[FF] My (27f) GF (34f) and I have been trying orgasm torture.

So, it’s been a while since I wrote a story. Had a bad time at my first practice placement for grad school and the last few months were especially bad. That being said, I’m at a new place now doing therapy for medical students, and life is a lot easier than it used to be. Moving on…

For the last few months, our sex life has been pretty good, despite the stress, and we’ve been pushing some boundaries and exploring some emotions we both have about sex. In doing so, we’ve pushed slightly away from the more traditional bondage we’ve been doing, but still staying in the realm of BDSM with things like orgasm denial and some light exhibitionism (going out on dates with a buttplug in, or with semi-visible lingerie, etc.) Typically, I call her Goddess and she calls me Toy, Slut, Princess, or Worshipper. It’s really nice, and I like feeling valued and noticed during sex.

[FF] I (27f) accidentally let my goddess (37f) condition me to not be able to cum without her there

When I masturbate alone it takes me *forever* to finish, and I have to fight for it every step of the way. As soon as she’s with me and gives me permission, though, I can cum almost on demand. It used to take me like…an hour to finish (I’m like a fucking Bop It, I swear to God), but the power I give her over me, and the way she kisses me and looks at me, and touches me when I masturbarte for her, I can cum in as much or as little time as she likes. It’s incredible.

Also, I haven’t posted as much recently. Between school and some mental health stuff the energy to write these stories has wavered, but I’m getting myself into a better position, so hopefully more soon! Also, if anyone knows good True Crime shows or YouTube channels lmk because me and Goddess are DYING for some good shit.

[FF] We (27f and 33f) flirt with fisting

Idk how it even happened. We started by celebrating a paper I finished. It took me a month. It was over 40 pages, the last 15 of which were all about LGBT discrimination. It sucked. We celebrated by snuggling and it just devolved into her straddling me and keeping me pinned down pressing her lips into mine and then my dress was off and she was slapping my ass with a new paddle we just got and then suddenly she was inside me. I barely knew she had set the paddle down, my face was still buried in the pillows and I was shaking from the paddle and then BAM she slipped a well-lubricated finger in my ass (I LOVE anal, to clarify, and we have an understanding that is ALWAYS ok so y’all don’t go around springing that on people 😤)

It didn’t take long before we found a rhythm we could both move to and we were off – I was rocking against her hands with each thrust so I could feel her hitting DEEP inside me, and she was steadying herself her her thrusts me straddling me and keeping a hand buried in my hair pressing my face into the pillow. After a few minutes she felt me slow down (I was tired) and asked if I was OK.

[FF] I (27f) don’t even know what to call this week, but me and my domme-y gf (33f) basically took turns destroying each other.

FULL DISCLOSURE this story is LONG. Some people might say that this is actually like…5 stories in one. I, however, would argue that this was really just a week-long sexcapade occasionally interrupted by life.

So me and my GF have been exploring a new kink of hers. She likes it when I talk about how chubby she is – she said she’s been embarrassed to tell anyone before this, so she has a lot of excitement about this pent up. I can turn her into a dripping wet mess just by describing her round, wide, chubby ass, or her thick thighs or her ample breasts or well-fed tummy. She likes being called plump and fat, too, and I’ve been able to drive her into a frenzy recently by talking to her about her body like this while scratching her back or rubbing her ass. She literally goes wild for it. So at the start of this week, last Sunday, I basically sucked her soul out through her fat, round, juicy tits. We had to take breaks because the orgasms would get so intense she would get dizzy. I would overwhelm her with orgasms, then hold her close to me and talk her through everything she was feeling for 10-15 minutes when she would be ready for the next orgasmic assault on her sanity. It was delicious – I’ve never seen her so aroused in my life, and I was loving it. I’d play with her nipples while I talked to her about how much I love her plump, soft body until she’d throw her head back into the pillow, flush red, and grab onto the bed sheets for dear life. I felt SO good being able to bring her that pleasure, and knowing she trusted me enough to explore such a sensitive kink with her was also really rewarding.

[FF] A tik tok led to me (26f) getting fingered and edged until I squirted

I (26f) am bisexual and in an amazing relationship with my gf (33f). I’m in grad school living my dream life (I’m dead inside lol) and just trying to get through the next year and a half.

