Punished by Hubby

This was too good not to share! I am literally getting wet
thinking about it!

Last night, I (36F), was getting ready for bed. It was about
10:45pm or so. The hubby was out of town for a business trip and not due back for
a couple days.

The house was quiet so I thought it would be a great opportunity to unwind; if you know what I mean.

I decided I would shut the bedroom door, turn the lights
down low, turn on some sexy music (Two Feet is my current go to), put on some
sexy lingerie, and enjoy a little self-love time. I had a nice little buzz
going from the wine and I was feeling damn sexy!

Everything was in place. I grabbed my favorite toy, replaced
the battery for good measure, and got nice and comfy in my big plush bed. I scrolled
through Insta and Reddit for a bit while laying there, trying to find that
perfect motivation to get things going.

[FM] Weekend Girls Trip to the Beach

**This just happened this past weekend**

This week starts Spring Break for most of our area. Some of my lady friends
and I decided that this year, we were going to kick-off our “Mom’s”
Spring Break at the beach. We rented a condo at a local resort and decided to
pamper ourselves!

We got to the condo on
Friday afternoon. We busted out the drinks immediately and headed down to the
water. The weather was perfect! The water was still too cold to get in though-
which was fine because all we cared about was getting tans and watching the
young hunks next to us playing volleyball.

Friday night, we got a little fancied up and headed down to the bar at the
resort. It was an outdoor tiki bar place. Super cute! By this point, we had all
been drinking most of the day and were pretty sloshed. But even though we
didn’t order them- the shots kept showing up! There was a group of guys down
the way that enjoyed watching our little group of drunken Mom’s.

Another Update- While the hubby is away- Part One

I am back with an update of the weekend events. If you haven’t been following, you should definitely go back and read my previous 2 “stories.”

The last few weeks of my life have been very strange. Very good!!! But very different than what I am used to. I am 36F, married with 2 kids. The hubby and I have been married for 15 years and together for 17. We were high school sweethearts. He is a consultant and travels for work. He is typically gone 4-5 days of the week, sometimes more-sometimes less. I don’t work. I volunteer at the kids schools to help keep me busy. But at the end of the day- I am lonely. I needed more love. More affection. More attention. More naughty time.

A couple weeks ago, the hubby and I were talking one of the nights he was home. We both had been drinking wine.. a lot of wine and started talking about our “love life” – or lack thereof lately. I spilled it all to him. How I am lonely when he is gone, and how I wish he was a little “spicier” when home. Our conversation ended with him giving me permission to do whatever I needed to do to be satisfied! This was a complete shock to me- but I didn’t argue. What happened next was covered in the previous stories.

Update! While the hubby is away….[MF]

Follow-Up/ Update

Hubby came home last night from being out of town. Unfortunately, he was home for just one night and is flying back out again this morning. (Understand why I’ve been so lonely?)

Since my adventures with the other boy Wednesday- my mind has been racing. I can’t stop thinking about it. The whole encounter was so hot! Even though I had permission from the hubby, I was still nervous to tell him about it. Not because I was worried he would be mad- but because it just feels like a weird thing to say to your hubby, ya know? “Hey babe, fucked some young stud last night.” But…. I knew I had to tell
him. That was the deal.

I had dinner ready when he got home last night. We ate, got the kids taken care of, and popped open a bottle of wine. We were unwinding on the couch when I told him that I had something to tell him.

While the hubby is away [MF]

I am a 36F. Been married now for 15 years and been with the hubby for 17. He is a consultant and is always on the road and away from home.

Him being gone leaves me super lonely. I have always had a high sex drive, but being alone seems to make it kick into high gear! I was getting to the point where I’m just couldn’t handle it anymore. Something had to change! So me and the hubs had a chat. I explained and he surprisingly said “Do whatever you need to keep yourself satiated”.

My husband gave me permission to fuck who I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted! He just asked for me to share some pics with him and possibly join in from time to time if he’s around. Score!

It’s been a few weeks since we had that conversation. I started exploring my new found freedom here on Reddit and other social media. Just being fun and flirty. I wasn’t expecting it to ever go anywhere with anyone- I just wanted attention.

Fast forward to yesterday. This is where it gets hot!