Cabin cuddles 23[M] back then. [MF]

This story took place in the summer before I started college (I took a few years off after high school)

This summer I was working in a remote park with a bunch of similar aged people. My roommate Geoff and I were living in a staff accommodation about 30 minutes away from where Christie, Crystal and Chloe lived. (These three gals were thick as thieves and had decided that they wanted to push two beds in the one assigned room together and sleep there all together through the summer)

One night we were invited down for some drinking, smoking and scary movie watching. Part way through the movie Chloe let us all know that she was headed to bed, and asked if anyone was joining (I think she wasn’t huge on the horror film). I wanted to join her badly! But I had a girlfriend at the time.

Finally the movie ended and Geoff and I started pulling out our sleeping gear. When Christie suggested that we both just climb into their bed. At which we obliged. I’m not sure where Crystal was this night but she was not in the bed.. Geoff laid next to Christie.. I can’t confirm if anything happened between them.

I [19M] then, gave a [18F]co worker a ride home… on my girlfriend’s birthday.[MF]

It was the night of my girlfriend at the time’s birthday party. I was working a part time retail gig after school, and had become quite flirty over time with another one of the associates.

On this night my co worker Jane asked me for a ride home, which I was happy to provide. Over the 20 minutes drive we listened to some music, chatted, and flirted some. When I pulled in front of her house we talked for a few minutes before she hopped out, thanking me for the ride. I got around the corner when I noticed that she had left her wallet on the seat.

I rounded the block, pulled out up front again and gave her a call. She came back out, got in the truck and told me to drive. She drove me to a park parking lot with a nice view of the city. She told me to park. We chatted for a few minutes before she grabbed my face and started kissing me. I kissed her back, my hands find their way to her top, pulling her tits out. Cars passed on the road behind us.

29[M] (now) my cum covered kink (first blowjob)

This story took place some 13 years ago…

My parents were out of town for a week or two and my brother was charged with looking after me. Being in high school I was pretty well equipped to take care of myself, so my brother spent the night at his place a few blocks away.

I had met this gal a year earlier on a social media platform. It turned out she lived in a neighbouring community and was going to the same high school.

We had met up and made out a few times prior to this, so there was a bit of chemistry. One night we were texting and flirting and I suggested that she should come over. She did, I rode my bike and met her about half way and we walked back to my parents place.
Down in the basement we put on a movie and very quickly proceeded to stop paying attention.

After some time she was on my lap with her boobs out and she said we should go to my room.

Once there she pulled my cock out and gave me perhaps the driest, hand / blow job ever. (I’m thinking now it was her first also).