Generally the roles of “top” and “bottom” aren’t really a thing in sapphic relationships, but I definitely tend towards being a bratty, pain-in-the-ass service bottom, inasmuch as I am able😅

Anyways, onto today: She spent some time in the morning getting me revved up, and finished the mornings activities by pinning me to the bed by my wrists, leaning in close to me, and whispering that I Had a doctors appointment in my ear. I spent the rest of the day fantasizing about the things I wanted her to do to me while I was in appointments and classes. I get home, vent to her about my day, and start watching a comfort show in my laptop while I work up the willpower to work on my thesis, when she says she has a video to show me.

[FF] exploring a new kink with my gf

Since she graduated, my gf has been bordering on insatiable – her life and schedule are less chaotic, she has more free time to read, and she’s less exhausted at the end of the day. This means our sexual activity has picked up a lot – for those not familiar with my stories, that’s impressive because our sex life was already incredible before.

I know she reads these stories, and would spank my ass raw if she knew I had published details about her kink, so for the purposes of the story I’ll just say she has a praise kink and leave it at that. She likes it when I engage in praise while sucking on her breasts or going down on her. It’s honestly the most excited I’ve ever seen her get during sex. I thought our sex was good before, but right now I don’t think I could stop if I wanted to. She’s brought me to my knees almost daily in the past week from the way she touches me after I pleasure her with my tongue.

[FF] My (26f) girlfriend (33f) has been giving me the kind of sex that generates insane, nonsensical dirty talk

Me and my gf have a semi-BDSM sexual dynamic that we do occasionally for sex. For the last few weeks we’ve been basically insatiable as we have been exploring a new kink of hers and sort of left the BDSM dynamic out of that kink. It has been lovely and we’ve barely been able to keep our hands off of each other. I’ll write more of those stories later!

The last few days we’ve started mixing our BDSM dynamic with her new kink and it makes her unbelievably horny – which means she is extremely motivated to elicit responses from me that would take a while. As such, some of my limits have been tested and we have discovered some completely unique noises and things that I say when i’m getting pushed over an edge. (I’ve got a new fun voice recording for my own purposes from today).

[FF] My (26f) gf (33f) made me moan so loud I think my neighbors think I’m possessed

Ok, so, obligatory backstory: We live in some shockingly affordable housing near my graduate program in a large apartment complex filled with students. Me and my GF are well known in the area because apart from being tall (she’s 5’11 I’m 5’10, people call us “Fruit by the Foot”) I am some sort of dog magnet, and there’s a vet school nearby that houses a lot of students here too. The housing is sturdy – I had a neighbor with 3 kids and could only hear them when the baby was crying in the parent’s bedroom, and their baby was SO chill so basically never. I’ve checked with my neighbors and none of them can hear me, which is fine because I watch movies and TV shows I hate ALL the time specifically to bitch about how much I hate them and can be a little noisy (Can y’all BELIEVE they made Zach a serial killer apprentice in Bones? I lost my goddamn mind, that is such bad writing I get heated just thinking about how dumb it was). Also, I’m not quiet during sex, and since me and my GF have an active sex life I’m happy to know I can be a little noisy about it and not disturb people.

[FF] I (26f) got fucked in a sundress until I squirted


>!I was raised in an early American sex-cult gone corporate (Mormonism) and as a result I was never allowed to dress how I wanted when I was a kid. All the other girls were wearing sundresses and short shorts and I was walking around in jeans and crewneck t-shirts to “not tempt the boys” or whatever. Best case scenario, I could wear knee-length shorts, but since I am a woman and not a 75 year old man fishing in Florida I opted to not do this. Not to say I’m bitter, but fuck me I’d have killed to wear cooler clothes. I’m from AZ originally, and wearing MoDeSt AnD pUrE cLoThInG really was just an invitation to heat stroke. After I left the church, I still had a lot of hangups around wearing revealing clothes. They teach that it’s not just revealing, but that it’s immoral, a sin, and they really really push it into you. !<

[FF] I (26f) can’t seem to be quiet during sex without some help from my gf (33f)

