Taken by the Fair Conquerors — Part 3 [MF] [NC] [Impreg] [Bathing] [Raceplay] [WMAF]

I felt relief and relaxation flood into my bones as I slipped into the steaming-hot water. It felt so nice to have a luxury like this after being held in captivity for two days. It was also the first moment of privacy I had had since the Westerners took over the village. Yesterday they split the women up from one house into several, with a half-dozen or so in each, but still I had almost no time to myself, except when I slept.

The number of women in the houses had dwindled over time. I wasn’t sure why until I saw Fushen walking through the street with one of them, their arms interlocked. I had looked closely and had seen that it was the same man who had carried her away the first night we were here. She seemed unharmed, from what I could tell. The expression she wore wasn’t that of fear or terror—the look on her face was that of contenfulness—and I found that haunting. She had to be sleeping with him, but was it wholly willing, or did she do it just to avoid harsh punishment? Was that what would befall all of us? I had so many questions to ask her, but I wasn’t allowed to move freely, and I doubt she was either.

Thoroughly Fucked and Made a Vessel in my Own Home by a Stalker [FM] [NC] [Anal] [Rough]

I felt exhaustion in my bones as I fiddled with the keys to my apartment door. The day and night had taken a lot out of me. The company I worked for had held a conference which I, being high up in the sales department, was required to attend. The occasion was marked by the recent acquisition of a rival company, and so there were many new faces I hadn’t seen before. I liked meeting new people, but I could only make so many sincere introductions in one day before my eyes began to gloss over. It wasn’t like I could treat them rudely, or even wanted to, so I just made the necessary greetings and moved on, forgetting the short conversations soon after.

Then after the conference I was invited to hit the town. If the one inviting me hadn’t been the sales director, I probably would’ve politely declined the invitation and been back here at my home hours ago. But I couldn’t decline, and I went with them. There were a couple dozen others, a pretty big group, and I didn’t know everyone with us. We got drinks and ate and chatted about inane things. Corporate stories, bland jokes, and anecdotes of the news were commonplace. Pretty quickly I decided to tune it all out and mull over my drinks, only talking when someone expected me to. I couldn’t be the first one to retire for the night, or the second, so I waited until I saw our party had thinned considerably before taking my leave. And that was much later than I wished.

Taken by the Fair Conquerors — Part 2 [MF] [NC] [Impreg] [Raceplay] [Fantasy]

Later that night I lay nestled in my parents’ bed with him. The carousing outside had died down, and the loudest thing I heard was his restful breath, the slow rising and falling behind me as he softly blew against the top of my head. Through the window the night clouds parted, allowing the moon to cast silvery rays into the room. They wonderfully lit the thick pale arm he had lain over my breasts.

My eyes were so heavy, but I found sleep elusive. I felt torn inside. I could try to slip out of bed and escape in the darkness. I knew my way through the village, all the narrow alleyways I could take, but something held me. I was afraid to go because I didn’t know what they would do to me if they caught me. Would they treat me worse? Or kill me? I seemed safe here, safe in my captors arms.

My gaze flicked to his swords which he had lain on the table nearby. Even if he awoke I would have had the time to unsheathe one of them and stab him, if only I could slip out of his arms. But again, if they caught me after murdering one of their own . . .

Taken by the Fair Conquerors [MF] [NC] [Impreg] [Raceplay] [Fantasy]

Night had fallen, and there I sat, silently huddled in a corner of the house with the other women. They had captured many it seemed. A chill was coming on, a remnant of the waning winter, but I didn’t care. My eyes were so, so heavy. It felt like I had cried all the tears already, and I couldn’t muster the will to shed any more of them. I couldn’t muster the will to do anything. I just sat there, wallowing, my head and eyes downcast.

I heard the cheers and joyous words coming from outside, all from the savages. They had made camp in my village, and took me back there. They had built great fires in the streets, using pieces of the houses as firewood, and around them they drank and danced, boasting and laughing. Not that I could understand their language, but it was clear to anyone that that was the kind of chatter they were making just by the tone of their voices. It was making me sick that these men could derive so much joy from senseless murder and destruction. I tried to tune it out.