[F]un Fourth-of-July Festivities [FM]

This happened earlier this summer on, well, the 4th of July. I went with my parents to a pool party-slash-bbq thing that a family friend was having at their house. It was mostly going to be people my parents age, but sounded like there was going to be enough there close to my age that I wanted to dress, well, just a bit sexy. I wore this somewhat cheesy stars-and-stripes bikini that showed just enough ass to make my dad a little uncomfortable, but not enough that he could really tell me not to wear it. Over that, at least initially, I had a white v-neck t shirt and a pair of jean shorts.

I got into the pool pretty much as soon as we got there and immediately started hitting it off with the son of another family friend. We had seen each other and played a bit when we were kids, but I hadn’t seen him since he had gone to college. He had just graduated, and was back living with his parents. Last time we had seen each other we were both completely awkward, but the 5 years of college definitely turned him into a bit of a stud. By the way he couldn’t keep his hands off me in the water, seems like he though I matured during that time as well.

I might have had my [f]irst one night stand [FM]

I have a reputation for being a bit of a slut. It’s not something I’m exactly proud of, but it doesn’t really bother me either. But while I’ve fucked my fair share of guys, and given numerous casual blowjobs, I’ve never had a one night stand before. For the most part all my fucks have been either boyfriends or long term fuck buddies that I had been hooking up with for a bit before hand. The one exception was a guy I had a fling with over spring break on year.

That might have changed today though.

There’s a local music festival going on in my city over the long weekend, and me and a few of my friends went out to check it out today. There were 5 of us; me, my best friend, two of our girl friends and my best friend’s boyfriend. It was a bit cloudy and windy, at least in the morning, and the festival wasn’t crazy or anything, but hey, we were just wanting to have some fun, so we were all dress just on the other side of slutty. I wore a sheer long sleeve white top over a red bra and a pair of black jean shorts.