This weekend was a small pride festival being put on by a local RP group, and me and my gf decided that as big ol’ lesbians we might saunter on down to check it out. Seeing as my parents house is closer to the event than our apartment, and seeing as my grandpa’s 80th birthday was this weekend at my parent’s place, we opted to visit them this weekend. Recently, with how insanely busy both of our lives have gotten (we’re both at the end of our semester in social science-related studies so we’ve respectively written about 100 pages over the last 3 weeks), our sex life has become more vanilla. We still have sex often enough to meet both of our needs, but it’s time-consuming to tie me up or edge me or punish me for being bratty, and it’s also time consuming to wind her up enough to make her want to punish me. Also, the sex we’ve had recently, while great, has been very personal, as we’ve been working through some trauma together and it’s been healing in a way I wouldn’t want to share.
HOWEVER, yesterday was wild. My parents are great, my extended family is…iffy. Idk why I don’t relate to them as much anymore, but I suspect it’s because they’re all Mormon and have a hard time talking to my gay ass and knowing what to say. My lovely gf became overwhelmed, too, at the number of them. We had over 40 people in the house last night, and all of them are loud. She quickly retreated to the bedroom to play with our cat. I put forth a valiant effort to stay engaged with my large family but eventually, I, too, retreated. I made two brief forays into the kitchen for snacks, and then we spent the rest of the night just cuddling. I took an edible just as the party was winding down so I was feeling nice. We started watching a dumb YouTube show on how Disneyland has fucked up some rides over the years and ended up kissing a lot. She said she appreciated that I stayed with her all night. I told her I wouldn’t have been anywhere else in a house packed with Mormons. Then she clarified that she appreciated that I stayed with her. Oh. Kissing happens, and suddenly she’s on top of me.
So, fun fact about my gf is that she has a l o n g tongue. Like. I’d hazard an inch, maybe two inches longer than mine. She also has FULL control over it, and she has worked that tongue out. It does not get tired. She started by sucking on my breasts, then quickly switched to pinning my hands above my head, biting and kissing my neck, and gently massaging my clit with her free hand. I was high, so things felt a lot more potent. I also found myself easily distracted and less inhibited, and about halfway through her massaging of my clit I realized I had started to moan in my parents house. Audibly. Less than 20 feet away from my sister’s room. My parents house is big, I didn’t think my parents had heard me, but my baby sister (she’s an adult, she’s just way shorter than me lol) hearing me in the throws of pleasure was a bit alarming. I try to be discreet with my fucking, and I was definitely not being discreet just then. I was going to ask my GF to slow down a little to I could get my head straight, but I think she saw the look on my face as I caught myself midmoan and came up with a different solution – cover my mouth. She unpinned my hands, moved one over my mouth, and changed tactics, moving from biting and kissing my neck to licking and sucking on my breasts while her fingers continued to gently massage my clit. After several minutes of this, however, I couldn’t hold it in, and a moan slipped out. She stopped right there, looked at me, and asked if I could be quiet on my own. I shook my head. She rolled her eyes, kissed my forehead, and whispered that she knew I could do it. She moved her head down to my clit and uttered one last “I know you can, you’re a good girl”
I *thrive* on praise, so this got me through the first few minutes of her tongue massaging my clit, but it was getting more sensitive and she was getting more and more into her rhythm – I couldn’t last forever. Again, I was at the point of telling her I needed a break, because I’m a good girl and I’d rather forgo pleasure than break a rule from my Goddess, but as soon as she heard “Please, I can’t-” she clamped her own hand over my mouth, hard, and kept going, harder and harder, more and more methodical, until I felt like I was going to burst. In the last 60 seconds before orgasm she pulled her hand off of my mouth and told me to whisper if I needed to make noise. I spent the next 60 seconds with one hand in her hair pushing her face into me and whispering “yes” over and over again, until she felt my body start to tense. She sat upright, rubbing my clit with her fingers and watching my face as I let out a few brief squeaks and censored moans and then finally went limp. She pressed herself close to me to cuddle me while I recovered, and as I whispered “Thank you” she just shook her head and said, “No, thank you for being so good tonight, and for taking care of me during the party.”
We spent the rest of the night cuddling naked in bed, and in the morning nobody made weird faces at us, so I guess nobody heard me during the first few minutes of sex. Overall, it was a great night, and today was a great day.