-on-one. Apparently Kate had been talking about trying out being dominant. This surprised me a bit.

Kate had never shown an ounce of dominant personality in the bedroom. Over the past two days Rachel and me tended to take lead at different times, sometimes as equals, sometimes as me taking top. Kate had also not shared any of this with me as yet in the few fun ideas we had discussed. Rachel also expressed some doubts and curiosity. So I worked out a interesting plan with Rachel. If Kate came to me about it, I’d let her in on the details before it started. Otherwise it would be an organic experiment to see how it evolves.

My Girlfriend wants my ex [FFM]. The Beginning

Names changed for privacy.

This story happened a few years ago. I had been with my girlfriend at the time, Kate, for about a year. I originally met Kate hanging out with my old highschool girlfriend, Rachel, after we both moved back to town. Rachel and me reconnected as friends and the two girls were already good friends and even lived in apartments next door to each other when I came back in the picture. It was fairly normal for the three of us to hang out together a lot.

Kate ended up moving in with me about 30 mins away. One day Rachel asked if she could stay with us while her apartment got remodeled after a water line burst. We agreed. On the way to get her, Kate started asking about my past relationship with Rachel.

We get Rachel and everything is going great. That night Kate and me are playing in our bedroom. I had broken out the restraints and toys and Kate tended to be loud to begin with on top of I tended to play pretty rough. There are reasons I purposefully looked for a house to rent instead of an apartment. I got tired of neighbors complains early on.